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Argentine health minister resigns over VIP vaccination scandal eroding public trust in the inoculation program

Saturday, February 20th 2021 - 09:42 UTC
Full article 13 comments

Argentina's current Deputy Health minister Carla Vizzotti, will be appointed Minister on Saturday following the Friday resignation of Ginés González García, who had organized at the ministry a VIP Covid-19 vaccination hall for government officials, friends and family. Read full article


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  • Chicureo


    If I get vaccinated….
    – Can I stop wearing the mask?
    – Government: No
    – Can the restaurants, pubs, bars, etc. reopen and everyone work normally?
    – Government: No
    – Am I resistant to covid?
    – Government: Maybe, but we don’t know for sure…..
    – At least I am no longer contagious to others?
    – Government: No, you can still pass it on, possibly no one knows.
    – If we vaccinate all children, will school go on as normal?
    – Government: No
    – If I am vaccinated, can I stop social dissociation?
    – Government: No
    – If I am vaccinated, can I stop disinfecting my hands?
    – Government – No
    – If I vaccinate myself and my grandpa, can we hug?
    – Government: No
    – Will movie theaters, theaters and stadiums reopen thanks to vaccines?
    – Government: No
    – May the vaccinated be able to gather [events; parties].
    – Government: No
    – What is the real benefit of vaccination?
    – Government: The vaccine will not kill you.
    – Are you sure it won’t kill me?
    – Government: No
    – If statistically the virus won’t kill me anyway…. Why should I get vaccinated?”
    – Government: To protect others.
    – So if I get vaccinated, others are 100% sure I won’t infect them?
    – Government: No, we are not sure.

    So, to summarize: The COVID19 vaccine….

    – Does not give immunity.
    – Does not eliminate the virus.
    – Does not prevent death.
    – Doesn’t guarantee you won’t get it.
    – Doesn’t stop you from getting it.
    – Does not stop you from passing it on.
    – Doesn’t preclude the need for travel bans.
    – Doesn’t preclude the need for business closures.
    – Doesn’t preclude the need for closures.
    – doesn’t preclude the need for concealment.

    It is so absurd and I wonder why there are people who let this happen to them.

    Saying all that — I’m encouraging everyone to seek being vaccinated, but this entire pandemic has been a comedy of fools!

    ¡Saludos de Chile!

    Feb 20th, 2021 - 02:52 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Guillote

    jjajajajajajaj sos re divertido jujujuju
    que propones? jijijijij
    no tiene la gente que vacunarse?
    porque lo propones en MP en el area argentina?
    que propones que haga chile? jijijiji esperar a pinochoto jujujuju
    para vos el covid es mentira y las vacunas tambien?
    pinochoto reclutaba tipos con bajo coeficiente intelectual eso esta claro jajajajajajajajaj
    pobres suboficiales banderilleros que se creen importantes jajajajaj
    viva pinochoto el reclutador de inutiles jurujujujuju

    Feb 21st, 2021 - 05:16 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Think

    Congratulations..., hermanito...

    From being a Shilean military man..., indoctrinated from an early age (as you just mentioned in another thread...: to blindly follow your military superiors complete stupid..., revolting and immoral orders like to distrust..., hate and kill your own kind..., race and religion only because they happen to live on the other side of an imaginary line...

    Or to arrest..., torture and sumarily kill your own kind..., that lives on your very own side of said imaginary line...

    You seem to have evolved into a remarkable human rights and liberties defender...


    Feb 21st, 2021 - 11:03 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK

    Even now the health experts are predicting herd immunity to be achieved by mid-April and the latest Swedish mortality rates compared to the UK proves Sweden’s refusal to lock down their society was the CORRECT action.

    As I’ve mentioned — I’m RECOMMENDING everyone consider taking a COVID-19 immunization vaccine when it becomes available. That includes the Chinese Sinovac which is the most available here in Chile at no cost. (The Russian Sputnik in your country as well.)

    Despite testing positive with COVID antibodies — both Madame and I will seek Sinovac vaccination when we’re scheduled.

    (Chile has been highly successful in their program and our country has already vaccinated 2,670,139 with the first dose and 55,240 with the second dose.)

    All the approved vaccines are helpful in battling this pandemic!

    H O W E V E R

    What I’m pointing out is in the USA the CDC cannot explain the drop in flu cases from 400,000 last season to only 165 this season.

    What nobody in mainstream media and a handful of doctors are willing to acknowledge is the plain and straightforward answer: The flu didn’t disappear. It was merely misdiagnosed as COVID-19, sometimes intentionally and sometimes accidentally. Covid tests have been demonstrated to be inaccurate and the similarity to the flu and the common cold are enough to shift results. And if tests show Covid AND flu, then pretty much every doctor in America is going to label it as a Covid case.

    (Lockdowns were useless as we are learning now!)

    G U I L O T E - G Ü E Ó N

    Good to see you’ve again crawled out from under your rock!

Knowing your very SPECIAL Argentine character — I again would greatly recommend the knowledgable and quote filled TERESA HILL

    You two would make an exceptionally charming pair!

    ¡Saludos de Chile!

    Feb 21st, 2021 - 01:55 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Think

    Ayayay..., hermanito....

    You do it again and again and again and...

    You keep posting links to opinion pieces..., written on Yankee Right-Wing Conspira-Conservative sites..., by complete unknowns..., without any scientific qualification..., other than calling themselves “Patriots”..., trying to enroll more Turnips to the “Patriotic” cause...!

    Useless Yankee Right-Wing Conspira-Conservative sites..., that during the last few years..., have sprouted on Internet..., as Boletus edulis do on a rainy autumn all over the forests of my Ligurean mountains backyard...

    I will be kind with you and LINK you to an “Easy-Readable” article about the very topic that seems to be afflicting you...

    A good site I've LINKED you before.., that calculated within a 1% precision..., the result ot last Yankee Presidential Election...,btw...

    This LINK of mine..., provides..., as it is customary in articles written by Thinking People...several related LINKS to many relevant scIentific sources..., INCLUDING the CDC..., that CLEARLY EXPLAINS AND CLARIFIES your above expressed doubts...:


    Feb 21st, 2021 - 03:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK

    With all due respect for your Danish obstinance...

    I’m not denying the danger of our current pandemic — but it’s completely obvious the lockdowns were nearly useless. We obviously should have followed Sweden’s example — but it’s now accepted we’ll achieve herd immunity in a few months.

    Again — I’m recommending everyone consider taking a voluntary COVID-19 immunization vaccine when it becomes available.

    Although Madame and I will be vaccinated with the Sinovac vaccine — no person should be obligated by their government to take any vaccine.

    If you carefully read the article you kindly shared from the left-wing gringo FiveThirtyEight site — proves exactly what I’m saying. The world medical experts have been wrong!

    As you remember — Swedish death mortality rates are dropping at a rate better than the UK — but Sweden kept their society open while the UK imposed a lockdown. statistics.

    (The attached chart is startling clear.)

    The Center For Disease Control (CDC) cannot explain the drop in flu cases from 400,000 last season to 165 this season.

    The flu didn’t disappear. It was merely misdiagnosed as COVID-19, sometimes intentionally and sometimes accidentally.

    This insane lockdown lunacy has destroyed far more lives than what it has protected.

    The cure has been far worse than the virus itself!

    G U I L O T E - G Ü E Ó N

    I suggest you receive a Canine Distemper/Parvo Bordetella and Rabies Vaccine at your earliest convenience.

    ¡Saludos de Chile!

    Feb 21st, 2021 - 05:12 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Think

    - As I KNOW..., Swedish Covid19 contagion..., hospitalization and mortality rates are until “12 TIMES” higher than in the rest of Scandinavia............. AND GOING UP...:

    Stop lying to yourself..., hermanito...


    Feb 21st, 2021 - 05:56 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK

    With all due respect to your typical Argentine habit of vilely manipulating statistics to reflect a warped reality of facts.

    Yes, although Scandinavia does have better results — Sweden has better overall statistics than the remainder of Europe.

    This while keeping their society reasonably open without a lockdown — while other countries sadly closed theirs.

    Or is it your obstinate Danish prejudice against the Swedes — blinds you from the attached chart?

    Sometimes Argentines just have a difficulty accepting facts.


    Feb 21st, 2021 - 06:42 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Think

    Look hermanito...

    1) I have as much Swedish blood flowing in my veins and arteries as I have Norvegian and Danish... (including some odd isolated Boreal Windblown Isles...)
    No preferences..., just knowledge...

    2) I have tried to explain to you..., the turnipidity of comparing European Tomatoes with Potatoes..., instead of comparing Scandinavian juicy apples with Scandinavian juicy apples... - If you are not capable of grasping such a straight concept..., it is you that have a problem..., not me...

    3) Above..., you write a very silly (and uncorrect thing)...:
    ***“No person should be obligated by their government to take any vaccine.”***..., you say...
    - Inform yourself Shicureo...
    - Ask your Missus to show you ALL THEM MANY OBLIGATORY vacunation certificates your three children had to have...
    Ask your oldest Daughter to show you ALL THEM MANY OBLIGATORY vacunation certificates your grandchildren had to have...
    Ask your ginger Son to show you ALL THEM MANY OBLIGATORY vacunation certificates your grandchildren had to have...
    You can even ask your Dackel to show you ALL THEM MANY OBLIGATORY vacunation certificates he had to have..., just to be allowed to go outside and piss on a palto...

    Feb 21st, 2021 - 07:55 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK

    Well in honest retrospect you do have a valid argument regarding vaccines as I reflect in the navy we were pincushions for ridiculous numbers if injections of who-knows-what and yes all our grandchildren and Dackel are required to have obligatory vaccinations.

    Small Pox was nearly eliminated by vaccination — but I understand because COVID is transmissible to other mammals — it’s probably going to be with us for a long time.

    This current pandemic has the people in many parts of the world frightened — and even Madame initially had reservations about the Chinese vaccine. I think it would be a mistake for the government to mandate obligatory vaccinations of a completely new type of vaccine.

    It’s good to think that you are not a bigot about your Swedish cousins. If only you were as open minded as my humble self and realize that pissing on an avocado tree is absorbed as precious urea.


    Feb 21st, 2021 - 08:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    - Always something that a pluri-vaccinated Shilean milico-man...,(Armed Farces all over the world instaured new..., truly Orwellian Vaccination Programmes for their Cannon Fodder right after the Kansas Flu scare)..., after having realized that he's completely surrounded from all sides by three generations of his pluri-vaccinated worst-enemy's family..., (including the dog) has the presence of mind to admit that..., in honest retrospect..., it is a valid argument that..., for at least the last onehundred years..., almost every person in the “civilized” world has been obliged by its respective government to take many vaccines...


    Feb 22nd, 2021 - 12:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK

    Your observation seems to ring true about the loss of liberty and freedom of not accepting the vaccine. Especially since I’m personally recommending people to do so.

    My argument is like that of an Argentine sailor realizing defeat and evoking the desperate battle cry: “Irse a pique antes que rendir el pabellón”

    “I am hurt, but I am not slain;
    I'll lay me down and bleed a-while,
    And then I'll rise and fight again”


    Feb 22nd, 2021 - 03:25 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Think

    ***“ Blah..., blah..., blah........ I'll rise and fight again”***...

    Words alleged to a British Pirate..., killed by the British..., for being a Pirate...

    Nor history nor legend says naught 'bout him rising and fighting again..., hermanito...

    Your point being...?

    Feb 22nd, 2021 - 04:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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