Brazil’s economic growth and fiscal outlook this year are shaping up to be worse than official government forecasts, making a return to austerity and reforms next year all the more pressing, Treasury Secretary Mansueto Almeida said Read full article
According to latest official US Treasury TIC data tracks Major foreign holders of US Treasury securites, during the period from end of August 2019 through end of April 2020, Brazil holders sold off $53.9 billion in US Treasury securities, which at a rate of (more or less) 5.20 reais to one US dollar equals 280 billion reais. Here is the link
Brazil Central Bank in its “notes” website is on the record for defending its currency. But there has been little MSM and social media chatter on this theme. Brazil used to be the #3 holder of US Treasury securities, now it has fallen to 6th place.
Hi Chicureo,
I am not an economist. Not certain whether the currency value is at “the strong position it's holding at” though it may be “holding” within the perameters of certain model ranges, developed by official government, banks, money funds, rogue speculators who arbitrage, do overnight money, etc. Bremner has someone quite good who follows Brazil and was just talking about the Real at a CEBRI webinar. Also Arko Advice may offer some perspectives as to strategy, tactics. Since the “crisis” has taken on some elements similar to the Watergate drama, I would categorize what we are seeing as a “non-devaluation devaluation.” Boa sorte!
***“ I farm in Chile”***..., you humbly inform Mr. Ehrmann...
Pretty unassuming for one producing those tasty Tesco Ready To Eat Extra Large Avocados... ;-)
1. I send delicious and heathy grapes to Tesco UK.
2. My highly nutritious and quality Hass avocados go to the USA.
3. I'm always intensely follow my favorite Argentine economic analista:
Jack Bauer Proof less, Truth less, & Psychological Transferee
“JB : “Do you stand by your LIE ?“ You certainly do Ollie as the link you provided is completely bogus.
”my post “the military option was better than the communist one” a lie ? it's an opinion“.
Theres no factual basis for your claim, in fact the only evidence is to the contrary; so it must be a lie.
”Inconveniently, the US can point to nothing even remotely threatening done by the Brazilian Communist Party, and early in 1964, Russian leader Khrushchev refuses even token financial aid to Goulart, not wishing to tangle with the US over the country. ” Brazil Herald, 3/6/64
Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
“...refer to his proper name ..”
Aha, I see the Fuck-Up Fairy has visited us again!
If you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.
Don't feel bad. A lot of people have no talent!
“He had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more.” P.G. Wodehouse
Pugol-H the Great and Mighty Mercopress Ingratiator, You are certain death to the disrespectful, and destroyer of all mendacious creatures.
Terry Hill with his documented Ontario Canada Crown Court sexual offender criminal record, has always had an unhealthy anal fixation — but It took a great and mighty Ingratiator to expose Terry's own dedicated website!
We know now that Terence, Sméagol and Gollum were only nick names and we should refer to his proper name: “TERRY FUCKWITT” from now on.
Meanwhile, when you finally get tired of re-watching my favorite Argentine economista (I haven't) I suggest you give a listen to Mr. Chris McGlade, who recites his 2018 poem “The Right To Hate”, from his hometown in the north of England. A working man’s view of left-wing intolerance and globalists.
Even Terry Fuckwitt perhaps can learn something...
Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
“With his documented Ontario Canada Crown Court” If that was true then what you are doing wouldn't be libel would it. You would able to provide evidence, no proof, no truth.
That insult's older than your Mom's last orgasm
This is no battle of wits between you and me. I never pick on an unarmed man.
You have delusions of adequacy. (Walter Kerr)
What ever you are lacking in intelligence, you more than make up for in stupidity.
To quote someone far more deserves more respect and describes you accurately as: ”Proof less, Truth less, Clueless, Gormless”
Although I think Gollum seems perfect for a nasty creature that dwells in his mother's basement — TERRY FUCKWITT truly captures the Marxist useless idiot you truly are:
https ://
Jack Bauer Proof less, Truth less, & Psychological Transferee
“You admit you passed on a LIE....that makes it yours.” Not at all as the journalist can say the error was the result of misinformation from the army.
Whereas you perpetuate the following lie.
50 Jack Bauer; “Military taking over again, ….. they did it to prevent Brazil from being handed over to the communists. ... the Military , I hope, would be there again to save Brazil.
Whereas the truth really is.
“Inconveniently, the US can point to nothing even remotely threatening done by the Brazilian Communist Party, and early in 1964, Russian leader Khrushchev refuses even token financial aid to Goulart, not wishing to tangle with the US over the country. ” Brazil Herald, 3/6/64
“There’s usually a basket next to the toilet to put paper in” are based on what ? the report of some unknown tourist guide,
Hmm, a professional writer or your unqualified critique of her work, well that's not hard to answer.
”We are one of the most visited Brazilian media channels that publish content in English with more than 50 000 monthly readers. Our simple plain English style of writing does not only appeal to foreign businesses, but a larger audience of Brazilian users keep returning to The Brazil Business to understand their own country.
“And, as for having served in the RAF”
Oh what shame I get to show again what a lying bag of shite you really are. https ://
Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
“To quote someone”
Are the babbling drunk is back. Yeah right about this time you're in your usual stupor.
TERRY F*CKWITT, “Proof less, Truth less, Clueless, Gormless” and now true identity REVEALED.
Excuse me, where did, the most Honourable and Courteous, JB, the Proof, Truth, & Psychological Superior to Terry F*uckwitt. Say anything on this thread?????
And you talk about Psychological Transference, the Gentleman isn’t even here.
Once again you repeat your obfuscations and evasions, Ad tedium Ad nauseam.
Who was it said “no proof, no truth”?
Evidence presented of military service – Still None.
Evidence presented of anything else claimed by TFW – Still None.
How about you try being nice to people, not attack them, live and let live, it’s better than being crucified time after time. Even Our Lord only had to resurrect himself once.
Give it up Tel, while you still can.
“For the moving hand still writes upon the wall, and can write further, whereupon there shall be much wailing and gnashing of teeth, and not for all thy wit nor piety, shall alter one iota of it.”
Even your “weapons grade obliviousness” (DT) cannot help you now.
Er hum, “This is no battle of wits between you and me. I never pick on an unarmed man.”
Nobody minds being quoted, quite flattering really, however you forgot to properly attribute it: Pugol-H, Ingratiator General, describing Terry F*ckwitt.
The success of my AI sockpuppet “Terence Hill” --surpasses my wildest expectations...!
Not only does IT make them Anglo Turnips waste a lot of their lifetime they'll never get back..., but also IT makes them break every single MercoPress' comment rule as...:
***”.... rude or foul language, discriminative comments (based on ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality, sexual orientation or the sort), spamming or any other offensive or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated...”*** except..., of course..., that them monolingual Anglos do comment in Engrish... :-)))
I THINK I'll soon create another AI sockpuppet...
I''ll call IT “Bud Spencer”...
Chuckle..., chuckle...
NICE TRY, but even the wizened auspex of Chabut could invent such a ridiculous fuckwitt turnip. Glad to see you've had a dram or two of single malt.
Pugol-H Great Ingratiator and Enlightened Oracle of Mercopress. You are certain death and destruction to the disrespectful disgusting mendacious Terry-Fuckwitt. (Imposters beware.)
As you earlier predicted, the Ministerio de Salud has officially advised me that I do not have COVID-19.
The antibody test análisis will take at least another week or two, but the doctor told me that based on the test results and his previous experience with similar cases — I probably was infected earlier with no symptoms. After confiding to some intimate questions, Madame has been probably infected as well.
It's way to early, but if we can donate blood serum in the future to help others, we will.
Meanwhile, we've had plenty of rain falling here and lots of new snow in the Andes. My house arrest has been lifted and I should achieve obtaining my “super salvoconducto” documents tomorrow.
We'll also see the farmhouse bathrooms fully installed, which is exciting. The kitchen however is probably another month before finishing.
As I mentioned many times before, one of Madame's Lycée Français best friends produces gourmet goat cheeses. This weekend we received a shipment that included a new variety she's making: Cabécou
The Pyrénées style of cheese is made wrapped in chestnut leaves and left to mature, then the cheese is dipped in Pisco and sprinkled with black pepper. After about 10 to 15 days a blue mold develops on its thin rind and the flavor is far superior to any camembert.
Tonights's dîner is simply a pear sourdough galette with Cabécou and Madame's favorite Casas del Bosque Voginer.
Only a momio pituco that Thinks that the Armed Farces of his Countrymen torturing and murdering unarmed civilians for their political and social convictions constituted a “Civil War” could have the revolting Chutzpah of deeming a freaking No-Name Shilean goat cheese flavor as “far superior to any Camembert”...
Thank you for giving me a chance to correct a typographical error in my previous statement — which should have been: “...but NOT even the auspex of Chabut could invent...”
My humble opinion is that when a large percentage of a country's citizens turns against each other in extreme violence — the result is an unfortunate civil war.
You Señor THINK, already know that a large percentage of my country's population was demanding the military overthrow of the Unidad Popular in 1973. The angry housewives were in the streets banging pots and pans because of the food shortages and birdseed was thrown at the feet of generals because they were considered “chickens”...
It was the truck drivers calling a wildcat strike that nearly paralyzed my country which was probably one of the final straws... You know that, so don't play games.
I also know, you've already somehow figured out who I am, and therefore clearly know (by the grace of God), that I was not involved in the atrocities...
Speaking of which...
When Argentine pregnant women were imprisoned until their babies were born and given away to strangers — while the postpartum mothers were brutally murdered and the bodies thrown from helicopters into el Mar Argentino...
...well let's just say that there are levels of unforgivable brutality, and even today many of your own youth remain oblivious of the over 30,000 of your “disappeared” NOR the fact that the invasion of the Falklands was just a psychological ploy of your government to distract your countrymen away from the gross economic mismanagement of your nations incredible wealth. Why is that?
Returning to serious matters, on the whole, I sometimes grow tired at times of Madam's charitable efforts to support a school friend in keeping her struggling specialty gourmet business solvent, but I also greatly covet my sleeping well as my uncut throat.
Hérétique you accuse, yet you've probably never tried a Cabécou...
Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
Already done that, and it is completely fraudulent of you to raise an aspect that has already been answered.
JB “PROVE IT...Mar 16th, 2018 - 07:51 pm -
TH ”Within sixteen minutes of Truthless’s assertion I had furnished the information“. Mar 16th, 2018 - 11:40 pm
Countermeasures and reconnaissance roles
TH ”I was trained in airborne communications and navigation equipment. Was seconded to squadron 18 at RAF Finningley to work with ECM ( Electronic Counter Measures)“ Mar 16th, 2018 - 10:35 pm
TH ”Is in thumbnail with my name, date and RAF squadron 18(March, 1963) . Mar 17th, 2018 - 01:34 am
TH “Anyone can see your albums by going to: https ://” Mar 17th, 2018 - 03:44 pm
DT “But the picture is .. there” Mar 17th, 2018 - 04:15 pm
Per the highly regarded and longtime wizened auspex, THINK himself has confessed earlier on this thread that you —Terry Fuckwitt are nothing more than a sockpuppet he created as ”Terence Hill” and therefore why don't you just Fuckwitt off...
Anglo Turnips are too smart to fall for THINK's sock puppet ruse again... crawl to the darkest corner of your mother's basement and die... You don't exist!
By the way, ANYONE falsely claiming stolen valor by serving in the RAF airborne communications in 1963 is not only delusional to think we'd believe him, but is in fact
is committing a punishable crime.
But, then again I'm just addressing a Fuckwitt sock-puppet...
(Another reason I admire THINK is because of his truthful candor...)
Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
Aha another blotto stumbler opining.
“ANYONE falsely claiming .. valor by serving in the RAF”
Hmm I can produce the factual time line time of the start of the issue. Whereas, you are simply opining no proof, no truth.
“An assertion is a statement offered as a conclusion without supporting evidence. since an argument is defined as a logical relationship between premise and conclusion, a simple assertion is not an argument.”
Ignoring the Burden of Proof http ://
“Constipation blocking your intestines will be free consuming Avocados”
That can't possibly be true as you're still full of shit.
Save your breath, you'll need it to blow up your date
You have an inferiority complex and it is fully justified.
I admire you because I've never had the courage it takes to be a liar, a thief, and a cheat.
Someone said that you are not fit to sleep with pigs. I stuck up for the pigs.
If I wanted to hear from an asshole, I'd fart.
To quote someone far more deserves more respect and describes you accurately as: ”Proof less, Truth less, Clueless, Gormless”
Although I thought “Gollum” was for a nasty creature that dwells in his mother's basement — TERRY FUCKWITT truly captures the Marxist useless sockpuppet idiot you truly are:
Dam you Pugol, all the evidence ever need posted up for all to see.
Ilium, Nunc abyssi in excrement.
I can’t help using dog latin, I was always told, Ad tedium Ad nauseam, but, but, but I was right and they were all wrong, black is white and they had no proof otherwise.
My rumoured convictions/questionable past was all a terrible mistake, I wasn’t “hanging around”, I was checking the sidewalk for cracks and so what if I had a bag of sweets in my hand.
And my alleged deviant behaviour/fetishes was not my fault, I didn’t know I was supposed file my teeth flat before biting the Precious, oh it was terrible as he flew out of the window.
My only friend is Stink the Patagonian Squatter, he tried to cheer me up, he said “there, there little sock puppet, Illegitimi non carborundum, mentula caput” with his hand up my arse.
Oh wail, wail woe is me, woe betides, Gnash, Gnash.
You know I have an empathy for Terence Hill 'coming out of the closet' with his honest candor and redesigned avitar.
Even his Wikipedia biography entry gives a new depth to the sockpuppet's true personality:
QUOTE: Fuckwitt's regrettable flaw is that he continuously mistakes situations, objects and people for things they are not. He is cross-eyed and has wirey black hair in a style resembling dreadlocks, and wears outdated 70s platform shoes. Due to the swearword in his name, the comic never prints it in its entirety on the front page, often obscuring it with another graphic element, or else spoonerising it to “Wuckfitt”. He lives with his parents, both of whom despair at his stupidity, and often make unsuccessful attempts to get rid of him. In one strip he responds to an employment advert that states, “Cunt Wanted”. Upon realising that he has done something stupid, Terrence usually exclaims, correctly, that he has “shit for brains”.
I'm so impressed with Terence Hill's new found honesty!
Estimado THINK
TERRY FUCKWITT is truly your greatest sock-puppet ever!
Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
Aha another piss pot stumbler only opining.
“creature that dwells in his mother's basement” Thanks for your revealing thoughts.
You just take care of fostering that close relationship with your mother, instead of attempting to project those feelings onto others.
”Psychological projection is a defence mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.
“Your perceptions of others reveal so much about your own personality,” says study researcher Dustin Wood, PhD, an assistant professor of psychology at Wake Forest University. ...
On the other hand, your words could reveal negative perceptions of others that are linked to narcissism, antisocial behavior, and even neuroticism, says the research team, which also includes Peter Harms, PhD, of the University of Nebraska, and Simine Vazire, PhD, of Washington University in St. Louis.
Their study is published in the July issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
https ://
Yesterday, I learned that 57,000 vehicles departed Santiago with legal permits.
Today’s morning fun entertainment was watching Madame modeling in her new all black Bogner Mila stretch ski suit that just came back after alterations.
As promised, our entire gypsy tribe will be gathered together this weekend at Valle Nevado, and despite the resort officially closed — weather permitting, we'll have some of the grandchildren on a gentile slope teaching them how to snowplow. (By connections, we have resident foto IDs for everyone.)
Madame is thawing a leg of Patagonian springlamb that she plans to roast le gigot d'Agneau there Friday. (The ski pantry was earlier entirely stocked and only needs fresh produce — but we're taking even more treats.)
Madame and our youngest did an earlier trial run and learned to use the appliances of the Poggenpohl küchen unit we seized advantage, as the German company is now sadly bankrupt. Induction cooking in the mountains is completely necessary and allows high temperature with instantaneous changes in heat settings. (Traditional cooking tops are inefficient — with gas being worthless to properly heat with.)
During last month's stay, they learned the mastery of baking at 3,000m which requires several adjustments — as fresh bread is a serious subject in our clan, with our witches' language peppered with barm, poolish and couche, as well the secret adjustments ideal for high altitudes.
I’m especially excited as I've never seen the mountain encampment in person — although know almost each square meter almost by memory. Madame and I used an architectural software program (AutoCAD) to redesign the interior which we highly recommend as well as was easy to learn — and free!
Tomorrow, we'll be at the farmhouse for the bathroom installations. Madame and I will be in our new encampment Thursday.
Life is moving rapidly and really developing extremely well for our family and I'm sincerely thankful.
Thanks for calling my attention to TerryF*ckwitt's insanity (on “VZ expels EU ambassador”)...
Not really surprising was just a matter of time before he'd have a mental lapse and admit he is a LIAR and a FAKE.
But he's already back to his usual self, spouting his 'excrementus Latinus', his unnecessary definitions, and sucking up to the opinions of others.....because he doesn't have any of his own..
Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
Thanks for calling my attention to your hostility, it is way behind incredulity at your chutzpah after being exposed so many times on so many issues as a chronic liar. But, what has been accomplished on this site is that you have been revealed in all your glory. Go on tell us how you’re not a fascist, or how o saco de merda doesn’t exist, or that the coup was executed to head-off a planned communist uprising. I think distain is what comes to forefront because of the obvious lack respect you have for your fellow posters intelligence. The only parties that appreciate you, are the facists, and their supporters that share your remarkable lack of ethics.
More than welcome Compadre, Viz always had wonderful characters and in the case of TERRY F*CKWITT (AKA TolBot) it just had to be him, a cartoon strip come to life.
And now posting here, as himself, doesn’t get any better.
““Who knows? It could increase your intelligence all the way up to the level of “Thick C*nt”.”
From 'thick as pigshit' to 'thick c*nt' they say “while there's life, there's hope”.....
But while we are on the subject of Terry F*ckwitt, would like to go back to (only) one of his (many) blatant errors (which he still refuses to admit to) and the sequence of feeble excuses...(see 17th post from the top).
ME: “You admit you passed on a LIE....that makes it yours.”
TFW : ”Not at all as the journalist can say the error was the result of misinformation from the army.”
It refers to TFW's initial comments (abt 18 months ago ?) that Gen. Mourão had served under Gen. Heleno, in Haiti - which is incorrect......I told him he had misunderstood the Portuguese (as usual).
I sent him proof of Mourão's military career, straight from the official site of the Brazilian Army (where obviouslty there is no mention of Haiti)......but TFW kept on insisting.....the simple truth is he misunderstood Gen.Heleno words of congratulation to Mourão (posted on FB, regarding the 2018 election), then decided to blame the journalist, saying he had got it all wrong.....but the journalist had published Gen. Heleno's post “ipsis literis”, so, TFW's attempt to “transfer” the blame to the Army and/or the journalist, i.e., “Not at all as the journalist can say the error was the result of misinformation from the army” won't work, and is more pure unadulterated TerryF*kwitt shit.
The Army misinformed no one, neither does the journalist need to blame the Army...
Just more proof of TFW trying to blame someone else for his f*ck ups.
Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
“The simple truth is he misunderstood Gen.Heleno words of congratulation to Mourão”. That is a blatant lie, the simple truth is the following, not the false narrative you are attempting to fob off.
“Mourão, together with General Augusto Heleno, were Brazil’s top military commanders in its disastrous intervention in Haiti. According to international observers and human rights organizations, they are responsible for massacring dozens of civilians in the slums of Port au Prince in 2006. Now, they stand close to the highest political office in Brazil.
Bolsonaro’s Most Dangerous Supporters by Aldo Cordeiro/Sauda Benjamin Fogel”
Now you admit you claimed that Mourão served in Haiti, under Gen. Heleno.....make up your mind, you f*ckwitt !
The fact you base yourself on a report by that Jacobin leftist rag, is amazing, but quite normal considering your irrational desire to believe what you want......the simple fact is that Mourão only set foot in Haiti once, during a 5 day visit (17-21 March, not sure what year, but while Heleno was commmander) of a military delegation led by Gen. Araken de Almeida (and Hamiliton Mourão).
He never served in Haiti, as commander or in any other capacity.
If you have the courage to look for the truth, and discover you have been lying all this time, go straight to the only reliable source on his career - the official site of the Brazilian Army. The rest is bs.
But you want more proof that YOU crapped out the potty ? (the origin of your lamentable mistake...)
Just go back to Gen. Heleno's FB post, then consult the journalist's transcrpit of the post (OESP) it is :
”Meu apoio irrestrito ao meu amigo de longa data e respeitado chefe militar (Mourão)”, (Augusto Heleno, on Facebook / OESP 20 sept 2017)“
Free-translation :”My unrestricted support to my long time friend and, a respected military commander (or chief)”
Clear as crystal that you don't understand one iota of Portuguese....and always blame someone else.....typical of a communist piece of shite
No use Terry F*ckwitt, you ain't going to wiggle your way out of this.....the more you try, the more you sink deeper into your own shite.
Truth is..., that “AI” being still in its infancy..., my “Terence Hill” sockpuppet does struggle with some severe cognitive challenges..., but....
I ask any human reading this...:
Can anyone SINK DEEPER INTO ITS OWN SHITE than going on record in here..., trying to explaining away and elucidating us others about the convenience of assassinating the street children of Brasil...?
And that..., not even for food or sexual pleasure ..., but just to keep his Richy Rich Southamerican WASP privileges....
Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
“Now you admit you claimed that Mourão served in Haiti.” No I don't, as if you focus on my post, it is enclosed
in quotation marks; with the appropriate citation URL(So don't shoot the messenger). In which the authors of this article state, that their sources are “Mourão, together with General Augusto Heleno, were Brazil’s top military commanders in its disastrous intervention in Haiti. According to international observers and human rights organizations, they are responsible for massacring dozens of civilians in the slums of Port au Prince in 2006.” You have problem with the writers, take it up with them. To me the most telling, is the fact that Brazil spirited Heleno out of Haiti. When it looked Heleno would be charged with a crime by the UN. There was suggestion at the time that it was a warm up for assaults on the favelas.
So I can assume by your failure to deny that. You’re not a fascist, or how o saco de merda doesn’t exist, or that the coup was executed to head-off a planned communist uprising. I think disdain is what comes to forefront because of the obvious lack respect you have for your fellow posters intelligence. The only parties that appreciate you, are the facists, and their supporters that share your remarkable lack of ethics.
“my “Terence Hill” sockpuppet does struggle with some severe cognitive challenges”
Well, well, 'who'd a thunk it' ? Stink the Chimp selling his sockpuppet down the river..
And since there's nothing new happening down in Chubut, let's focus on your obssession - besides the whisky bottle, that is..
“Can anyone SINK DEEPER INTO ITS OWN SHITE than going on record in here, trying to explaining away and elucidating us others about the convenience of assassinating street children of Brasil ?”
Your defence of Terry F*ckwitt by taking out of context what I said about 'them poor lil' street kids in Rio', makes you sound just like him....the similarities are remarkable, but nothing to be proud of..
If you keep a 'history' of my comments in the same perverted fashion the F*ckwitt does, please refer to them 'n make an effort, albeit hard, to try to understand the context in which they were posted...while I don't want you to lose any sleep over it - ok, I understand you can't control your comas - but I'm curious to know :- do you keep the sheep 'for food, or only for your sexual pleasure' ?
I mean, what is it with you two ? one a sheep molester, the other an abuser of inflatable dolls. Well ok...suppose being solitary can bring on such disorders...
“Richy Rich Southamerican WASP privileges....” I smell of scent of envy, mixed with sheepshit coming from down south ?
Terry F*ckwitt
So I see....your defense is now based on quotation marks, commas, citations.
The original source was Heleno's FB is what is is, 'n the OESP journalist repeated it 'ipsis literis''. The fact you didn't understand it, nor bothered to check the facts is on you...which makes you, besides a liar and fake, an unintelligent f*ckwitt..
I have no problem with the writers (the Jacobin idiots) as they are not on here, posting shite, like you, or your puppet master, Stink the Chimp. The rest, or what is 'most telling to you', is irrelevant to this discussion
Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
“Now you admit you claimed that Mourão served in Haiti” NO I DID NOT, Aldo Cordeiro/Sauda Benjamin Foge said he was also responsible. “According to international observers and human rights organizations”.
“OESP journalist” just another one of your constant meaningless deflections.
”Ipsis litteris (Portuguese) verbatim (word for word)“ Is a second meaningless deflection.
https ://
Incidentally, ”he(Mourão) was the first commander, in 2004 to 2005, of the infamous United Nations Mission for the (de)Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH).
So your silence as to your failure to deny you're a facist, or how o saco de merda doesn’t exist, or that the coup was executed to head-off a planned communist uprising. Means, “In law, the silence of a party implies his consent..” So thank you for the evasions and the acquiescence(consent).
Disclaimer & comment rulesAccording to latest official US Treasury TIC data tracks Major foreign holders of US Treasury securites, during the period from end of August 2019 through end of April 2020, Brazil holders sold off $53.9 billion in US Treasury securities, which at a rate of (more or less) 5.20 reais to one US dollar equals 280 billion reais. Here is the link
Jun 26th, 2020 - 10:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
Brazil Central Bank in its “notes” website is on the record for defending its currency. But there has been little MSM and social media chatter on this theme. Brazil used to be the #3 holder of US Treasury securities, now it has fallen to 6th place.
Jun 26th, 2020 - 03:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Do you see this as a strategy to maintain the currency value at the strong position it's holding at, or do you expect a devaluation?
Hi Chicureo,
Jun 26th, 2020 - 08:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I am not an economist. Not certain whether the currency value is at “the strong position it's holding at” though it may be “holding” within the perameters of certain model ranges, developed by official government, banks, money funds, rogue speculators who arbitrage, do overnight money, etc. Bremner has someone quite good who follows Brazil and was just talking about the Real at a CEBRI webinar. Also Arko Advice may offer some perspectives as to strategy, tactics. Since the “crisis” has taken on some elements similar to the Watergate drama, I would categorize what we are seeing as a “non-devaluation devaluation.” Boa sorte!
Jun 26th, 2020 - 11:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I'm not an economist either — I farm in Chile, but the economic health of Brazil affects my country as does Argentina.
¡Muchas Gracias!
Anybody mentioned Argentina...?
Jun 27th, 2020 - 04:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Ahhhh... Its just you..., Shicuréo...
***“ I farm in Chile”***..., you humbly inform Mr. Ehrmann...
Pretty unassuming for one producing those tasty Tesco Ready To Eat Extra Large Avocados... ;-)
Estimado THINK
Jun 27th, 2020 - 09:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 01. I send delicious and heathy grapes to Tesco UK.
2. My highly nutritious and quality Hass avocados go to the USA.
3. I'm always intensely follow my favorite Argentine economic analista:
Ii'm taking notes, captain...
Jun 27th, 2020 - 09:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0And this information will go on “Ze Lizt”... ;-)
Jun 28th, 2020 - 12:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0Jack Bauer Proof less, Truth less, & Psychological Transferee
Jun 28th, 2020 - 01:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0“JB : “Do you stand by your LIE ?“ You certainly do Ollie as the link you provided is completely bogus.
”my post “the military option was better than the communist one” a lie ? it's an opinion“.
Theres no factual basis for your claim, in fact the only evidence is to the contrary; so it must be a lie.
”Inconveniently, the US can point to nothing even remotely threatening done by the Brazilian Communist Party, and early in 1964, Russian leader Khrushchev refuses even token financial aid to Goulart, not wishing to tangle with the US over the country. ” Brazil Herald, 3/6/64
Jun 28th, 2020 - 01:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0“Proof less, Truth less, Clueless, Gormless” and now repeating him/her/whatever self, ad tedium, ad nauseam and possibly even ad infinitum.
Haven’t moved on yet then I see Tel.
Wait-Wait... Where did Jack enter this discussion?
Jun 28th, 2020 - 02:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0...when I saw this — I nearly choked on my wine...
I'm pissed! Terry Hill has his own website? I guess I'll have to stop using his nick name and refer to his proper name: “TERRY FUCKWITT”
AND I foolishly thought that my Argentine economista report, this thread would be the highlight...
His Excellency, the most high Advocator of the Avocado, Chicureo, culinary Maestro of the Andes.
Jun 28th, 2020 - 12:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Oh yes, his own website no less.
I particularly liked the line:
“Who knows? It could increase your intelligence all the way up to the level of “Thick C*nt””.
Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
Jun 28th, 2020 - 02:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0“...refer to his proper name ..”
Aha, I see the Fuck-Up Fairy has visited us again!
If you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.
Don't feel bad. A lot of people have no talent!
“He had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more.” P.G. Wodehouse
Pugol-H the Great and Mighty Mercopress Ingratiator, You are certain death to the disrespectful, and destroyer of all mendacious creatures.
Jun 28th, 2020 - 07:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Terry Hill with his documented Ontario Canada Crown Court sexual offender criminal record, has always had an unhealthy anal fixation — but It took a great and mighty Ingratiator to expose Terry's own dedicated website!
We know now that Terence, Sméagol and Gollum were only nick names and we should refer to his proper name: “TERRY FUCKWITT” from now on.
Meanwhile, when you finally get tired of re-watching my favorite Argentine economista (I haven't) I suggest you give a listen to Mr. Chris McGlade, who recites his 2018 poem “The Right To Hate”, from his hometown in the north of England. A working man’s view of left-wing intolerance and globalists.
Even Terry Fuckwitt perhaps can learn something...
Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
Jun 28th, 2020 - 09:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0“With his documented Ontario Canada Crown Court” If that was true then what you are doing wouldn't be libel would it. You would able to provide evidence, no proof, no truth.
That insult's older than your Mom's last orgasm
This is no battle of wits between you and me. I never pick on an unarmed man.
You have delusions of adequacy. (Walter Kerr)
What ever you are lacking in intelligence, you more than make up for in stupidity.
Terry Fuckwitt
Jun 29th, 2020 - 01:11 am - Link - Report abuse 0To quote someone far more deserves more respect and describes you accurately as: ”Proof less, Truth less, Clueless, Gormless”
Although I think Gollum seems perfect for a nasty creature that dwells in his mother's basement — TERRY FUCKWITT truly captures the Marxist useless idiot you truly are:
Your webpage should be shared everywhere and each time you post...
https ://
Jun 29th, 2020 - 03:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0Jack Bauer Proof less, Truth less, & Psychological Transferee
“You admit you passed on a LIE....that makes it yours.” Not at all as the journalist can say the error was the result of misinformation from the army.
Whereas you perpetuate the following lie.
50 Jack Bauer; “Military taking over again, ….. they did it to prevent Brazil from being handed over to the communists. ... the Military , I hope, would be there again to save Brazil.
Whereas the truth really is.
“Inconveniently, the US can point to nothing even remotely threatening done by the Brazilian Communist Party, and early in 1964, Russian leader Khrushchev refuses even token financial aid to Goulart, not wishing to tangle with the US over the country. ” Brazil Herald, 3/6/64
“There’s usually a basket next to the toilet to put paper in” are based on what ? the report of some unknown tourist guide,
Hmm, a professional writer or your unqualified critique of her work, well that's not hard to answer.
”We are one of the most visited Brazilian media channels that publish content in English with more than 50 000 monthly readers. Our simple plain English style of writing does not only appeal to foreign businesses, but a larger audience of Brazilian users keep returning to The Brazil Business to understand their own country.
“And, as for having served in the RAF”
Oh what shame I get to show again what a lying bag of shite you really are. https ://
Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
“To quote someone”
Are the babbling drunk is back. Yeah right about this time you're in your usual stupor.
TERRY F*CKWITT, “Proof less, Truth less, Clueless, Gormless” and now true identity REVEALED.
Jun 29th, 2020 - 04:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Excuse me, where did, the most Honourable and Courteous, JB, the Proof, Truth, & Psychological Superior to Terry F*uckwitt. Say anything on this thread?????
And you talk about Psychological Transference, the Gentleman isn’t even here.
Once again you repeat your obfuscations and evasions, Ad tedium Ad nauseam.
Who was it said “no proof, no truth”?
Evidence presented of military service – Still None.
Evidence presented of anything else claimed by TFW – Still None.
How about you try being nice to people, not attack them, live and let live, it’s better than being crucified time after time. Even Our Lord only had to resurrect himself once.
Give it up Tel, while you still can.
“For the moving hand still writes upon the wall, and can write further, whereupon there shall be much wailing and gnashing of teeth, and not for all thy wit nor piety, shall alter one iota of it.”
Even your “weapons grade obliviousness” (DT) cannot help you now.
Er hum, “This is no battle of wits between you and me. I never pick on an unarmed man.”
Nobody minds being quoted, quite flattering really, however you forgot to properly attribute it: Pugol-H, Ingratiator General, describing Terry F*ckwitt.
(Note to Meself...)
Jun 29th, 2020 - 08:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The success of my AI sockpuppet “Terence Hill” --surpasses my wildest expectations...!
Not only does IT make them Anglo Turnips waste a lot of their lifetime they'll never get back..., but also IT makes them break every single MercoPress' comment rule as...:
***”.... rude or foul language, discriminative comments (based on ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality, sexual orientation or the sort), spamming or any other offensive or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated...”*** except..., of course..., that them monolingual Anglos do comment in Engrish... :-)))
I THINK I'll soon create another AI sockpuppet...
I''ll call IT “Bud Spencer”...
Chuckle..., chuckle...
Estimado THINK
Jun 29th, 2020 - 09:15 pm - Link - Report abuse -1NICE TRY, but even the wizened auspex of Chabut could invent such a ridiculous fuckwitt turnip. Glad to see you've had a dram or two of single malt.
Pugol-H Great Ingratiator and Enlightened Oracle of Mercopress. You are certain death and destruction to the disrespectful disgusting mendacious Terry-Fuckwitt. (Imposters beware.)
As you earlier predicted, the Ministerio de Salud has officially advised me that I do not have COVID-19.
The antibody test análisis will take at least another week or two, but the doctor told me that based on the test results and his previous experience with similar cases — I probably was infected earlier with no symptoms. After confiding to some intimate questions, Madame has been probably infected as well.
It's way to early, but if we can donate blood serum in the future to help others, we will.
Meanwhile, we've had plenty of rain falling here and lots of new snow in the Andes. My house arrest has been lifted and I should achieve obtaining my “super salvoconducto” documents tomorrow.
We'll also see the farmhouse bathrooms fully installed, which is exciting. The kitchen however is probably another month before finishing.
As I mentioned many times before, one of Madame's Lycée Français best friends produces gourmet goat cheeses. This weekend we received a shipment that included a new variety she's making: Cabécou
The Pyrénées style of cheese is made wrapped in chestnut leaves and left to mature, then the cheese is dipped in Pisco and sprinkled with black pepper. After about 10 to 15 days a blue mold develops on its thin rind and the flavor is far superior to any camembert.
Tonights's dîner is simply a pear sourdough galette with Cabécou and Madame's favorite Casas del Bosque Voginer.
Only a momio pituco that Thinks that the Armed Farces of his Countrymen torturing and murdering unarmed civilians for their political and social convictions constituted a “Civil War” could have the revolting Chutzpah of deeming a freaking No-Name Shilean goat cheese flavor as “far superior to any Camembert”...
Jun 29th, 2020 - 10:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Hérétique...!
Estimado THINK
Jun 30th, 2020 - 12:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0Thank you for giving me a chance to correct a typographical error in my previous statement — which should have been: “...but NOT even the auspex of Chabut could invent...”
My humble opinion is that when a large percentage of a country's citizens turns against each other in extreme violence — the result is an unfortunate civil war.
You Señor THINK, already know that a large percentage of my country's population was demanding the military overthrow of the Unidad Popular in 1973. The angry housewives were in the streets banging pots and pans because of the food shortages and birdseed was thrown at the feet of generals because they were considered “chickens”...
It was the truck drivers calling a wildcat strike that nearly paralyzed my country which was probably one of the final straws... You know that, so don't play games.
I also know, you've already somehow figured out who I am, and therefore clearly know (by the grace of God), that I was not involved in the atrocities...
Speaking of which...
When Argentine pregnant women were imprisoned until their babies were born and given away to strangers — while the postpartum mothers were brutally murdered and the bodies thrown from helicopters into el Mar Argentino...
...well let's just say that there are levels of unforgivable brutality, and even today many of your own youth remain oblivious of the over 30,000 of your “disappeared” NOR the fact that the invasion of the Falklands was just a psychological ploy of your government to distract your countrymen away from the gross economic mismanagement of your nations incredible wealth. Why is that?
Returning to serious matters, on the whole, I sometimes grow tired at times of Madam's charitable efforts to support a school friend in keeping her struggling specialty gourmet business solvent, but I also greatly covet my sleeping well as my uncut throat.
Hérétique you accuse, yet you've probably never tried a Cabécou...
Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
Jun 30th, 2020 - 12:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0Already done that, and it is completely fraudulent of you to raise an aspect that has already been answered.
JB “PROVE IT...Mar 16th, 2018 - 07:51 pm -
TH ”Within sixteen minutes of Truthless’s assertion I had furnished the information“. Mar 16th, 2018 - 11:40 pm
Countermeasures and reconnaissance roles
TH ”I was trained in airborne communications and navigation equipment. Was seconded to squadron 18 at RAF Finningley to work with ECM ( Electronic Counter Measures)“ Mar 16th, 2018 - 10:35 pm
TH ”Is in thumbnail with my name, date and RAF squadron 18(March, 1963) . Mar 17th, 2018 - 01:34 am
TH “Anyone can see your albums by going to: https ://” Mar 17th, 2018 - 03:44 pm
DT “But the picture is .. there” Mar 17th, 2018 - 04:15 pm
Terry Fuckwitt
Jun 30th, 2020 - 03:05 am - Link - Report abuse -1Per the highly regarded and longtime wizened auspex, THINK himself has confessed earlier on this thread that you —Terry Fuckwitt are nothing more than a sockpuppet he created as ”Terence Hill” and therefore why don't you just Fuckwitt off...
Anglo Turnips are too smart to fall for THINK's sock puppet ruse again... crawl to the darkest corner of your mother's basement and die... You don't exist!
By the way, ANYONE falsely claiming stolen valor by serving in the RAF airborne communications in 1963 is not only delusional to think we'd believe him, but is in fact
is committing a punishable crime.
But, then again I'm just addressing a Fuckwitt sock-puppet...
(Another reason I admire THINK is because of his truthful candor...)
Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
Jun 30th, 2020 - 12:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Aha another blotto stumbler opining.
“ANYONE falsely claiming .. valor by serving in the RAF”
Hmm I can produce the factual time line time of the start of the issue. Whereas, you are simply opining no proof, no truth.
“An assertion is a statement offered as a conclusion without supporting evidence. since an argument is defined as a logical relationship between premise and conclusion, a simple assertion is not an argument.”
Ignoring the Burden of Proof http ://
“Constipation blocking your intestines will be free consuming Avocados”
That can't possibly be true as you're still full of shit.
Save your breath, you'll need it to blow up your date
You have an inferiority complex and it is fully justified.
I admire you because I've never had the courage it takes to be a liar, a thief, and a cheat.
Someone said that you are not fit to sleep with pigs. I stuck up for the pigs.
If I wanted to hear from an asshole, I'd fart.
Terry Fuckwitt THINK Sockpuppet
Jun 30th, 2020 - 02:13 pm - Link - Report abuse -1To quote someone far more deserves more respect and describes you accurately as: ”Proof less, Truth less, Clueless, Gormless”
Although I thought “Gollum” was for a nasty creature that dwells in his mother's basement — TERRY FUCKWITT truly captures the Marxist useless sockpuppet idiot you truly are:
This webpage should be shared everywhere and each time you post...
The esteemed Jack Bauer has never made one single post on this news item, yet you argue and attack Jack anyway...
If you were real, I suggest you seek medical help, but THINK has already clearly stated you are only a figment of his imagination!
We humble Anglo Turnips, are too smart to fall for THINK's sock puppet ruse again... crawl to the darkest corner of your mother's basement and die... You don't exist!
Why don't you just Fuckwitt off sockpuppet ...
ARRGGHHH I have been Un-masked, deposiut, iam nusquam est celare, outed, boo ho, Garrrr, now everyone knows who I am:
Jun 30th, 2020 - 04:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
And about my web site:
I tried the treatment, they said it could raise my intellect all the way up to the level of Thick C*nt, it didn’t work, all I got was a sore arse:
And had to go and see the Arse Doctor:
Dam you Pugol, all the evidence ever need posted up for all to see.
Ilium, Nunc abyssi in excrement.
I can’t help using dog latin, I was always told, Ad tedium Ad nauseam, but, but, but I was right and they were all wrong, black is white and they had no proof otherwise.
My rumoured convictions/questionable past was all a terrible mistake, I wasn’t “hanging around”, I was checking the sidewalk for cracks and so what if I had a bag of sweets in my hand.
And my alleged deviant behaviour/fetishes was not my fault, I didn’t know I was supposed file my teeth flat before biting the Precious, oh it was terrible as he flew out of the window.
My only friend is Stink the Patagonian Squatter, he tried to cheer me up, he said “there, there little sock puppet, Illegitimi non carborundum, mentula caput” with his hand up my arse.
Oh wail, wail woe is me, woe betides, Gnash, Gnash.
Jun 30th, 2020 - 04:07 pm - Link - Report abuse -1And about my web site:
I tried the treatment, they said it could raise my intellect all the way up to the level of Thick C*nt, it didn’t work, all I got was a sore arse:
And had to go and see the Arse Doctor:
You know I have an empathy for Terence Hill 'coming out of the closet' with his honest candor and redesigned avitar.
Jun 30th, 2020 - 05:40 pm - Link - Report abuse -1Even his Wikipedia biography entry gives a new depth to the sockpuppet's true personality:
QUOTE: Fuckwitt's regrettable flaw is that he continuously mistakes situations, objects and people for things they are not. He is cross-eyed and has wirey black hair in a style resembling dreadlocks, and wears outdated 70s platform shoes. Due to the swearword in his name, the comic never prints it in its entirety on the front page, often obscuring it with another graphic element, or else spoonerising it to “Wuckfitt”. He lives with his parents, both of whom despair at his stupidity, and often make unsuccessful attempts to get rid of him. In one strip he responds to an employment advert that states, “Cunt Wanted”. Upon realising that he has done something stupid, Terrence usually exclaims, correctly, that he has “shit for brains”.
I'm so impressed with Terence Hill's new found honesty!
Estimado THINK
TERRY FUCKWITT is truly your greatest sock-puppet ever!
Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
Jun 30th, 2020 - 10:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Aha another piss pot stumbler only opining.
“creature that dwells in his mother's basement” Thanks for your revealing thoughts.
You just take care of fostering that close relationship with your mother, instead of attempting to project those feelings onto others.
”Psychological projection is a defence mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.
“Your perceptions of others reveal so much about your own personality,” says study researcher Dustin Wood, PhD, an assistant professor of psychology at Wake Forest University. ...
On the other hand, your words could reveal negative perceptions of others that are linked to narcissism, antisocial behavior, and even neuroticism, says the research team, which also includes Peter Harms, PhD, of the University of Nebraska, and Simine Vazire, PhD, of Washington University in St. Louis.
Their study is published in the July issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
https ://
Yesterday, I learned that 57,000 vehicles departed Santiago with legal permits.
Jul 01st, 2020 - 02:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Today’s morning fun entertainment was watching Madame modeling in her new all black Bogner Mila stretch ski suit that just came back after alterations.
As promised, our entire gypsy tribe will be gathered together this weekend at Valle Nevado, and despite the resort officially closed — weather permitting, we'll have some of the grandchildren on a gentile slope teaching them how to snowplow. (By connections, we have resident foto IDs for everyone.)
Madame is thawing a leg of Patagonian springlamb that she plans to roast le gigot d'Agneau there Friday. (The ski pantry was earlier entirely stocked and only needs fresh produce — but we're taking even more treats.)
Madame and our youngest did an earlier trial run and learned to use the appliances of the Poggenpohl küchen unit we seized advantage, as the German company is now sadly bankrupt. Induction cooking in the mountains is completely necessary and allows high temperature with instantaneous changes in heat settings. (Traditional cooking tops are inefficient — with gas being worthless to properly heat with.)
During last month's stay, they learned the mastery of baking at 3,000m which requires several adjustments — as fresh bread is a serious subject in our clan, with our witches' language peppered with barm, poolish and couche, as well the secret adjustments ideal for high altitudes.
I’m especially excited as I've never seen the mountain encampment in person — although know almost each square meter almost by memory. Madame and I used an architectural software program (AutoCAD) to redesign the interior which we highly recommend as well as was easy to learn — and free!
Tomorrow, we'll be at the farmhouse for the bathroom installations. Madame and I will be in our new encampment Thursday.
Life is moving rapidly and really developing extremely well for our family and I'm sincerely thankful.
I Think I told you the other day that you Shilenos have become almost identical twins of us Argies...
Jul 01st, 2020 - 08:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0***”(By connections, we have resident foto IDs for everyone.)”***
Rest my case...
Jul 02nd, 2020 - 09:34 pm - Link - Report abuse -1Thanks for calling my attention to TerryF*ckwitt's insanity (on “VZ expels EU ambassador”)...
Not really surprising was just a matter of time before he'd have a mental lapse and admit he is a LIAR and a FAKE.
But he's already back to his usual self, spouting his 'excrementus Latinus', his unnecessary definitions, and sucking up to the opinions of others.....because he doesn't have any of his own..
Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
Jul 02nd, 2020 - 10:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Thanks for calling my attention to your hostility, it is way behind incredulity at your chutzpah after being exposed so many times on so many issues as a chronic liar. But, what has been accomplished on this site is that you have been revealed in all your glory. Go on tell us how you’re not a fascist, or how o saco de merda doesn’t exist, or that the coup was executed to head-off a planned communist uprising. I think distain is what comes to forefront because of the obvious lack respect you have for your fellow posters intelligence. The only parties that appreciate you, are the facists, and their supporters that share your remarkable lack of ethics.
Jul 03rd, 2020 - 03:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0More than welcome Compadre, Viz always had wonderful characters and in the case of TERRY F*CKWITT (AKA TolBot) it just had to be him, a cartoon strip come to life.
And now posting here, as himself, doesn’t get any better.
My particular favourite is:
And the line, “Who knows? It could increase your intelligence all the way up to the level of “Thick C*nt”.
Jul 03rd, 2020 - 08:03 pm - Link - Report abuse -1““Who knows? It could increase your intelligence all the way up to the level of “Thick C*nt”.”
From 'thick as pigshit' to 'thick c*nt' they say “while there's life, there's hope”.....
But while we are on the subject of Terry F*ckwitt, would like to go back to (only) one of his (many) blatant errors (which he still refuses to admit to) and the sequence of feeble excuses...(see 17th post from the top).
ME: “You admit you passed on a LIE....that makes it yours.”
TFW : ”Not at all as the journalist can say the error was the result of misinformation from the army.”
It refers to TFW's initial comments (abt 18 months ago ?) that Gen. Mourão had served under Gen. Heleno, in Haiti - which is incorrect......I told him he had misunderstood the Portuguese (as usual).
I sent him proof of Mourão's military career, straight from the official site of the Brazilian Army (where obviouslty there is no mention of Haiti)......but TFW kept on insisting.....the simple truth is he misunderstood Gen.Heleno words of congratulation to Mourão (posted on FB, regarding the 2018 election), then decided to blame the journalist, saying he had got it all wrong.....but the journalist had published Gen. Heleno's post “ipsis literis”, so, TFW's attempt to “transfer” the blame to the Army and/or the journalist, i.e., “Not at all as the journalist can say the error was the result of misinformation from the army” won't work, and is more pure unadulterated TerryF*kwitt shit.
The Army misinformed no one, neither does the journalist need to blame the Army...
Just more proof of TFW trying to blame someone else for his f*ck ups.
Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
Jul 04th, 2020 - 12:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0“The simple truth is he misunderstood Gen.Heleno words of congratulation to Mourão”. That is a blatant lie, the simple truth is the following, not the false narrative you are attempting to fob off.
“Mourão, together with General Augusto Heleno, were Brazil’s top military commanders in its disastrous intervention in Haiti. According to international observers and human rights organizations, they are responsible for massacring dozens of civilians in the slums of Port au Prince in 2006. Now, they stand close to the highest political office in Brazil.
Bolsonaro’s Most Dangerous Supporters by Aldo Cordeiro/Sauda Benjamin Fogel”
Dear Terry F*ckwitt
Jul 04th, 2020 - 09:16 pm - Link - Report abuse -1Now you admit you claimed that Mourão served in Haiti, under Gen. Heleno.....make up your mind, you f*ckwitt !
The fact you base yourself on a report by that Jacobin leftist rag, is amazing, but quite normal considering your irrational desire to believe what you want......the simple fact is that Mourão only set foot in Haiti once, during a 5 day visit (17-21 March, not sure what year, but while Heleno was commmander) of a military delegation led by Gen. Araken de Almeida (and Hamiliton Mourão).
He never served in Haiti, as commander or in any other capacity.
If you have the courage to look for the truth, and discover you have been lying all this time, go straight to the only reliable source on his career - the official site of the Brazilian Army. The rest is bs.
But you want more proof that YOU crapped out the potty ? (the origin of your lamentable mistake...)
Just go back to Gen. Heleno's FB post, then consult the journalist's transcrpit of the post (OESP) it is :
”Meu apoio irrestrito ao meu amigo de longa data e respeitado chefe militar (Mourão)”, (Augusto Heleno, on Facebook / OESP 20 sept 2017)“
Free-translation :”My unrestricted support to my long time friend and, a respected military commander (or chief)”
Clear as crystal that you don't understand one iota of Portuguese....and always blame someone else.....typical of a communist piece of shite
No use Terry F*ckwitt, you ain't going to wiggle your way out of this.....the more you try, the more you sink deeper into your own shite.
Jul 05th, 2020 - 07:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0Truth is..., that “AI” being still in its infancy..., my “Terence Hill” sockpuppet does struggle with some severe cognitive challenges..., but....
I ask any human reading this...:
Can anyone SINK DEEPER INTO ITS OWN SHITE than going on record in here..., trying to explaining away and elucidating us others about the convenience of assassinating the street children of Brasil...?
And that..., not even for food or sexual pleasure ..., but just to keep his Richy Rich Southamerican WASP privileges....
I..., for one..., don't THINK so...
El Think...
“Southamerican WASP privileges....”
Jul 05th, 2020 - 05:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Hummmm.
Pot kettle, kettle pot.
Patagonian Planter, Pot.
Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
Jul 05th, 2020 - 06:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0“Now you admit you claimed that Mourão served in Haiti.” No I don't, as if you focus on my post, it is enclosed
in quotation marks; with the appropriate citation URL(So don't shoot the messenger). In which the authors of this article state, that their sources are “Mourão, together with General Augusto Heleno, were Brazil’s top military commanders in its disastrous intervention in Haiti. According to international observers and human rights organizations, they are responsible for massacring dozens of civilians in the slums of Port au Prince in 2006.” You have problem with the writers, take it up with them. To me the most telling, is the fact that Brazil spirited Heleno out of Haiti. When it looked Heleno would be charged with a crime by the UN. There was suggestion at the time that it was a warm up for assaults on the favelas.
So I can assume by your failure to deny that. You’re not a fascist, or how o saco de merda doesn’t exist, or that the coup was executed to head-off a planned communist uprising. I think disdain is what comes to forefront because of the obvious lack respect you have for your fellow posters intelligence. The only parties that appreciate you, are the facists, and their supporters that share your remarkable lack of ethics.
Jul 05th, 2020 - 08:50 pm - Link - Report abuse -1“my “Terence Hill” sockpuppet does struggle with some severe cognitive challenges”
Well, well, 'who'd a thunk it' ? Stink the Chimp selling his sockpuppet down the river..
And since there's nothing new happening down in Chubut, let's focus on your obssession - besides the whisky bottle, that is..
“Can anyone SINK DEEPER INTO ITS OWN SHITE than going on record in here, trying to explaining away and elucidating us others about the convenience of assassinating street children of Brasil ?”
Your defence of Terry F*ckwitt by taking out of context what I said about 'them poor lil' street kids in Rio', makes you sound just like him....the similarities are remarkable, but nothing to be proud of..
If you keep a 'history' of my comments in the same perverted fashion the F*ckwitt does, please refer to them 'n make an effort, albeit hard, to try to understand the context in which they were posted...while I don't want you to lose any sleep over it - ok, I understand you can't control your comas - but I'm curious to know :- do you keep the sheep 'for food, or only for your sexual pleasure' ?
I mean, what is it with you two ? one a sheep molester, the other an abuser of inflatable dolls. Well ok...suppose being solitary can bring on such disorders...
“Richy Rich Southamerican WASP privileges....” I smell of scent of envy, mixed with sheepshit coming from down south ?
Terry F*ckwitt
So I see....your defense is now based on quotation marks, commas, citations.
The original source was Heleno's FB is what is is, 'n the OESP journalist repeated it 'ipsis literis''. The fact you didn't understand it, nor bothered to check the facts is on you...which makes you, besides a liar and fake, an unintelligent f*ckwitt..
I have no problem with the writers (the Jacobin idiots) as they are not on here, posting shite, like you, or your puppet master, Stink the Chimp. The rest, or what is 'most telling to you', is irrelevant to this discussion
Jack Bauer aka Proof-less and Truth-less
Jul 05th, 2020 - 10:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0“Now you admit you claimed that Mourão served in Haiti” NO I DID NOT, Aldo Cordeiro/Sauda Benjamin Foge said he was also responsible. “According to international observers and human rights organizations”.
“OESP journalist” just another one of your constant meaningless deflections.
”Ipsis litteris (Portuguese) verbatim (word for word)“ Is a second meaningless deflection.
https ://
Incidentally, ”he(Mourão) was the first commander, in 2004 to 2005, of the infamous United Nations Mission for the (de)Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH).
So your silence as to your failure to deny you're a facist, or how o saco de merda doesn’t exist, or that the coup was executed to head-off a planned communist uprising. Means, “In law, the silence of a party implies his consent..” So thank you for the evasions and the acquiescence(consent).
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