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Brazilian federal police raids and arrests Bolsonaro followers for funding “anti democratic” activities

Wednesday, June 17th 2020 - 12:19 UTC
Full article 74 comments

Brazilian federal police have raided supporters of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro accused by prosecutors of funding “anti-democratic” activities. The raids follow the arrest of an affiliated far-right activist. Read full article


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  • Terence Hill

    “Supreme Court Justice Criticizes Planalto Palace for Encouraging Attacks on the Court
    Supreme Court Justice Cármen Lúcia says that attacks on the court are 'encouraged and instigated'
    The harshest speech came from Justice Celso de Mello delivered the harshest speech. He said that the surviving ”residue of strong authoritarianism“ in the Brazilian state was ”inconceivable.“
    ”It is inconceivable that the residue of strong authoritarianism still survives within the Brazilian state apparatus, which insists on proclaiming that it may disrespect, according to its own arbitrary will, judicial decisions. This speech is not the speech of a statesman committed to respecting the democratic order and submitting to the empire of the Constitution and the laws of the Republic,” said the minister.
    ... referred to the threat made by the president and his ministers that the government may eventually fail to comply with court decisions.

    Jun 18th, 2020 - 12:50 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Chicureo

    Terrance Hill highly endorses this as his favorite hamburger ever! In his testimonial thank you post for sharing: “Thanks Chicureo — you truly ARE the greatest Avocador of the Avocado! I will always insist that avocado will always be added to all my favorite meals!” ...and... “Adding healthy and delicious avocado to my diet makes me feel human again!”

    Jun 19th, 2020 - 03:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo “Although I've defended Pinochet despite his regrettable actions”

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 11:32 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Chicureo

    (From Terence Hill — sent earlier this week)

    “Dear Chicureo, I wish to apologize to everyone here for my rudeness and inhumanly behaviour. It was now in reflection due in large part, due to my unhealthy fixation of my friends inflatable play toys and eating junk food.”

    He went on in a very long diatribe about how Jack Bauer has hurt his feelings and realizes he's been in serious need of psychological professional help. He's now experienced a new change in direction fue in large part to his consumption of avocados.

    Attached here are Terry's 51 favorite avocado recipes:


    Jun 20th, 2020 - 01:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
    Someone who is that immoral that they have defended Pinochet, tells you every thing about their lack veracity you need to know.

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 02:02 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Pugol-H

    I notice he makes no attempt to deny saying that.

    Maybe your patient efforts have at last “born fruit”, yeah, you guessed it, avocados.

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 04:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Yes, it's refreshing to see he's finally become much more civilized and if you notice: not one damn quote from Cicero, General Eisenhower or a single Wikipedia reference.

    Although it's obviously clear that seeking professional psychological help resulted in marvelous results; it became clear his serious case of constipation was enormous. Thankfully, consumption of avocados produced the necessary lubricant to allow the tremendous blockage an egress.

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 05:25 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo “Although I've defended Pinochet despite his regrettable actions”
    Pugol-H the Ingratiator
    “I notice ..” “as a man is known be the company he keeps Aesop. The companions of a man indicate his character, or lack of. “A liar is Always a liar.”
    Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
    ”not one damn quote from Cicero, General Eisenhower“ He is so offence to you, the very anathema of everything you stand for.
    ”A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.“ Dwight D. Eisenhower
    ”Extremes to the right and to the left of any political dispute are always wrong.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 06:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Pugol-H the Ingratiator - yea, huzzar, I have a title at last.

    Pugol-H, Ingratiator General – wat da ya think, eh????

    Probably be miss-quotes or miss-attributed anyway.

    Like last time, DT repeatedly had to correct him.

    With an Avocado lubricated bowl movement (given the size of the blockage, given how much shit was still coming out), it probably pen and inks a bit now sub terra.

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 06:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Pugol-H the Ingratiator
    “Narcissists try to destroy your life with lies because theirs can be destroyed with the truth” – Unknown
    “Narcissistic people are always struggling with the fact that the world does not revolve around them” – Unknown
    Hypocrissits: A narcissist whose head is so far up their butt they can't hear the hypocrisy coming out of their mouth“ – Joel McDonald
    Narcissist weeps to find that his image does not return his love” – Unknown
    Birds of a feather flock together.

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 07:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Chicureo, Pugol-H

    I hope you've both now realized that you cannot pay a compliment to the sooner than you do, he snarls back at you, revealing rotten yellow spoke too soon - the silly quotes are back, plus a few more grammar mistakes.....before he demands I prove them, and says it's only my opinion, here they are :-

    “The harshest speech came from Justice Celso de Mello delivered the harshest speech”.

    “every thing about their lack veracity you need to know”.....

    “He is so offence to you,....”

    But I am obliged to agree with him when he says “The companions of a man indicate his character, or lack of......”
    Indeed, the company 'he' keeps says everything about him - LDSilver's inflatable doll, with the extra-large dong.

    Last week saw a short report on the police page from Gollum's village paper...apparently the police were called to check out an arm seen hanging over the side of his Ma's trash bin....they soon realized it was a LDS doll with a severely gnawed dong.....what a tragic way to go....But not all is bad news.....the police will not be pressing murder charges, and Ma Gollum has already ordered another doll from the local sex shop.

    Meanwhile, Gollum still insists on posting stale news (about Celso de Mello)....cannot imagine what his point is...

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 07:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer Proof less, Truth less, & Psychological Transfere
    Indeed, the company you keep says everything about you.
    “LDSilver's inflatable doll, with the extra-large dong.”
    This is just one of your many fantasies that you use to engage in Psychological Projection.
    Unemployment in recession-hit Brazil… Oct 31, 2015 ... take you fairy dress off and start fondling your dolls.” “Rousseff pledges … put on your new dress, be gay and frolic, and you might even manage to get yourself reamed.”; “Unemployment in recession-hit Brazil …Nov 05th, 2015 - 05:19 pm. ..your inflatable dolls never complain when you can't get the wrinkes out of your limp noodle, is what gives you this impression... they just fart when you squeeze them..”: “Desperate for funds Jan 20th, 2016 - 03:12 pm ..why don't you pull Long-Dong Silver out of your closet””
    So don't waste your time trying to attribute your follies to me, as I've kept a record of your history.

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 07:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    I still hold great hopes when the serious blockage finally is fully loosened from his suffering intestines. Avocado oil is a wonderful healthy lubricant that Gollum finds pleasure with his inflatable bisexual love doll and his precious long dong silver.

    The ink method however sounds particularly noteworthy because it adds the sense of smell on paper — what a narrative!

    Tomorrow will be a nice day as the entire band of gypsies will be celebrating family. We have a full 7 rib rack of Wayu as the main course — Should be pretty spectacular!

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 08:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “The harshest speech came from Justice Celso de Mello delivered the harshest speech”.

    To be fair, Gollum quoted this straight from the English version of an article on FdSP. Rather suspiciously, the translation of Celso de Mello's speech exactly matches that given by google translate. Methinks they need to fire their translator... perhaps you could offer your services, JB. Give you something to do and earn a bit of money during the pandemic. :) I bet you could do a better job of translating “que se submete ao império da constituição”.

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 09:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
    “Avocado oil is a wonderful healthy lubricant that” you must have been using, as you're able to Psychologicaly Project it.
    You're just part of the big fat rude boys syndrome, unable to produce one single solitary fact in support of you're lame assed opining.
    Projection Psychology
    Projection, the mental process by which people attribute to others what is in their own minds. ... There is research evidence, for example, that men with notably homophobic attitudes have higher-than-average same-sex arousal, of which they are unaware.”

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 09:12 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Jack Bauer

    “So don't waste your time trying to attribute your follies to me, as I've kept a record of your history”

    You've kept a record of my history ? ......and soooo what ? and not exactly a record of my 'history', but rather that of my opinion of which you are welcome.
    Anyway, is that meant to intimidate me, you smelly basement dweller ?......or is the fact that you actually go to the bother of keeping a record, supposed to make me feel grateful ? or even, is it your way of expressing your admiration of my opinions ? or just a way to re-live those emotional moments when you read about Long Dong ?

    ““The harshest speech came from Justice Celso de Mello delivered the harshest speech”.

    To be fair, Gollum quoted this straight from the English version of an article on FdSP. Rather suspiciously, the translation of Celso de Mello's speech exactly matches that given by google translate”.

    I don't doubt that for a minute....but, and a BIG BUT, doesn't Gollum, or Terry, or whatever it is, speak Portuguese ? didn't he live here for years ? thus his vast experience with toilets, other than his RAF experience ?
    Or is he the idiot to who left Brazil to go to Canada, forgot Portuguese and didn't learn English ?
    Doesn't he realize it is bad English ? rhetorical question as the answer is obviously NO.

    While translating it for him might contribute to reducing his ignorance, I have no desire to interfere in the dubious education that Ma Gollum gave him.

    For about 3 or 4 years after I retired I did quite a few translations as a freelancer, for a company that needed insurance claims translated to English....they were requested at short notice, to be delivered in 24-48 hours, took up a lot of time, and became a nuisance.

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 10:07 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Pugol-H

    Good luck with the cow roast, sound mouth-watering, especially considering your penchants for fine wines and all the accoutrements, avocados and all.

    “as I've kept a record of your history”, wow, it must be love, to so faithfully record all of Master JB’s pronouncements of Wisdom.

    No small task, I take it you don’t actually have a life then, outside of studying Master JB’s teachings?

    I mean copy/pasting all reports of your, alleged deviant behaviour/fetishes, reportedly squalid living conditions, rumoured convictions/questionable past, purportedly non-existent military career, believed toilet obsession, otherwise assumed general level of stupidity/complete inability to understand what is going on.

    “men with notably homophobic attitudes have higher-than-average same-sex arousal, of which they are unaware.” You do have LDS after all.

    Are you trying to tell us something here? Perhaps to do with closets, coming out of, perchance?

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 10:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Thank you and certainly my best wishes that your Sunday will be enjoyable.

    Really, the only thing I find really troubling is Gollum's nonchalance of stolen valor.
    (What he does with his sex dolls in his mother's basement is only humorous.)

    Jun 20th, 2020 - 11:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer Proof less, Truth less, & Psychological Transferee
    “not exactly a record of my 'history” Oh yes it is verbatim.
    “take you fairy dress off and start fondling your dolls.”
    https ://
    “why don't you pull Long-Dong Silver out of your closet”
    As in your claim “the military option was better than the communist one.”. Is now proven to be a lie as you cannot counter my rebuttal. So you are shown for what you are, just an empty wind-bag. Who can't prove a single assertion, even if your life depended on it.
    Pugol-H the Ingratiator
    Really, the only thing I find is you thoroughly thrashed. Got to be tough when your only reason for being, is to be on what you thought was a winning side. Let me remind you of your utter defeat of your assertion.
    “not proven allegation” as a proof that what he says is therefore right”
    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
    All the king's horses and all the king's men
    Couldn't put Humpty together again.

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 12:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Speaking of the cow roast, we took a large delivery from our butcher for the special order, which including several other Cryovac packaged cuts. We unashamedly think it's some of the finest beef in the world.

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 01:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Terry's English is so bad it's not surprising he failed to learn any Portuguese while living in Brazil - if he's even telling the truth about that.

    But I'm really surprised a major national newspaper would allow such bad/lazy translation; they translated “que se submete ao império da constituição” literally to “submitting to the empire of the Constitution”, which makes no sense at all - typical of machine translation. In another part of the article they translated Planalto, as in the palace, to Plateau, something that surely no human would do. Back when you were doing the job, you couldn't just shove the text through Google translate to save time and avoid doing any work! I seriously think I could do it better myself - using online tools - despite not knowing any Portuguese.

    It's especially odd since there must be lots of people stuck at home due to coronavirus who'd love to make a bit of money.

    As for Terry, you'd think someone who spends 90% of their day copying and pasting quotes would know that you can write (sic) after a quotation to indicate the mistakes are present in the original. It's a mystery why he dedicates himself to something he's so desperately bad at.

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 11:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree “Stop lying that I'm 'prepared to capitulate to Argentina's illegal claim”.
    DT “And my opinion is that if the Junta had not invaded the Falklands would be Argentine today. The dictatorship would have ended eventually even without losing a war, like it did in Chile.”
    Hmm, you're an absolute appeaser. How can you make such a statement when Argentina has no legal claim? Both the UK and the FIG are completely in accord with the demands of International Law.
    Your view of the Falklands appears to be the self same as Jeremy Corbin's, which was in breach of the Charter of the UN.
    The ICJ presents its advisory opinion on two questions concerning Western Sahara; “The validity of the principle of self-determination, defined as the need to pay regard to the freely expressed will of peoples, ...” The Court also states; “The Charter of the United Nations, in Article 1, paragraph 2, indicates, as one of the purposes of the United Nations: “To develop friendly relations among nations based on ...the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples . .” This purpose is further developed in Articles 55 and 56 of the Charter. ...the subsequent development of international law in regard to non-self-governing territories, as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, made the principle of self-determination applicable to all of them”
    Judge Dillard, .. adds; “ .. it is for the people to determine the destiny of the territory and not the territory the destiny of the people.”

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 12:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    If the UK joins the CPTPP, which they have announced their (UKs) intention to try and do, we may see more of you most excellent Beef, Wines and of course Avocados over here.

    What exactly did the Stulte sub terra claim as a military history, if I may enquire, I must have missed that?

    Oh don’t worry, I hadn’t forgotten about that, I was not going to let you forget that statement, ever.

    “he seems to equate a “not proven allegation” as a proof that what he says is therefore right.”

    The fact that someone cannot prove an allegation (and there are enough of them, let’s face it) about you, does not mean that everything, or indeed anything, you say is therefore correct.

    Burden of proof is on you for what you say, irrespective of what others say about you. Unless of course it’s the allegation you can’t prove what you say, clear?

    Example (oh which one to choose, start with something simple): “Psychological Transferee”, what proof do you have to support that allegation? Your UNQUALIFIED opinion is not proof, nor is copy/pasting a definition of the condition.

    What proof do you have to support that libels statement?

    “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall”, really, exactly what is this proof of prey tell?

    I do hope you’re taking careful note of the corrections to your English that Master JB is so kindly posting, you do need some help in this direct.

    High intensity Dunning-Kruger effect, he thinks he is good at it.

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 12:53 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Pugol-H the Ingratiator
    “I hadn’t forgotten about that, ... ever.” I certainly won't as it shoots you right down.
    “Thoughts are either true or false in an absolute sense, never both or neither.”
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; States of Affairs; First published Tuesday Mar 27, 2012
    “No one is going to” that's got to be tough, when you think you've got an easy mark, and are bested at every turn.
    I shall continue to follow the accepted precepts of proving and disproving. While you are left out, babbling in right field.

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 01:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    “High intensity Dunning-Kruger effect”

    Exactly. I wonder if the effect persists when there is some more objective measure of skill, eg exam results, rather than asking people to evaluate their own performance? Terry must be pretty damn arrogant to think everyone else in the world is wrong, and he is some kind of Einstein who never makes mistakes (and even Einstein made mistakes and admitted it!)

    Just imagine him scouring Mercopress, fruitlessly hunting for a comment saying I support Argentina, and all he can find is my guess about what would have happened in an alternate universe. Perhaps he does have some inkling of reality; he desperately wants me to have expressed some (in his opinion) reprehensible view, because it's easier to dismiss and ignore it when your ideological enemy says you're an idiot. Much less so when it's someone who agrees with you, as we all do about the Falklands.

    He also seems to think if something isn't legal it can't happen. He must have been very surprised when Argentina invaded, despite 'having no legal claim'.

    Re his military history, he claims to have been in the RAF, something technical with radio communications, and produced a photo of himself with a commemorative mug to 'prove' it. We pointed out how easy it is to photoshop pictures, and he predictably got angry and insulted everyone. Actually I think he's probably telling the truth about that part - having isolated technical skills kinda fits with his Aspergers-like personality. He also claims to have been involved in the Cuban missile crisis, which is what Chicureo objects to. Can't remember what he said exactly.

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 02:03 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Pugol-H

    Oh dear, you are really not getting this, are you?

    Whether expressed thoughts about your “reportedly squalid living conditions” are true or false, YOU STILL NEED to prove your assertion of “Psychological Transferee” irrespective of what is being said about you.

    “I shall continue to follow the accepted precepts of proving and disproving.”

    -How about you start!

    Never mind for the moment about the unsavoury things reported about you, as I said “no one is going to, or needs to, “prove” anything”, it’s for entertainment value, at your expense, except you can’t see that, for the now let us consider what you are saying:

    “Psychological Transferee”, “Thoughts are either true or false” correct!

    What is YOUR PROOF of what YOU are saying????

    Remember “Your UNQUALIFIED opinion is not proof, nor is copy/pasting a definition of the condition”.

    Focus, concentrate and let’s see if you can at least answer the point made, or do we have here a “Proof less, Truth less” TelBot?

    Pugol-H, Ingratiator General, has a nice ring to it, don’t you think.

    As I said, definitely on a medical scale somewhere, not in the same reality as the rest of us.

    You’re not the first person to point out that if not for the war one or other gov would probably have negotiated the Islands away.

    However to him this is evidence of “an appeaser” making him somehow right in everything he says and everyone else therefore wrong.

    Look how he keeps pasting “he seems to equate a “not proven allegation” as a proof that what he says is therefore right.” As if it supports his argument.

    Clearly he does not understand (as you and I do) what this means.

    Above I have set him the task of producing actual evidence of the “Psychological Transferee” allegation, or its “Proof less, Truth less” TelBot, hoisted on his own petard methinks.

    And all the copy/paste arguments/quotes and references, he has used of no evidence/not proven can be thrown at him, public humiliation for a copy/paste Bot.

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 02:43 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    DemonTree the slavish follower aka The Appendage
    That can't possibly be true as there is no proof, just you simply whining and opining, whereas my history with RAF 18 squadron is well documented on this site, and you are unable to prove otherwise.
    You have clearly been shown to hold a contrary view on another occasion, loser.

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 02:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    You're wasting your time, I've tried asking him for proof in the past and he just finds some quote - of more or less irrelevance - that he can take out of context and insist means he's proved it. Since he can't/won't understand what constitutes proof, he can write anything and say he's done what you asked.

    An example of his past idiocies was claiming that if you say something and don't prove it - eg 'the sky is blue', that means it must be false. When I pointed out that he hadn't proved this, he said it may still be true despite not being proved... doh!

    Now he thinks his history is well documented on this site because HE'S talked about it before. He's so clueless it's unreal.

    No idea what he thinks can't possibly be true, either.

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 04:45 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Pugol-H

    TelBot “Proof less, Truth less”
    “my history with RAF 18 squadron is well documented on this site, and you are unable to prove otherwise.”

    Your “CLAIMS”, on this site, to have served in 18 squadron, do not amount to a hill of beans never mind proof of anything, except maybe your delusion state of mind.

    You alleged to have served in RAF 18 squadron, this has been denied, Quod est onus probandi in te.

    No proof no truth.

    “Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; States of Affairs; First published Tue Mar 27, 2012
    Philosophers connect sentences with various items, such as thoughts, facts and states of affairs. Which is easily confirmed by” you meeting your obligatory burden of proof. ”ei incumbit probatio, qui dicit, non qui negat (cum per rerum naturam factum negantis probation nulla sit)-the burden of proof lies upon him who affirms, not on him who denies, (since by the nature of things, he who denies a fact cannot produce any proof). The claimant is always bound to prove: the burden of proof lies on him. Upon the one alleging, not upon him denying, rests the duty of proving. Upon the plaintiff rests the proving or the burden of proof,“
    Soma's Dictionary of Latin Quotations, Maxims and Phrases: A Compendium of ...”
    Thus by failing in your obligation means what you say must be a lie, since it can only be either true or false.

    I await your “proof”, of what you claim.

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 05:01 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Pugol-H the Ingratiator
    “The claimant is always bound to prove” They must as in, obligated, compelled, required, duty-bound etc.
    “Thoughts are either true or false in an absolute sense, never both or neither.” No proof, no truth, whereas my assertions are supported by at least three posted authorities. While you provide no authority for your opining.
    “Psychological Transferee what proof do you have to support that” Easy peasy both psychological projection and transferee are both used interchangeably. Oops, zero for two.
    “Transference, first described by Sigmund Freud, is a phenomenon in psychotherapy in which there is an unconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another. In his later writings, Freud learned that understanding the transference was an important piece of the psychotherapeutic work.
    According to The Source, published in 2001, ”During transference, people turn into a 'biological time machine.“' A nerve is struck when someone says or does something that reminds you of your past. This creates an ”emotional time warp“ that transfers your emotional past and your psychological needs into the present.”

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 05:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Gollum, aka Terence Hill
    “not exactly a record of my 'history”....'Oh yes it is verbatim'

    So you have a word by word account of my opinion of you.....expect me to feel flattered ?
    What sort of idiot would so diligently keep a record of nasty truths about himself ?

    By the look of it ”take you fairy dress off and start fondling your dolls“ and ”why don't you pull Long-Dong Silver out of your closet” are your favourites.....
    Changing tack, why d'you obssess that my post “the military option was better than the communist one” a lie ? it's an opinion, numb nuts.

    “my history with RAF 18 squadron is well documented on this site”....Indeed, it is - it mentions every detail of yr great contribution to the RAF, including your promotion to Chief Lavatory Cleaner after 3 years of working on your knees, for which you only got a cheap mug. Must have upset you.

    “wow, it must be love, to so faithfully record all of Master JB’s pronouncements...”

    No, can't be love.....if it was, would be tantamount to betraying Long Dong....even after LD did the unthinkable - to fly out the window with a punctured dong. Why didn't Ma Gollum tell Jr. to not bite it ?

    “I'm really surprised a major national newspaper would allow such bad/lazy translation”..
    Don't be. The people they hire to work for them are incompetent....Terry standard.
    In TV series spoken in English with Portuguese captions, some mistakes are laughable but absurd....The word 'west' becomes 'leste', which is east.....1/2 a billion becomes 500 billion...they go by ear, and don't bother to check if it sounds Terry.
    Ever heard of Sam Giancana ? American gangster in the 1930s....he came 'Jimmy Connors'.

    You hit the nail on the head regarding the Dunning-Kruger effect.....illusionary superiority.

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 09:25 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer Proof less, Truth less, & Psychological Transferee
    What diatribe of self-serving unsupported opinions, and not a fact in sight to spoil your fantasy.
    A fact is a statement that can be proven true, while an opinion is a statement that cannot be proven true.
    Opinions are like buts everyones got one. Just some stink more than others.
    “An assertion is a statement offered as a conclusion without supporting evidence. Since an argument is defined as a logical relationship between premise and conclusion, a simple assertion is not an argument.”
    Ignoring the Burden of Proof http ://
    To put it in context, it's just a babbling word salad. I love it, it puts you in your best possible light. I don't have say anything, as you have certainly entertained, with your display of intellectual prowess. Facts will always top unproven opinion claims.

    Jun 21st, 2020 - 10:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-H, Ingratiator General

    As posted on another thread, Sunday was a success!

    The U.K. already has an open market for Chilean beef, avocados and grapes. Each year we send part our family table grapes to Tesco and we will this coming year. (We have Tesco Nurture Gold certification)

    Congratulations on your newly earned title.


    A belated happy 1st Father's Day.

    Jun 22nd, 2020 - 01:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    TelBot “Proof less, Truth less” and getting worse.

    “my assertions are supported by at least three posted authorities”

    It’s a start I suppose, what authorities and where? Links please.

    We now need the evidence to prove your assertion that this evidence exists, after all you saying it exists is not any kind of proof, just another hill of beans.

    “An assertion is a statement offered as a conclusion without supporting evidence”.

    Merely claiming the existence of evidence, even you must know, is not evidence or proof of anything, it is UN-substantiated hearsay.

    As for “Psychological Transferee”, once again you have copy/pasted a definition of the condition, this is not evidence of the condition occurring, is it, no, so where is THE PROOF of what YOU CLAIM????

    “Easy peasy both psychological projection and transferee are both used interchangeably”, well whoopy do, where is your Proof that either or both are actually happening here.

    Remember “Your UNQUALIFIED opinion is not proof, nor is copy/pasting a definition of the condition”.

    Evidence presented of military service – None
    Evidence presented of Psychological Transference – None

    Two nil down, at home, hoisted on your own petard, unable to produce ANY EVIDENCE of your claims, he who said “The claimant is always bound to prove”, so prove!

    Not looking good for you TelBot, vox populi, you are being weighed in the balance of the court of public opinion and found wanting.

    And, and, and the moving hand writes upon the wall and having writ moves on, and not all thy wit nor piety, shall alter one iota of it.

    Glad to hear it all went well.

    Yes, I’m quite pleased with the new ennoblement.

    I’m in the process of Titling TelBot - “Proof less, Truth less”, after whinging like a tart (puta) who hasn’t been paid, that there is NO PROOF of allegations, he has completely failed to produce any evidence whatsoever to support his assertions of Military Service or Psychological Transference.

    Would you Adam and Eve it.

    Jun 22nd, 2020 - 05:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Oh great and mighty Ingratiator General of Mecopress...

    ”....whinging like a tart (puta) who hasn’t been paid...”

    Has me highly amused, but you probably lost the Titling TelBot with a petard stuck up his arse.

    The question in mind is for the creature to accept that he has lost any shred of credibility in his argument...

    His only proof is of a dodgy beer tankard with no substantiated information.

    Imagine the Ravi Shanker Jack Jones in his basement, trying to figure our a la mode and Adrian Quist...

    Jun 22nd, 2020 - 07:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Gollum, aka Terence the useful idiot
    “while an opinion is a statement that cannot be proven true”.

    Well, I've got news for you, idiot ....opinions don't need to be proven, one way or the other...they are what they are. QED (before you get confused, it's not a quote and QED doesn't represent the author's intials).

    “opinions are like buts everyones got one”.... good to know....but it's BUTT not but.

    “Just some stink more than others”...right on TerryBot... and yours must look, and smell like the carrion flower.....and not a pleat left to tell the story.
    Just as well Long Dong can't smell, don't you think, but please DO be careful with his dong....don't forget to use K-Y your Ma bought for you.

    Ingratiator General.....

    “whinging like a 'puta' who hasn’t been paid” sounds just like the TerryBot.....but don't know why he complains so much....I mean, everyone now knows for a fact, how he abused poor old Long Dong...even bit him you know where (according to the Police report, after they found his limp body stuffed in to the trash can)....and never paid him...

    One day ago, the TerryBot posted : -
    “A nerve is struck when someone says or does something that reminds you of your past. This creates an ”emotional time warp“ that transfers your emotional past and your psychological needs into the present”.

    Well, while there was no need for him do define “a nerve is struck”, he nevertheless described his permanent mental state.....he repeats others' opinions of himself as he wallows in them like pigs in shit.

    You have totally deconstrued Terry's illusions of a great past.....soon he'll only have the stench of his basement to comfort himself.

    Jun 22nd, 2020 - 08:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Pugol-H the Ingratiator, Never a Fact in Sight
    “what authorities and where” Here you go fact less, all correctly cited.

    “The claimant is always bound to prove”
    Soma's Dictionary of Latin Quotations, Maxims and Phrases: A Compendium of ..

    “Thoughts are either true or false ...”
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; States of Affairs; First published Tue Mar 27, 2012

    “Transference: Does the past influence the present?”
    Psychology Today, Jan 06, 2010

    Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
    “His only proof is a beer tankard with no substantiated information.”
    Oh what shame, I get to show you yet again as just another lying bag of shite.
    PS A picture is worth a thousand words.

    Jack Bauer Proof less, Truth less, & Psychological Transferee
    “Long Dong can't smell, don't you think” Nice of you to drop by and share your thoughts, they tell a lot more about yourself.
    “Your perceptions of others reveal so much about your own personality,”
    On the other hand, your words could reveal negative perceptions of others that are linked to narcissism, antisocial behavior, and even neuroticism, says the research team, which also includes Peter Harms, PhD, of the University of Nebraska, and Simine Vazire, PhD, of Washington University in St. Louis.
    Their study is published in the July issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

    Jun 22nd, 2020 - 08:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Heavily snowing in the Andes at the moment. (It's like money in the bank 2X for us.)

    I never had enough time to really get to know that part of Manhatten, as we ship our grapes and avocados to the Ports of Philadelphia, Camden and Wilmington and the King Crab legs served there are from Alaska. I actually prefer king crab over lobster. (Ours were from the far south of our continent and were monsters.)

    Tonight we're having cold thinly sliced 'blood rare' roast prime beef on fresh Sourdough bread and an '07 Casillero del Diablo Reserva Privada Cabernet that is amazingly smooth.

    When I was last in Recife about 8 years ago, the Boi Preto was my favorite Churrascaria, but as we've discussed — I really enjoyed the best of what your country offered, including the incredible sushi. Initially I was surprised to find so many Japanese growers in the Rio São Francisco area. They even served us large sized grilled piranha for our amusement that were a welcome change from the normal fare of chicken and beef.

    Enjoying watching Gollum squeal like a stuck pig when you refer to its 'PRECIOUS' inflatable toy...

    Jun 22nd, 2020 - 10:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    TelBot “Proof less, Truth less” and now sinking fast.

    Dear oh dear, TelBot, your right on the back foot now.

    We know where you copy/pasted the definitions from, that is not being questioned.

    Where is the evidence that these posted authorities support you assertions that people here are suffering from these conditions? That is the question.

    Remember, Quod est onus probandi in te. Where your UNQUALIFIED opinion is not proof.

    “whereas my history with RAF 18 squadron is well documented on this site”

    What documentation would that be, picture of a Tankard, even you cannot think this is proof.

    Evidence presented of military service – None
    Evidence presented of Psychological Transference – None

    Ladies and Gentleman of the Jury, the claimant once again has completely failed to produce any evidence whatsoever, not one single shred, to support his assertions of Military Service or Psychological Transference.

    Three nil down at home, petard now firmly hoisted where the digitus exited (Any ex RAF personnel will understand that reference) I’ll explain it to you next post, I’m good like that.

    And not for all thy wit nor piety, shall alter one iota of it.

    Pugol-H, Ingratiator General

    Jun 22nd, 2020 - 11:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
    Well, you certainly are enjoying watching and projecting own sexual fantasies, to a stranger online. Probably into your third bottle of plonk today.
    “Hasn't explained the Canadian criminal child porn records.” You certainly haven't Ollie, but it's a given, considering the constant sexual overtures you have made to me.
    Pugol-H the Ingratiator, Never a Fact in Sight
    Your right on the back foot now, you certainly are Ollie. It started with your mistaken premise, that an asserter had a safety-net of 'no comment', and a claim of “not proven”. That was demolished by the authoritative dicta “Thoughts are either true or false in an absolute sense, never both or neither.”

    Jun 23rd, 2020 - 01:11 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    It rained all last night and still raining today. Glorious!

    Today we're having for lunch — our oldest daughter's leftover spinach Gruyere Crêpe Gateau from Sunday's celebration. (Her other contribution was honey glazed baby carrots with a hint of ginger and cinnamon that was quickly consumed during the celebration.)

    A Gateau is made with many thin french crepes, each layered with the flavors of Chilean Gruyere cheese, slightly caramelized red onions and spinach —and then served topped with a mild green chili sauce.

    It's one of those dishes that beautifully pairs with a red or white, but as we're accompanying this with thinly sliced prime rib — we pulled a cork from another '07 Casillero del Diablo Reserva Privada Cabernet that we enjoyed last night. We've used our homemade tomato chutney to drizzle over the beef which is outstanding.

    (For those who are counting, there are three wine drinkers for lunch. Dinner still has not been decided, but I assume it will be the same as last night — which surpasses our post-Easter lamb sandwiches, which I earlier declared the was the finest sandwich ever — as the room temperature thinly sliced Wayu beef almost melts in your mouth)

    It snowed heavenly as well as heavily in the Andes last night. Rain in the Aconcagua valley irrigates our orchards, alleviates the use of using our irrigation pumps, raises the water table and provides important snowpack for next seasons runoff into the rivers.

    Believe it or not, there are two Chilean volcanos now on the watch list that soon may cause trouble in the south. Pachamama can be a wrathful bitch...

    Jun 23rd, 2020 - 02:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Pugol-H the Ingratiator, Never a Fact in Sight
    “STILL NEED to prove your assertion, no I don't as it already was done eons ago, so there is no requirement to reiterate it for you, because you've just washed up on the beach. So its none of your business, only the party involved, and they chose to remain silent giving effect to: ”He who is silent is thought to consent. Thus, he who keeps silent is assumed to consent; silence gives consent. In law, the silence of a party implies his consent.. A maxim of crime and consent. qui tacet, consentit-lit. he who is silent agrees. Thus, who keeps silent consents; silence means consent; silent consent is same as expressed consent; consent by conduct is as good as expressed consent. This is an implied term in law....”

    Projection or Transference - What's the difference?
    In context|psychology|lang=en terms the difference between projection and transference is that projection is (psychology) a belief or assumption that others have similar thoughts and experiences as oneself while transference is (psychology) the process by which emotions and desires, originally associated with one person, ... are unconsciously shifted to another.

    “Picture of a Tankard, even you cannot think this is proof.” Its proof absolutely, as it was posted within thirty minutes of a challenge, so there was no time to do anything other than take the picture and post it.

    Jun 23rd, 2020 - 03:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Oh great and mighty Ingratiator General of Mercopress

    I think I understand why my avocado cure for Gollum's constipation didn't work— HE ATE THEM PITS AND ALL...

    I can only imagine now the creature's difficulty with bowel movements, which must be exceedingly painful....

    Sort of the sounds made like:

    ”....whinging like a tart (puta) who hasn’t been paid...”

    You can google a PICTURE of Gollum's existence with a simple query:


    Jun 23rd, 2020 - 05:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    “Enjoying watching Gollum squeal like a stuck pig when you refer to its 'PRECIOUS' inflatable toy...”

    Did you ever watch the film “Deliverance” ?

    The scene down on the river bank reminds me of Terry squealing like 'peeeeeeg' while he sits on LDSilver's d**g.....inflated to the recommended PSI to obtain maximum satisfaction.

    He keeps on posting that picture of a cheap mug, which proves what ? nothing....except that it's a photo of a cheap mug....we get it....why does he insist ?

    Jun 23rd, 2020 - 07:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    I'm afraid that the creature took my advice to relieve its constipation by consuming healthy avocados, but unfortunately Gollum greedily ate the entire avocados — pits skin and all...

    The creature must be severely suffering a terrible spell of major constipation!

    Those pits are about as difficult to pass as long dong silver has...

    Jun 23rd, 2020 - 09:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    TelBot “Proof less, Truth less” and now humiliated (no other word for it).

    What can I say TelBot, no pretence here that this has been any kind of a contest, pitiful is the word, even your mate Stink can do better when he is three sheets to the wind and unwittingly leaning on his keyboard………..:)…:)):)):::))) CccapisshhhhHH.

    To my dishonour (a term you will not understand, I strongly suggest you look it up (not that, that will make any difference, as you will not understand what you are reading)), I have clearly engaged in a battle of wits with a completely UN-armed, er, lifeform?

    However Glorying in Slaughter though I may be, I have started, so I will finish.

    “Picture of a Tankard, even you cannot think this is proof.” “Its proof absolutely”.

    Really, it’s (note the use of the apostrophe (‘) s, you have not been paying attention to Master JB’s teachings on English, have you?) proof that you have a copy of a link, to a picture of a tankard, on line, nothing more.

    So let us review here:
    You (Stulte sub terra), assert that:

    1. Some people her are suffering from (mate, you’re the only one suffering here) “Psychological Transference”, correct, yes you have said it many times.

    2. You served in the H. M.’s Military (again, note the use of the apostrophe (‘) s) and you have proof of this, in the form of a copy, of a link, to a picture of a tankard, on line, yes, this is what you have said, above (or do I need to post that link?).

    I submit that:

    Evidence presented of military service – None
    Evidence presented of Psychological Transference – None

    Have I ingratiated myself enough here, or shall I continue to “deconstruct”?


    Pugol-H, Ingratiator General.

    Jun 24th, 2020 - 12:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Pugol-H the Ingratiator, Never a Fact in Sight
    “Evidence presented of military service ...” That is absolute sophistry, as the burden is not mine. Since I never raised the issue, I am the respondent.

    So this is the fraud you are attempting.
    Shifting the burden
    Fallacious shifting of the burden of proof occurs if someone makes a claim that needs justification, then demands that the opponent justify the opposite of the claim. The opponent has no such burden until evidence is presented for the claim.

    ”It used to be we thought that people who went around correcting other people's grammar were just plain annoying. Now there's evidence they are actually ill, suffering from a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder/oppositional defiant disorder (OCD/ODD). Researchers are calling it Grammatical Pedantry Syndrome, or GPS.“
    “Grammar Pedantry Syndrome” is a form of OCD in which sufferers need to correct every grammatical error.”
    “A pedant is a person who is excessively concerned with formalism, accuracy, ... Asperger syndrome often have behaviour characterized by pedantic speech.”

    Jun 24th, 2020 - 11:46 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    So as from the bizzare gibberish-rant-whine, we are to assume Gollum is perhaps making a plea for help as he admits to suffering to having Asperger syndrome.

    “...pedant is a person who is excessively concerned with formalism, accuracy, ... Asperger syndrome often have behaviour characterized by pedantic speech.”

    Today, our view of the Andes is truly spectacular as it snowed down to the foothills last night. We know Portillo has been given permission to open this season, but remain hopeful the others will eventually be given permission as well.

    Today, we're having fried artichoke hearts, a cherry tomato salad and thin slices of cold Wayu beef in a carpaccio style as suggested by Jack.

    We're accompanying it with a crisp '18 Casas del Bosque Viognier followed by Bartlett pears and mild goat cheese for dessert.

    You could intelligently argue that I suffer from an obsessive-compulsive cuisine lifestyle that certainly understands that avocado pits and skin are not meant for consumption...

    ...Gollum's only hope now is for a painful and excruciating ”passing“ of the pits to release his intestinal blockage...

    It is apparent to everyone reading that ”Fallacious shifting of the burden of proof occurs if someone makes a claim that needs justification, then demands that the opponent justify the opposite of the claim.

    The opponent has no such burden until evidence is presented for the claim is malarkey!

    Jun 24th, 2020 - 04:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
    “Until evidence is presented for the claim is malarkey!”

    Shifting the burden
    Fallacious shifting of the burden of proof occurs if someone makes a claim that needs justification, then demands that the opponent justify the opposite of the claim. The opponent has no such burden until evidence is presented for the claim.

    Oh boo hoo!
    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
    All the king's horses and all the king's men
    Couldn't put Humpty together again.

    Jun 24th, 2020 - 05:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    (From Terence Hill — sent earlier this week)

    “Dear Chicureo, I wish to apologize to everyone here for my rudeness and inhumanly behaviour. It was now in reflection due in large part, due to my unhealthy fixation of my friends inflatable play toys and eating junk food.

    As many of you may have guessed, I suffer from bipolar schizophrenia and loose control each time I fail to take my prescribed medication. Both Pugol-H and Jack Bauer have repeatedly hurt my sensitive feelings because of their relentless questioning of my integrity

    I freely admit that l'm in serious need of psychological professional help. I tried your counseling about adding avocados to my diet, but you were cruel and mean that the pits were not to be eaten. How did I know?

    Signed with extreme intentional pain, Terry

    I'm hoping Gollum will be eventually able to pass his blockage problems, because life is just the pits right now for the suffering creature.

    Attached here are Terry's 51 favorite avocado recipes:

    Enjoy! (But please discard the skin and pits before consuming.)

    Today's cherry tomato salad and the filling fried artichoke hearts were the star of the day and we've decided to serve as dinner the thin slices of cold Wayu beef in a carpaccio style along with the Bartlett pears and mild goat cheese.

    Really beautiful view of the Andes today!

    Jun 24th, 2020 - 07:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “Those pits are about as difficult to pass as long dong silver has...”

    Ah, c'mon Chicureo, Gollum's Ma bought him KY jelly to avoid chafing.....unless he swallowed the tube along with the order to lubricate them. Quién sabe ?

    Have you noticed that Gollum always picks on poor Humpty Dumpty ?

    Well, not only HD....last week Long D became a victim of Gollum's anger when he had his “you know what” bitten off ....(just practicing a bit of political correctness...)

    “We're accompanying it with a crisp '18 Casas del Bosque Viognier followed by Bartlett pears and mild goat cheese for dessert.”

    Sounds bloody good !

    I see you continue to destroy Terry's illusions of ever having served in the military..

    You challenged his claim and said there was no “Evidence presented of military service”
    Terry replied... “That is absolute sophistry, as the burden is not mine. Since I never raised the issue, I am the respondent”.

    By his own standards (which are kind of flexible when it suits him), the fact he was the nincompoop who “raised the issue”, claiming he had served in the RAF (which we all know to be blarney), puts the burden of proof diagonally on his slimy shoulders....he makes claims, and when asked to prove them, he accuses you of 'shifting the burden'.

    His level of frustration increases whenever his deplorable grammar is corrected...not that anyone on here cares to educate the ignoramus, it's just to “strike a nerve”....

    It's funny to see him constantly repeat his definition of 'pedant'.....funnier still because he always omits the 2nd half of the it is...“one who makes an ostentatious and arrogant show of learning”......Wow, describes Terry down to a T.

    Jun 24th, 2020 - 08:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer Proof less, Truth less, & Psychological Transferee
    Thank you for displaying this particular fantasy first on this site, you won't find one earlier.
    JB “Desperate for funds Jan 20th, 2016 - 03:12 pm ..why don't you pull Long-Dong Silver out of your closet”

    Jun 24th, 2020 - 09:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Glad you approve of the menu selection. Truthfully a beautifully mellow cheese and flavorful ripened pear is probably one of the greatest desert parings of fine cuisine.

    The fried artichokes were really outstanding and highly addictive. My daughter was able to eat the most, despite her petite figure, but I did my best to keep up. (We use sunflower oil and use red pepper flakes instead of black pepper.)

    We also sliced up two large sweet onions and had onion rings with the same batter and homemade garlic aioli. (In the spring we fry all the squash blossoms we can gather, using the same batter.)

    Regarding the Caballo Loco no.17 — all the vintages were dropdead fabolous, but we we all surprised how good the latest fared against the earlier ones. My no I both agree that we should take advantage of the weal market right now and buy heavily. (We stopped racking bottles long ago and simply store the boxes upside down.)

    My son negotiated a ridiculous low price on 8 cases of Caballo Loco no.17 that was originally destined for Singapore and are labeled with the importer's special markings.

    Tonight, the women here have gone full gypsy and decided we'd open Viñamar rosé brut champagne direct from the freezer. As my daughter has invited a “few friends” over for tomorrow, they're now scheming to prepare seafood Pad Thai, because they've already pulled the fish sauce, tamarind, dehydrated shrimp, condensed coconut and noodles from pantry. (We have plenty of frozen huge prawns, squid and scallops that will defrost overnight.)

    The farmhouse kitchen cabinetry is thankfully out of my hands, and it's reported the farmhouse bathroom tiling is nearly finished. The fixtures will be ready for installation next week. (I be there to carefully watch, including to be there for my great-grandmother's enormous 1920's refurbished bathtub that has cost a fortune to redo.)

    Isn't it amazing Gollum keeps all your posts?

    Jun 24th, 2020 - 11:53 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Pugol-H

    TelBot “Proof less, Truth less, Clueless” and now backpedalling, like F*ck.

    WOAH, let us be clear here:

    “Since I never raised the issue”

    The issue of your, “purportedly non-existent military career”, cannot have been raised by anyone else, or has someone “accused” you of serving in H. M. Forces, eh, allow me to remind you:

    “whereas my history with RAF 18 squadron is well documented on this site”

    Was it not you who documented it here then? Or are you saying “someone else did it Gov”, you are being falsely accused of having served?

    Or are you now saying, you did not serve?

    “Grammar Pedantry Syndrome”, there you go again, quoting syndromes, which may well exist, I don’t know, my question is are you qualified to diagnose it? Or this this just an opinion? Do I need to quote you about “opinions and Butts”.

    Anyway “pedantic” is the wrong word, try “piss take/wind up, muppet.

    So once again, let us review here:

    Evidence presented of military service – None
    Evidence presented of Psychological Transference (or pedantry) – None

    Although, it does now appear that Stulte sub terra may, I repeat may, be now suggesting that the allegation he did military service in H. M. Forces, did not come from him?


    Pugol-H, Ingratiator General

    P.S. “why don't you pull Long-Dong Silver out of your closet”, oh, oh, what do we have here, irrefutable evidence of “Psychological Transference”.

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 12:21 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Pogul-X

    Mate, if ever I get to S. America, I am going to “invite myself to dinner”.

    If I have to scale the bloody Andes to raid the bins outside. I get hungry reading your culinary descriptions.

    I suppose I can content myself with the thought that I’m English, we eat to live, none of this Johnny Foreigner, live to eat.

    It’s just that, Errghhh, it’s hard.

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 12:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Mr. X,

    I can sympathize because a large part of my mestizo heritage is from Scotland and Ireland mixed with Castile and Basque. I grew up with typical Chilean food and recipes of my Gaelic grandmothers.

    My fortune was to fall in love with a Chilena Catalan-Occitan that is a marvel in the kitchen. She was a devotee of the famous Veronica Blackburn and participated on a few cooking shows here as well as traveling the resturants of Provence with her while I was on naval assignment.

    The woman has a terrible volatile temper, but she wields an amazing skillet.

    As far as cuisine, Peru is paramount and Brazil is the best at grilling beef, by far past Argentina.

    Thank you for the compliments!

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 02:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Pugol-H the Ingratiator, Never a Fact in Sight
    Lets see your fallacious shifting of the burden of proof just revealed your fraud.
    “whereas my history with RAF 18 squadron is well documented on this site” Was in response to DT's “Re his military history, he claims to have been in the RAF, something technical with radio communications, and produced a photo of himself with a commemorative mug to 'prove' it.” Which shows a further fraud by you, nice going yet another lost sortie.
    Moreover, there your disastrously mistaken premise, that an asserter had a safety-net of 'no comment', and a claim of “not proven”. That was demolished by the authoritative dicta “Thoughts are either true or false in an absolute sense, never both or neither.”
    So only two assertions you have made, and I have proved them wrong. Twice, you have fraudulently attempted to shift the burden, nice going.

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 02:40 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-H the Ingratiator, Never in doubt to expose the mendacious creature.

    It's really easy to prove that Gollum has committed stolen valor just with simple math...

    Gollum has repeatedly posted he severed in the RAF during the Cuban Missile crisis as an advance radio operations license. The absolute youngest airman would be 22 years old. Domino the simple math, Gollumn who has the persona of an adolesent, was born about in 1940, who makes him an octogenarian...

    Yet, his vocabulary, stntax and thoughts are from a poorly educated millennial at best...

    For me, it was his gross misunderstanding of radio communications...

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 04:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
    “It's really easy to prove that” No it's not, you are simply an opining liar just one of a gang of four. No evidence, just another of your many failures. For me, it was your gross misunderstanding of semaphore. Only you said and proved is that you're full of it, thanks

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 11:17 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-H the great Mercopress Ingratiator

    Documented in earlier posts, the mendacious creature hosted repeatedly about military service in the RAF during the Cuban Missile crisis operating with an advance radio operations rating. The absolute youngest airman with those qualifications would be 22 years old, although in my experience it would be assigned to a senior airman in his 30's. Do the simple math, Gollumn who has the persona of an adolesent, was supposedly born about in 1940 — which would make him an octogenarian.

    Yet, his potty mouth juvenile vocabulary, California soy boy stntax and immature thoughts are from a poorly educated millennial at best. Plus I know the twerp has never been laid, which is nearly impossible for a soldier in uniform of the generation he claims service in.

    Finally, it was his gross misunderstanding of radio communications and a complete ignorance of electronic semaphore was the idiots final self guilt.

    The Ravi Shanker never figured our a la mode and is Adrian Quist.

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 12:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
    “The absolute youngest airman would be 22 years old” No it's not, you are simply an opining liar just one of a gang of four. No evidence, just another of your many failures. For me, it was your gross misunderstanding of semaphore as well as your wild guess as to the minimum age of service in the RAF. Only thing you said and proved, is that you're full of it, thanks
    Not fact in sight only whining and opining, because opinions can never be proved. Except for your lack veracity otherwise, if it was true there would be proof.

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 01:57 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-H the great Mercopress Ingratiator

    Well Gollum is showing his thinly yellow fangs with an angry scowl, and infers he served at 19 years of age. Hardly plausible, because it takes 18 months of training and only the brilliant can achieve that high of a technical rating, but assuming he became a seaman recruit at 17, that would still place him around 80.

    So I repeat...

    Documented in earlier posts, the mendacious creature hosted repeatedly about military service in the RAF during the Cuban Missile crisis operating with an advance radio operations rating. The absolute youngest airman with those qualifications would be 22 years old, although in my experience it would be assigned to a senior airman in his 30's. Do the simple math, Gollumn who has the persona of an adolesent, was supposedly born about in 1940 — which would make him an octogenarian.

    Yet, his potty mouth juvenile vocabulary, California soy boy stntax and immature thoughts are from a poorly educated millennial at best. Plus I know the twerp has never been laid, which is nearly impossible for a soldier in uniform of the generation he claims service in.

    Finally, it was his gross misunderstanding of radio communications and a complete ignorance of electronic semaphore was the idiots final undoing.

    ANYONE with military communications training, knows about semaphore.

    As before, the Ravi Shanker never figured our a la mode and is Adrian Quist because he can't figure out he's incriminated himself and committing a crime.

    Finally, there is in the public records available on Ontario, Cananda Crown Court records a Mr.Terence Hill listed as a convicted child sex offender and I shared the actual full records in numerous posts. (I would note that Mercopress was contacted by Mr. Hill to complain, but after an investigation — they chose to allow the information to remain posted.)

    In all fairness, there must be many Canadians having the unfortunate same name, but Gollum refuses to deny he's not the criminal

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 06:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Gollum, aka Terry the idiot
    “Desperate for funds Jan 20, 2016 - 03:12 pm ..why don't you pull Long-Dong Silver out of your closet”

    Tks...had already forgotten how long ago it was that I had revealed yr fetishes...
    Practise makes perfect, eh ?

    B4 continuing, the definition of fetish :- ”noun: a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body...“
    Can imagine your beady eyes lighting up as you read 'part of the body' .
    Just one you insert a torpedo-sized cigar, like a Corona, in LDSilver's mouth ? I've heard it enhances masculinity..

    Your flavor combining makes my mouth water...and the wines, another story..

    Re Pugol's ”Mate, if ever I get to S. America, I am going to “invite myself to dinner”, make that two extra chairs at the table.
    Terry now says “...whining and opining, because opinions can never be proved”....strange ! he always demands others prove theirs.

    You have completely and utterly turned Terry's world upside he can't even remember whether he cleaned lavatories in the RAF - which would explain the fact that he never really served anything, except a load of BUTTS - or if he fantasized it all, the flying with Long Dong sitting behind him ?
    Now he's blaming DT...who isn't here to defend himself...and worse, looks like he keeps a record of DT's “history” as well.
    You 'n Chicureo are next.

    As to 'pulling Long Dong out of the closet', I believe his Ma told the police - after that unfortunate incident where Gollum bit LDS's 'you-know-what' off - that he know leaves his dolls stretched out on his matress....'makes things easier for the little monster' she is reported to have said.

    Referring to Fabricio Queiroz's arrest, 6 days ago, Terry stated “Ironic that he was spotted by a relative of Olavo de Carvalho who doesn't share his views, and who promptly informed the police”
    Where's the proof ? Just one more lie...

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 07:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
    “So I repeat...” and so do I. No it's not, you are simply an opining liar just one of a gang of four. No evidence, just another of your many failures.
    “The claimant is always bound to prove”
    Soma's Dictionary of Latin Quotations, Maxims and Phrases: A Compendium of ..
    No proof no truth

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 07:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    Two chairs are reserved.

    Notice Gollum fails to argue or protest your valid assumptions about the creatures sexual fantasies?

    He's caught himself in an undeniable lie, because he's not an OCTOGENARIAN...

    HE's caught himself in in a fable he can't deny...

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 08:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    “Two chairs are reserved”.....appreciated !!!

    Do you stand by your LIE regarding the arrest of Fabricio Queiroz, or are you going to sulk and send more of your ridiculous, meaningless gibberish ?

    A simple which the correct answer would be “I, Gollum, am a lowlife LIAR...I have been all my life, and it's too late to change....and my Mammy won't let me go upstairs”

    C'mon, it isn't all that hard to admit you are a failure.....

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 09:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    TelBot “Proof less, Truth less, Clueless” and now trying to change the subject.

    It’s really very, very simple, despite your attempts to obfuscate and evade:

    You have repeatedly claimed to have served in HM Forces, even in this very thread, no one has “accused” you of serving in HM Forces.

    In your very last post you said: “The claimant is always bound to prove”
    No proof no truth.

    Evidence presented of military service – None
    Evidence presented of Psychological Transference (or pedantry) – None


    Pugol-H, Ingratiator General

    “Two chairs are reserved”.....appreciated !!! Ditto, I would say I’ll bring the wine, but coals to Newcastle doesn’t quite cover that idea, a decent Single Malt OK?(Expensive Belgian chocolates for the Mem Sahib, of course.)

    I must agree, Stulte sub terra is about as authentic as a nine dollar bill, which is probably what the clientele down at the Public Loos paid him with, to stop him whinging, when they were done.

    The idea of him in any kind of communication role is not credible, when he can’t really string a sentence together in English that isn’t almost complete gibberish.

    I don’t think he quite “understands (at least in the way you or I do)” standard English, never mind the subtleties of Bow Bell’s Chimes, although I must admit I had to think for a moment with “Adrian Quist”, back in the day it was Brahms and Listz.

    I suppose that like most languages it’s evolving, what was “Boat Race”, now I hear “Chevy Chase”. Watch Lock Stock and two Smoking Barrels, directors cut version is a must, replete with subtitles.

    Actually quite recently I was explaining to Geordie friends the origin/translation of the nursery rhyme:

    Half a pound of tuppenny rice,
    Half a pound of treacle.
    That's the way the money goes,
    Pop! Goes the weasel.

    Up and down the City road,
    In and out the Eagle,
    That's the way the money goes,
    Pop goes the weasel.

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 11:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pogul-X

    Contd from above.
    Where the Eagle is a “Rubadub/Nuclear Sub” (still there today) in the City Road, in London.

    And Pop as in “Popcorn” = To Pawn something, and weasel as in “weasel and Stoat” = coat, a luxury item back then.

    Jack Bauer
    I did tell him that this is now dishonourable Glorying in Slaughter, but he won’t leave it out, so, he obviously hasn’t quite learnt yet not to start on people who way out gun him, in all respects.

    He has the opportunity to post “Proof” of his assertion of Military Service in HM forces, or withdraw the claim.

    If not, all the copy/paste arguments/quotes and references, he has used of no evidence/not proven can be thrown at him, public humiliation for a copy/paste Bot, hoisted on his own Petard, somehow fitting for him.

    Jun 25th, 2020 - 11:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Pugol-H the Ingratiator, Never a Fact in Sight
    Lets see your fallacious shifting of the burden of proof just revealed your fraud.
    “Whereas my history with RAF 18 squadron is well documented on this site” Was in response to DT's “Re his military history, he claims to have been in the RAF, something technical with radio communications, and produced a photo of himself with a commemorative mug to 'prove' it.” Which shows a further fraud by you, nice going yet another lost sortie.
    Moreover, there's your disastrously mistaken premise, that an asserter had a safety-net of 'no comment', and a claim of “not proven”. That was demolished by the authoritative dicta “Thoughts are either true or false in an absolute sense, never both or neither.”
    So only two assertions you have made, and I have proved them wrong. Twice, you have fraudulently attempted to shift the burden.
    Chicureo the Advocator of the Avocado, Psychological Transferee, Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, & the Spam King
    I've proved who I was, and what I was. Unfortunately, for you, and your fellow fascist are unable to refute it. At the end of the day your left with my provable, facts and your both untruthful opinions.
    Jack Bauer Proof less, Truth less, & Psychological Transferee
    “Do you stand by your LIE”, if that had happened you would be able to show the occurrence, and subsequent proof of your claim. But, unsurprisingly you can't, no proof no truth.

    Jun 26th, 2020 - 12:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-H the Great and Mighty Mercopress Ingratiator
    Jack the Proof, Truth, & Psychological Superior to Gollum

    (One thing to clear up: I use an online SLANG dictionary.)

    Yesterday was an interesting day! We met a Venezuelan small specialty grower in nearby Colina, that caters to restaurants and the scarce high end grocers in Santiago. He arrived 2 years ago to Chile with about USD60 in his pocket and now he farms 5 hectares under intense cultivation that reminds me of how the Japanese in Brazil utilize their farms. (Until the pandemic, over 80% of his sales was regular restaurant clientele, but currently it's less than 10%)

    Like many of our Venezuelan immigrants, he's well educated and owned a refrigeration supply company in Caracas. His family owned a cattle ranch until the government expropriated it. (Sounds so hauntingly familiar...) He has brought his wife and two children, but supports his extended family that remain in what was once a prosperous country. His wife has a Masters degree in industrial design. (Their work routine is a never-ending 7 days a week, 10 to 16 hour days.)

    Last night I discovered my daughter's friends consisted of all females, so my dog and I were the only males in house. Noisy and I finally escaped to my library for peace.

    The health authorities now tell us that Chile will experience a predicted 25K deaths during this pandemic. They have been completely wrong so far.

    Today the women are inspecting the farm kitchen cabinetry construction in Pudahuel and I'm in the process of applying to renew my formerly “permanent salvoconducto” for travel to the farm. I'm hoping to achieve an expanded complicated travel salvoconducto permission to freely and routinely access Chicureo, Viña, Valle Nevado and the farm, but it will take a lot of smooth talking. (In Argentina or Peru, a reasonable bribe would solve the paperwork, but here in Chile it's the fastest way to get arrested.)

    Jun 26th, 2020 - 01:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Gollum, aka Terence Hill, aka Confused LIAR

    ME : “Do you stand by your LIE ?”,
    YOU : “if that had happened you would be able to show the occurrence, and subsequent proof of your claim. But, unsurprisingly you can't, no proof no truth”.

    You want proof ? here it is dumbass......Click on it...or even google it, if you know how...

    Fotografia indica que Queiroz passou o réveillon em Atibaia ... › Brasil

    Truth....and Proof.

    Is 'Noisy' the name of your dog ? or were you referring to your daughter's female company ?

    I find that in most popular restaurants, the most noise comes from tables with lots of, or only, females....amazing how they all shriek at each other, at the top of their voices, and at the same time...and seem to understand each other...
    Always wise to sit as far away from them as possible, otherwise you can't even hear yourself think...

    Jun 26th, 2020 - 06:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer Proof less, Truth less, & Psychological Transferee
    “Do you stand by your LIE” So you claim, but provide no link. After finding the original source, it's an easy answer. I was told by a reliable source, on the grounds of confidentiality.

    Jun 26th, 2020 - 07:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Google “Fotografia indica que Queiroz passou o réveillon em Atibaia ...”....and read the 4th paragraph....idiot.

    Your reliable source is wrong....and why would some other idiot in Canada require confidentiality ? more conspiracy theories , Gollum ?

    Jun 26th, 2020 - 09:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    No, the women were noisy as they chatted well into the night.

    One was Madam's girlfriend, who used to be the love-interest of the owner of the two new apartments we accuired (perhaps stole) in Viña and Valle Nevado. If you remember, she currently repossess BMW cars from persons no longer able to pay their leases.

    She also has expanded to a number of luxury vehicles, which She has offered us very generous terms, if we want to take over the payments — with no buy in or exit charges — but it's a bad image thing for a grower wanting a low profile.

    Tempting however...

    Dinner tonight is cold Wayu beef sourdough bread sandwiches and a '06 Santa Rita Casa Real Cabernet.

    Jun 26th, 2020 - 09:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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