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Argentina rejoiced with Germany's position on the Falklands/Malvinas dispute

Friday, January 22nd 2021 - 09:43 UTC
Full article 52 comments
Lufthansa is planning two charter flights directly from Hamburg to the Falkland Islands with scientists and a fresh crew Lufthansa is planning two charter flights directly from Hamburg to the Falkland Islands with scientists and a fresh crew
Germany requested Argentine authorities to overfly Argentine space and to have access with its polar research vessel “Polarstern” to Stanley/Puerto Argentino Germany requested Argentine authorities to overfly Argentine space and to have access with its polar research vessel “Polarstern” to Stanley/Puerto Argentino

Argentina is rejoicing because Germany's flag carrier Lufthansa formally requested the Civil Aviation National Administration and the Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands provincial government over flight and landing authorization for two charter flights to the Malvinas Islands from Hamburg.

The first flight is scheduled for February first and the second, March 30. In both cases, Ushuaia is the alternative airport for Mount Pleasant Complex in the Falklands.

The request points out that both flights have the same purpose, transporting scientists and staff to replace those currently at the German scientific station in Antarctica, “Neumayer III,” as well as a fresh crew for the research icebreaker “Polarstern.”

According to the Argentine foreign ministry release the authorization request for the icebreaker to access Stanley (Puerto Argentino) was presented by the German Embassy in Buenos Aires to the Argentine Coast Guard command, in the framework of Decree 256/2010.

Lufthansa alto points out those on board the flights will undergo a 14 day quarantine before the trip, during which they will be tested three times, (PCR) and four times the airline crew.

The release finally underlines that the Lufthansa request was done to Argentine authorities, since this implies that Germany recognizes the Falklands/Malvinas islands as Argentine territory.

This approach concurs with the recently announced Argentine post Brexit policy of convincing EU country members to drop support for UK regarding the dispute over the South Atlantic islands, and acknowledge Argentine sovereignty rights over the Falklands.

“It is an important step in the understanding at a global level that it is a territory over which, as the United Nations recognizes, there is a sovereignty dispute and the only solution is dialogue within the framework of resolution 2065 of United Nations,” Malvinas secretary Daniel Filmus was quoted.

The German flag carrier stressed that it will be its longest direct flight, so it specially prepared the crew and the plane. Generally, the flights make a stopover in Cape Town to the white continent, but due to the coronavirus outbreak that affects Africa, they would have given up doing it this time.

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  • KikeUshuaia

    KelperAbout, how right you are.

    But what the article fails to mention is that the Globe's airspace is divided in seamless zones called Flight Information Region, FIR. This just to make sure who's going to have a look in case something goes wrong. It has nothing to do with sovereignty. Chile has to receive the same acknowledgement if it wants to fly between Punta & MPA. Or if you want to fly to Canary Islands, you have to inform Morocco. So, once again Mr. Filmus and his mates managed to twist the truth for their 'benefit'.

    Jan 22nd, 2021 - 11:31 am +5
  • kelperabout

    Argentina clutching at another straw. How desperate they are to try and make it look like the rest of the world all supports them.
    The flight plan for this trip was requested and approved through the Falkland Island Government Aviation Dept and Argentina went ballistic that a country dare fly direct to the islands which they claim without their approval.
    What they fail to tell the world is that Britain had established a settlement on the Islands in 1765 a whole 68 years before Argentina tried to illegally set up in Port Louis.
    They are desperate for another cash flow and want ours and we see that in their efforts to distort the truth.
    Any country who supports the Argentine claim are themselves in denial.
    They have been shouting the odds and pressuring other countries to support them, yet behind the scenes most do not.
    One day the rest of the world will wake up to this scam Argentina has created.

    Jan 22nd, 2021 - 10:27 am +4
  • Islander1

    What a dumbarsed lot the Arg Govt and Filimus and team are! FI could not care less where the diversion airport is- so long as there is one- that is airline Captain,s choice!

    BUT Arg has a ban on any non humanitarian flight using Arg airspace to fly to and from the Falklands - so IF bad weather prevents landing at MPA- and aircraft flys onto and lands I Ushuaia - How do they then give it permission to fly to Falklands the next day as it business- not humanitarian!!

    Pathetic and Immature Children- but then that sums up Argentine Politicians- always has done over the Falklands issue.

    Jan 22nd, 2021 - 11:33 am +4
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