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Falklands' “Restriction on Movement” declaration in full force until 18 February

Saturday, February 6th 2021 - 07:34 UTC
Full article 1 comment

The Falkland Islands Government Executive Council, ExCo, has agreed to the making and publication of a Declaration to bring into force regulations 11 (restrictions on movement) and 12 (restrictions on movement – specified areas) in order to ‘prevent, protect against, delay or otherwise control the incidence or transmission of coronavirus in the Falkland Islands.’ The regulations form part of the Infectious Diseases Control (Coronavirus) (No 2) Regulations. Read full article


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  • Islander1

    Basic good common sense as by review date Health Service will have the 14 day quarantine results form the “Test & Trace” carried out following the original positive. Lets hope the system and the immediate Clampdown has held this one firmly controlled.

    Feb 06th, 2021 - 09:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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