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China-backed railway projects gain momentum in Chile and Argentina

Wednesday, March 24th 2021 - 14:50 UTC
Full article 49 comments

The government of Chile Tuesday unveiled 15 brand new railway units made in China, with which the South American country intends to revamp its train service both for passengers and cargo. Read full article


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  • Think

    Now we will be able to quickly invade Shile with our pretty Granaderas...
    (Try to focus on them hats to decipher... ;-)

    Mar 24th, 2021 - 04:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Trimonde

    Jezuss Think!! Do you people EVER think any other way that is not some defensive provocative statement?! When is Britain ever going to stop disseminating a sentiment of confrontational competitive or depreciative antagonism about the rest of the countries in the world! If it is not about their own situations, it is about Britain's relationship with them. Can you people ever think differently??! Why does Britain always have to be the thorn in everyone's foot who's good favors they are not seeking!? Is it because your's is a country that now believes belligerency and war are it's optimal means for thriving and continuing to grow its wealth? And is this the reason ZERO people in Britain now believe a world without wars, even as a goal, is possible?

    Mar 25th, 2021 - 11:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    Ma che roba stai fumando..., giargiana...?
    Io sono Argentino e non Inglese...!


    Mar 25th, 2021 - 02:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Trimonde

    E va bè! ... so contento per te.
    ... Se come veramente non si capisce nulla di dove sei dalle cose che dici! Scusami allora

    Mar 25th, 2021 - 06:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    Consideresé perdonado...:-)

    No es extraño qué Ud. No haya podido decifrar mi comentario...

    Era solo una broma dirigida a un milico chileno que suele postear aquí ..., el cual sufre de un ligero complejo de inferioridad con respecto a la Argentina y de una gran debilidad por las mujeres bién torneadas...:-)

    El “punto”de la broma es que las bonitas señoritas del video linqueado lucen sombreros del Argentinisimo Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo del General San Martin..., Libertador de todo Chile...!

    Saluti dal Tigullio...
    El Think...

    Mar 25th, 2021 - 06:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Trimonde

    Si, se bien de quien hablás, de hecho me entretiene mucho leer vuestro “gentlemen back and forth bantering”
    “Mujeres torneadas” para mi puede significar distintas cosas, pero tambien, recien vi el video.
    Por Dios! It's too early in the morning for that.

    Mar 26th, 2021 - 07:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    Mar 26th, 2021 - 01:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Humm, mention the word “invade” and TiTMonde flies into a blithering rage about the Brits, even when it’s a Kurepi Planter squatting in Patagonia joking about invading Chile.

    Just like Whackjob/F*ckwitt does when you mention “bags of soiled Bumf” in Brazil.

    Although even he doesn’t blame the Brits for it.

    Any chance you two are related???

    Mar 26th, 2021 - 02:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    Important things first : by the sound of it, you are well...Good !

    Now to the unimportant .....yep, it stood out like a sore thumb.....

    When TiTMonde started with “Do you people EVER think any other way that is not some defensive provocative statement?”, I agreed with him (miracle !)..... but then he went and spoiled it by adding “When is Britain ever going to stop disseminating a sentiment of confrontational competitive or depreciative antagonism about the rest of the countries in the world !”

    My immediate reaction was to ask myself, as they say here “o que o cú tem a ver com as calças ?”...... which freely translated means “what has the asshole got to do with the trousers ?”

    But the inherent need to bring everything down to a common denominator, in this case “it's the Brits fault”, is as inevitable as sh*t attracting flies....

    Maybe the asshole and the trousers are related after all ....

    Mar 27th, 2021 - 04:44 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Pugol-H

    Jack Bauer

    Yes, “Important things first”, you sound well and in fine fettle, good, I trust all is well with you and yours?

    We are good here, Chicureo and I both had our first Jabs in the last few days and apart from a bit of a sore arm (it’s a F*ck off big needle with the AZ), no noticeable side effects.

    In the UK we are now in a phased lifting of lockdown restrictions, with the last “day to day” restrictions due to be lifted by 21st June. All assuming the figures stay low, by which they mean hospital admissions.

    Things do not sound good in Brazil, or indeed in other parts of S. America, these new more transmissible variants are sweeping across Europe as well, lockdowns notwithstanding. I noted your comments re: “Bolsonaro appoints committee”, I take it you’re “not holding your breath” then!

    Even a cursory glance at one of TiTMonde’s long, rambling, disconnected and delusional postings tells you either, he “does not have all his cups in the cupboard”, or he is “off his TiTs” on something.

    The rabid Anglophobe behaviour he displays I must say I find most satisfying, not to say amusing, in his mind we Brits are still all powerful.

    Like many defenders of the ludicrous excesses of some Argy Govs, apparently he does not live in Argentina and so can afford to be generous about what it is like there.

    Stay well my friend.

    Saludos de Colonia Nervia Glevensium.

    Mar 28th, 2021 - 01:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    All's well here, tks.

    Got my 1st jab on the 19th, 2nd one scheduled for April 9th. You're right, the needle seemed a bit thicker than usual (influenza vaccine, taken yearly)..but no side effects.....haven't grown a crocodile tail as a result of the vaccine, as predicted by our idiotic president.

    Numbers of cases and deaths due to Covid are still increasing....and even now, during the tightest version of a semi-lockdown we have been submitted to for 10 days, the police are still breaking up clandestine parties in out-of-town warehouses, nightclubs, whatever. ....Justice is very lenient with them, so the parties continue. They should be imprisoned. If they believe they are immune to the virus, what's the problem ?

    Bolsonaro continues being an idiot....uses a mask only now and then and encourages people to the general population here is not known for its intelligence, many people actually become bamboozled when they listen to the specialists, and then to Bolsonaro....reckon it's the 'benefit' of ignorance.

    TiTMonde, for some unknown reason hates the British...why doesn't he tell us ? he must percieve himself to have been a victim at their hands, at some time or another.....

    Reminds me of a guy I worked with for a long time - he, being a member of the São Paulo Football Club, hated the Corinthians Football Club.....he'd never explain why, but years later, a common friend told us why : during a game between the two clubs, a group of Corinthians supporters, sitting quite a bit higher up in the stadium, threw a plastic bag of warm piss on, understandable. Wonder what the British did to TiTMonde..
    n.b.: had 'we-know-who' been present, he would've rushed to retrieve the plastic bag, to store used bumf....

    Mar 28th, 2021 - 03:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Jack Bauer

    We have just had 3 months of a reasonably strict lockdown that was overwhelmingly observed just to bring the new variants outbreak under control, meanwhile vaxing over half the adult population to keep it at bay.

    It sounds like things are only going to get worse in Brazil with nothing to even slow it down.

    A Darwinian situation my friend, you are getting your jabs, your odds of survival have gone way up. Some people are going to have to learn the hard way this is a killer.

    TiTMonde is just one of those people you come across who is a victim looking for a cause and of course with the Brits being so Great, famous and all around good guys, only natural he wants to be in our shadow, unfortunately it’s the perfect place to get pissed on.

    n.b. 'we-know-who', seems to have gone quiet, fingers crossed eh.

    Mar 29th, 2021 - 04:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    J A C K ⭐️ B A U E R — P U G O L ⚡️ TTWH 

Quiet Monday here in Panquehue. I left our home in Chicureo and was stopped twice in checkpoints for the purpose of my travel. (The Carabineros were very polite but I have to carry a binder of permits just to travel now.)

    Farmers are considered essential workers — but this weekend was not permitted except for medical and emergency services.

    Although Madame has been more relaxed as our guests have all confirmed for our Easter celebration — we still have not been able to continue with the landscaping of the front garden and she’s become paranoid.

    I’m spending the next two days to enjoy the peace and quiet of the farm — before returning to chaos. My only responsibility is the roasting an entire lamb in our garden quincho and entertaining our guests.

    Here in Chile the current death toll is 23,070 from a population of 20 million. 6,434,467 have been vaccinated with 3,300,147 receiving their second injection.

    Our national borders are nearly sealed and the vote on Chile’s constitution has been delayed now to May 15 and 16.

    Best wishes to all you and the ones you love.

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Mar 29th, 2021 - 06:36 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Jack Bauer


    The virus here is surviving nicely thanks to Bolsonaro's pro-Covid campaign and millions of idiots who believe they are eternal......they are finding out the hard way that they are not.

    Poor old TiTMonde...I liked the “victim looking for a cause”.......very similar to the pyscho “we-know-who”......never justifies his silly remarks.

    Rosting an entire lamb ?.....sounds like you are having a hard time......

    Have a good Easter !

    Stay safe !

    It's incredible that the idiots don't even care about their own family members that they are infecting, and killing.

    Mar 29th, 2021 - 09:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    J A C K ⭐️ B A U E R — P U G O L ⚡️ TTWH


    Like I’ve mentioned — Madame has been in her bête noire bete mood and I’ve escaped to the countryside peace and quiet here with my grandfather’s library and a marvelous very old Cabernet. (‘89 Santa Rita Casa Real)

    I see from the news your country has been exceptionally hard hit — including the new variant that seems even more deadly than what we face here. They are expecting a second wave — but so far the actual number of deaths has declined. (The increase of those testing positive is because of increased testing.)

    Even though Bolsonaro has reacted weakly in the crisis — those countries that have enacted strong lockdown measures don’t seem to have much success either.

    If you remember — we cancelled last year’s Easter celebration and now realize that we can’t stop enjoying life — but if we were in Brazil we’d probably have only a small gathering.

    The lamb was raised and butchered in Chillán by our friends who has a gourmet foods company (or money losing hobby) which is traditionally served by our family for the holiday.

    The carcass weighs less than 14 kilos and will be roasted in our garden for somewhere 4 to 5 hours with salt, rosemary and inserted garlic cloves. We also will serve German style honey roasted ham along with all the accompaniments.

    The chocolate is from a Belgian here:

    Although I’m all for everyone to be vaccinated — although I have strong reservations about young adolescents. So far, none of our few employees that were infected — recovered with no hospitalization.

    All the very best wishes from peaceful Panquehue!

    Mar 29th, 2021 - 10:12 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    “Although even he doesn’t blame the Brits for it.”
    That must be another one of Nigel Farage's 'droppings'.

    Mar 30th, 2021 - 03:50 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Jack Bauer


    Well, if you manage to remain 'comfortably numb' with the great vintages, you won't notice your better-half's changing moods....

    Brazil has/is been/being hard hit, not because Bolsonaro 'reacted weakly', but because he didn't react at all in the beginning, and when he finally did, it was in the attempt to discredit science......Reckon you've been reading about his cabinet changes....all with a view to replace those who think for themselves, with a bunch of doormats.
    It's so bloody obvious, but he couldn't care long as he satisfies his cattle.

    Fact is, all this does not surprise me one bit....yes, it gets me pissed-off, but being very familiar with Brazilian politicians, their dirty ways and their cozying up to some of the Supreme Court justices (to cover their asses against future prosecution - which of course, is not illegal !), it's just 'another day in the life'...

    I'm a believer in the Serenity Prayer, “God, grant me the Serenity to Accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference”.

    And life goes on....pretty well, notwithstanding all the political crap.


    You spoke too soon.....the creature's proboscis sniffed you out, and is snorting from the basement....

    Mar 30th, 2021 - 08:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    J A C K⭐️ B A U E R — P U G O L⚡️TTWH — ESTIMADO ☄️T H I N K

    Certainly I’m alarmed with the sad developments in Brazil. You certainly are facing a crisis and the new COVID variant has Chile nearly closed to international transit.

    Unfortunately wine does not insulate my spirit when ma mariée transforms herself into a maniacal Madame DeFarge. (She’s been excessively anxious about the celebration.)

    Getting away to the farm for some quiet time reading restores my sanity.

    The ‘89 Casa Real is remarkable and will be extinguished tonight. Although the cork was showing serious deterioration when I opened it yesterday — the Cabernet is velvety smooth. (This bottle I’m content not to share as it is too good!)

    Weather during the days here are still warm — but the nighttime lows are noticeably cooler.

    This evening’s fare of bife de chorizo is on the kitchen counter will be sautéed in a garlic rosemary-infused butter to make the perfect medium rare steak – seared and caramelized on the outside, and juicy inside. That alongside a salad of garden tomatoes dressed with Balsamic syrup will be very satisfying.

    Unfortunately by tomorrow afternoon — I’ll need to return to Chicureo and the chaos...

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Mar 30th, 2021 - 09:25 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Jack Bauer


    Well, I suppose life isn't all roses, it's a few thorns as well....just have to learn how to dodge them.

    Remarkable that you have such old vintages that are still fresh and smooth....most of my wine is stashed in boxes (on their side) in the maid's quarter's bathroom, which is all tiled, so the temperature is usually a few degrees lower than the rest of the apartment. I find that maximum shelf life is about 10 years (reds), ideally 7 or 8.....before some start to decline....corks are usually a problem, desintegrating when half way out, but a good filter solves the problem......screwcaps are more predictable than corks, as they don't leak air.

    Bife de chorizo....sounds delicious and juicy.....been just over a year since I had my last one.....can't go to my favorite steakhouse while this damned virus is still around.

    Good luck with Chicureo !

    Mar 31st, 2021 - 01:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    J A C K⭐️ B A U E R — P U G O L⚡️TTWH

    The farmhouse basement was specifically built in the 1870s deep into the earth as much of the food supplies were originally stored there. (There are still hooks in the ceiling for hanging hams.)

    Our youngest daughter installed a temperature recording sensor a few years ago. In very general terms the constant temperature ranges from between 10 and 15°C (50 and 59°F), with the exception of exceptionally hot summers when temperatures can rise briefly as high as 20°C (68 °F).

    I’m taking back to Chicureo various bottles of some marvelous vintages from the ‘90s including — ‘95 & ‘96 Viña Errazuriz Don Maximiano — two ‘98 Don Melchor — and two ‘98 Marqués de Casa Concha which I feel is actually superior to the Don Melchors. (Perhaps the best wine in or cellar.)

    Last evening’s bife de chorizo was marvelous as I prepared it myself — medium rare with an outstanding sear — today’s lunch is two delicious empanadas made by the local old lady nearby.

    I’ve just finished harvesting from the farmhouse garden including some ripe fruit from our orchard — including Angelino plums and Stark Sunglo nectarines along with some large Black Krim tomatoes and fully mature Italian red peppers (corno di toro) which I love roasted.

    I’ve also “volunteered” myself to shuttle two local Carabinero officers back to Santiago this afternoon. (It always is good to maintain good relations with the local Comisaría.)

    Apparently there have also been adverse reactions to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine:

    Meanwhile the cockroach is having a nervous breakdown:

    -.-- --- ..- -..-. / .- .-. . -..-. / .-.. -.-- .. -. --.

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Mar 31st, 2021 - 05:02 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer Proof less & Truth less

    ”Can't go to my favorite steakhouse while this damned virus is still around.
    You mean you can't pick up the phone and order one to be delivered? Are you in such a remote location, or is it a case of you're as useful as tits on a bull.

    Mar 31st, 2021 - 06:12 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    J A C K⭐️ B A U E R — P U G O L⚡️TTWH

    I don’t think it’s possible to imagine dining at a great churrascaria compared to delivered food. It shows complete ignorance by anyone suggesting the marvelous experience.

    Speaking of the filthy cockroach, Skippy the Virgin has a wide variety of videos on YouTube which goes into detail why his flustered romance attempts have resulted in Skippy’s gender transition and embracing a bisexual relationship status.

    In other videos Teresa boasts about her preference for Popov™ vodka.

    (I haven’t linked the videos as I find Teresa’s life incredibly pathetic and dull, but it’s the same Terence Hill identity here on MercoPress.)

    I’m now just waiting to pick up a couple of Carabinero officers and shuttle them to Santiago. (It should be an interesting conversation in transit to Chicureo.)

    -.-- --- ..- -..-. / .- .-. . -..-. / .-.. -.-- .. -. --.

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Mar 31st, 2021 - 06:53 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer Proof less & Truth less

    “I haven’t linked the videos as I find” Hmmm the old no proof, no truth.

    “Meanwhile” From one who has been outed as a consummate liar. I rely on what I know to be actually true. Chicureo “Although I've defended Pinochet despite his regrettable actions...I support nationalists that are willing to protect their nation ...Just giving the vote to women has resulted in our current nightmare.”

    Mar 31st, 2021 - 08:04 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    J A C K⭐️ B A U E R

    There is a reason why Americans are attracted to Brazilian churrascarías.

    -.-- --- ..- -..-. / .- .-. . -..-. / .-.. -.-- .. -. --.

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Mar 31st, 2021 - 08:47 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Jack Bauer


    You are right, from beginning to end....I could (pick up the phone and ) order a steak “to be delivered”, but nothing like sitting down in the restaurant, being served.....caipirinhas, and/or wine, each person ordering their preferred drink....and, getting the food 'hot'....not to mention the variety of cuts, the salads, and the dessert…..just there, waiting for you….no washing dishes later….just pay the bill and order your car…..or Uber

    And yes, the “Fogo de Chão” is superb.

    I can quite understand Skippy's anger, and frustration, because he can't order anything in - not even an over cooked hamburger and soggy fries - far less prime steak prepared to perfection….let alone, go out to a restaurant.

    The high point of the day for Skippy, regarding meals, is when his dear old Ma - who did nothing to deserve such an obnoxious little creature roaming her basement - throws the garbage down the chute (when she doesn’t forget) ....which always arrives cold, so it's understandable that the creature would think it's OK to eat a cold steak.

    All that cold, tasteless garbage, must be affecting Skippy's brain - that is, what's left of it - to the point of his thinking I was the one who wrote ”“I haven’t linked the videos as I find”......

    Oh well, he can't even discern between the truth and fake news, so I reckon I can forgive that little slip up.....not the first time he pisses out the potty....but that's OK, he has plenty of used bumf stored away to mop it up.

    Chicureo, stay safe, enjoy your steak and wine, while I enjoy my wine and look forward to my the restaurant !

    Mar 31st, 2021 - 10:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer Proof less & Truth less

    “look forward to my the restaurant !”

    When you're unable to even produce a “prime steak prepared to perfection” You're going to have a long wait. Since your unable to fend for yourself, you better hang on to that “over cooked hamburger and soggy fries”. As it doesn't appear anyone else is prepared to take care of your sorry ass.

    Mar 31st, 2021 - 11:43 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    J A C K⭐️ B A U E R

    You and I are in total agreement! The experience of a Brazilian churrascaría is one of the finest dining experiences imaginable — unless you’re an idiot like Skippy subsiding on frozen processed food heated in a microwave.

    I’m back in Chicureo with Madame on the edge — as long as I precisely obey all her commands — until after the celebration.

    The final food and cut flowers orders are arriving tomorrow and the family gathering has continued to increase in confirmed guests.

    The lamb will be my largest task — which we’ll prepare in our garden quincho:

    -.-- --- ..- -..-. / .- .-. . -..-. / .-.. -.-- .. -. --.

    ¡Saludos de Chicureo!

    Mar 31st, 2021 - 11:48 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer Proof less & Truth less

    “his thinking I was the one who wrote” Mea culpa, doesn't make any difference since you both chunter the same unprovable nonsense.
    You both have indicated your preference for anti-democratic fascist governments. Hence, Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dee.

    Apr 01st, 2021 - 10:23 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Pugol-H

    Jack Bauer/Chicureo

    Steak and a good wine are way beyond poor Whackjob/F*ckwitt’s means or experience, hence the obvious upset and jealousy at the mere mention of it.

    Prime steak in Brazil, a whole roast lamb in Chile, both served with better wines than poor old, decrepit, Whackjob/F*ckwitt has ever even heard of never mind tasted.

    Even here we have Jerk chicken, rice & peas, Red Stripe larger.

    However in a squalid hovel in the frozen north, its microwaveable lasagne (for one) with a Piss and Vodka cocktail, while checking all the Bumf in the bag is fully used.

    Looked at like that, its little wonder Whackjob/F*ckwitt is so bitter and twisted.

    Altogether a sad existence.

    Apr 01st, 2021 - 05:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    Good fella ! obey her commands and you will be rewarded.....

    I get the impression that Tom Bray knows what he's doing......the steaks made my mouth water.....nailing the salmon to the boards make me think it would be a great thing to do with Skippy.....overcook him and then serve him up to Long Dong to know, a kind of “take in”, since Skippy would never let them out...

    I think Skippy, aka Gollum, the F*ckwitt, Teresa, and of course, the liar Terence Sh*tHill, is going off his rocker.......after going to the bother of making it crystal clear to it/him/whatever, that I prefer to go out to a restaurant - instead of ordering in, as the idiot thinks I should - in order to have a steak “prepared to perfection”, it comes up with the stupoid remark ”When you're unable to even produce a “prime steak prepared to perfection”....WTF is that supposed to mean ??

    Isn't his 'mea culpa' sweet ? then he spoils it by being rude....

    And again, WTF has a steak prepared to perfection got to do with anti-democratic, fascist governments ?
    Methinks he can't read....the government in '64 was not elected, but neither would the alternative have been, had the commies' plans materialized....have to laugh when he thinks he understands what was going on here in the early 60s....or, the Brazilian customs in the toilet.....plastic bins, bumf in bags....ROTFLMAO

    Apr 01st, 2021 - 05:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    P U G O L⚡️TTWH — J A C K⭐️ B A U E R

    Our home here is really beautiful as we have flowers in vases throughout and the weather here is spectacular. (Although we were unable to finish our entry garden — the rear area with the quincho patio is perfect.)

    Authorities here are trying to stop the spread of the Brazilian variant including with new restrictions on air travel. (I just gave an update about Chile on the ‘Astra-Zeneca vaccines arrive in Argentina’ article.)

    Although it’s made in a more traditional process Sinovac is apparently not as effective as the Astra-Zeneca — reporting a minuscule percentage of blood clot–related complications. (Our children are scheduled to receive their first Sinovac injection on the 12th — Madame and I will receive our second on the 27th.)

    I still await a recipe link for Jerk-Chicken. Is it like this?

    We’ve always embraced different variations or chicken. One is Lawry's lemon pepper chicken slowly roasted in a Weber grill and we love South African Piri Piri style.

    Both Jack and I have an appreciation of fine steak houses — with us both admiring New York’s — but the Brazilian churrascaría is one of the most popular dining experiences that has expanded across the world.

    It’s an orgy of meat lust — that would cause a vegan an anxiety attack — sybaritism fully satisfied.

    Roasting an entire animal carcass is a special challenge — but I’m planning to do an entire side of beef and perhaps a hog — Argentine style for September 18th. (Assuming we’ve passed this pandemic — our employees deserve something really memorable.)

    I love the process of supervising the fire and slicing off exterior samples as the meat roasts over the fire. (We use our own grapewood which is sentimental and personally satisfying.)

    Wishing you and the ones you care for — all the best wishes for Easter!

    Apr 01st, 2021 - 07:22 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Pugol-H

    Jack Bauer/Chicureo

    OK, for the rice, boil some gungo peas or cow beans or kidney beans (not traditional but easier to find here), in just enough water, until soft, then add some sliced onion and peppers (for colour) then most important, a sprig of rosemary, some coconut cream, the rice and enough water to cover with 1-2 cm to spare, stir (the only time you stir) and simmer until water is absorbed. Squash the rice between forefinger and thumb to test when ready.

    For the chicken, quarter the carcass and either sprinkle with Jerk spice (this I buy in packets) or rub with a paste (this comes in jars and is in my view better) and marinade in the fridge for at least 24 hours.

    Then cook, in the oven, barbecue, or in a pan on a barbeque as the Jamaicans do, called a Jerk Pan. Juices from the meat are added to chopped tomatoes with spices to be a gravy/sauce, served with the rice, a crisp salad and bread and of course Red Stripe.

    If you cook in the oven you can baste the meat regularly (add some goose fat) and produce an extra crispy skin with meat that is falling off the bone.

    Remember though, Jamaican cooking is Cow foot stew, Chicken foot soup, Oxtail soup, no steak or whole lamb (Goat), it is about making the best of what you have.

    Happy Easter “Bredren” (Jamaican/Rasta slang for Compadres), to you and yours, as we count our Blessings.

    Apr 01st, 2021 - 10:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Pugol, the ingratiator, camp follower, and perpetual loser.

    “Steak and a good wine are way beyond..” You're working way over your pay grade, as you cannot prove what you claim. No proof, no truth perpetual loser.

    Jack Bauer Proof less & Truth less

    “Prime steak prepared to perfection” You should know as it originated with you.
    ”had the commies' plans materialized..“ You would be able prove your claim, instead of being revealed yet again as a liar.
    ”Inconveniently, the US can point to nothing even remotely threatening done by the Brazilian Communist Party, and early in 1964, Russian leader Khrushchev refuses even token financial aid to Goulart, not wishing to tangle with the US over the country”. Brazil Herald, 3/6/64

    Apr 01st, 2021 - 10:42 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    P U G O L⚡️TTWH — J A C K⭐️ B A U E R

    (I just commented on the ‘Astra-Zeneca vaccines arrive in Argentina’article.)

    As I mentioned — the beauty of food and the glory of experimenting with new experiences are one of my personal pleasures. I’ll certainly try to follow your recipe and thank you for sharing it. (Obtaining the correct jerk spice may be a challenge but I’ll give you a review when we prepare it.)

    If anyone is out of their pay grade — the cockroach has no idea of what a fine Brazilian churrascaría experience is — much less appreciating the enormous array of delicious offerings presented with the greatest of style.

    Dining is Saõ Paulo a decade ago — was one the times when food has surpassed its function as mere sustenance or even as experience and caused my humble self to rethink everything I know, to see not just cuisine but the my own continent as a whole in a different light. (For example — Brazil has over one million Japanese residents and the Sushi alone there is extraordinary.)

    For some that has been the product of a deceptively simple meal — for others it's been a journey to modern gastronomy's outer limits. What links those experiences is the shock, the wonder, the revelation.

    One bite, one morsel, one meal – and everything changes.

    As I’ve mentioned on the other article, this evening’s fare was simply Porotos Granados — a Chilean country dish of beans, corn and butternut squash that Madame prepared that’s absolutely sublime.

    Another video of what Jack misses:

    Proof alone that the cockroach is a pathetic fool!


    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 12:28 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Pugol-H


    Here, we tend to eat to live, you are like the French, live to eat.

    As for the Cockroach, well on a good day he gets to eat shit.

    Little wonder Whackjob/F*ckwitt is so bitter and twisted.

    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 09:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, misogynist, and oral fixation.

    “has no idea of what a fine Brazilian churrascaría experience is”

    I'm sure my experiences of haute cuisine more than match your rural ramblings.
    I have eaten more than my share of Brazilian churrascaría, both in Brazil and else where.
    Amazing how you manage to mix 'fine dinning' along with all the excrement you attempt to 'fob-off' as ccommentary.

    Pugol, the ingratiator, camp follower, and perpetual loser.

    “As for the ..” You must be talking from strictly personal experience, as you're unable to provide any evidence. No proof, no truth.

    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 10:36 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Pugol-H


    “I have eaten more than my share of Brazilian churrascaría, both in Brazil and else where”

    So, you do claim to have been to Brazil then!!!

    You always refused to answer that question, now Chicureo deftly provokes an answer, where is your proof, no proof no truth remember.

    “Your failure to meet your burden of proof” makes you an “inveterate liar”.

    What were the “bag of soiled Bumf” like in the restaurant toilets???

    Post pictures then, like your evidence of Military service:

    Obviously not a good day for you, not even shit to eat, chew on some soiled Bumf.

    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 11:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    P U G O L⚡️TTWH — J A C K⭐️ B A U E R

    We just finished a 6k brisk walk through the neighborhood and have just settled down with a fresh brewed café latte to read the news.

    I’m amused with the quote:

    “...I'm sure my experiences of haute cuisine more than match your rural ramblings.
I have eaten more than my share of Brazilian churrascaría, both in Brazil and else where[sic].
Amazing how you manage to mix 'fine dinning[sic]’ along with all the excrement you attempt to 'fob-off' as ccommentary[sic].”

    Both Jack and DemonTree back in about 2015 and 2016 challenged the cockroach’s wild claims and delusions — especially about the vermin’s bizarre observations about supposedly visiting Brazil.

    Obviously the closest the perverted cockroach has been to a fine Latin American dining experience has been at the local Taco Bell. The cockroach has obviously never been to a fine steakhouse as the creature is on record saying Jack could just order take-out-delivery to experience satisfaction.

    As far as proof — the cockroach has none — and as we’ve numerously proved is a fraud!

    The pathetic cockroach still cannot decipher a simple line of Morse — which my nearly 6 year old grandson can do.

    -.-- --- ..- -..-. / .- .-. . -..-. / .-.. -.-- .. -. --.

    ¡Saludos de Chicureo!

    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 01:12 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Pugol, the ingratiator, camp follower, and perpetual loser.

    “on a good day he gets to eat shit.” No only a perpetual loser, like yourself and Chichi Chicureo, are the only folks with an oral fixation.

    “Freud said an oral fixation makes us ”hunger“ for things to put in our mouth.” He was right on the money with you. Chicureo “Imbibing urine cocktails” ORAL-SADISTIC STAGE The oral-sadistic phase of infantile libidinal organization is the second part of the oral stage, as described by Karl Abraham; it is also known as the cannibalistic phase. In adulthood, these unresolved needs may be expressed as negative behaviors.“

    ”So, you do claim ... What were the“ Remember I don't do hoops, but you can waste your own time, endlessly going through your own.

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, misogynist, and oral fixation.

    ”Both Jack and DemonTree back in about 2015 and 2016 challenged the claims about supposedly visiting Brazil. Couldn't have got very far, otherwise you would be able to show your distinct lack of success.

    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 04:30 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    P U G O L⚡️TTWH — J A C K⭐️ B A U E R

    Currently the Chilean government here has enacted strict new restrictions upon us — restricting travel — although almost everyone is fed up with isolation. Last year they convinced us to cancel our family Easter celebration — this year we’re living life with reasonable precautions.

    Yesterday alone, there was a five hour delay on our main highway south of Santiago (Route 5 Sur) which led our authorities to temporarily remove the COVID sanitary cordons. (By 6 PM only 253 vehicles were sent home after attempting to leave the Metropolitan region.)

    Another video to honor those who truly know and revere fine dining — this time Smith & Wollensky prime rib in New York:

    Meanwhile the filthy pathetic ignorant cockroach still cannot decipher Morse.

    -.-- --- ..- -..-. / .- .-. . -..-. / .-.. -.-- .. -. --.

    ¡Saludos de Chicureo!

    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 04:56 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, misogynist, and oral fixation.

    “Meanwhile still cannot decipher Morse.”
    What I don't do is 'hoops', particularly when I have my “fuck you money”, and I don't have to wait for my 'crop rotation'.
    So you know what you can do with your 'hoop', stick it up your hoo hoo.

    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 05:45 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Jack Bauer


    “…but the Brazilian churrascaría is one of the most popular dining experiences…across the world”. Absolutely right, but NYC’s great steakhouses take the prize….the Palm, Peter Luger (Brooklyn), and of course, Smith & Wollensky's (3rd Ave), where I actually had the prime rib, rosy and juicy.

    I see that Terry “fullo’shit” Hill is back to lying…no surprise : “I'm sure my experiences of haute cuisine more than match your rural ramblings. I have eaten more than my share of Brazilian churrascaría, both in Brazil and else where.”

    First, who asked, or even cares what cold garbage he rams down his throat ? Second, NOW he says he’s been to Brazil…a STATEMENT that requires proof…where’s the “evidence” ? if not, “No proof, no truth”…For someone who alleges to be familiar with toilet bins and used bumf, can imagine the dumps he ate at..

    When you mentioned that both I and DemonTree back in about 2015/ 2016 challenged his claims of visiting Brazil….he replies “Couldn't have got very far, otherwise you would be able to show your distinct lack of success”…justa minute ! “Fullo’shit Hill makes a statement, we challenge it, he doesn’t prove it, and we are who “show a distinct lack of success ?”….Methinks the burden of proof is Terry’s, and the lack of success is his..


    Jerk-Chicken looks delicious….will try to sell the experiment to my better-half. A friend and neighbor of mine, worked in London with Gordon Ramsey for a while….and he has a bulldog, named Gordon.
    ”Fullo’shit Hill” calls you a perpetual loser, says “You're working way over your pay grade, as you cannot prove what you claim. No proof, no truth”…this discussion is way above his brain-grade, and HE hasn’t proven any of his claims…so, who’s the loser ?

    And when I asked the idiot what “Prime steak prepared to perfection” had to do with 1964, he replied “You should know as it originated with you”. WTF ? must be a short circuit in the upper story.

    Enough of the a.hole.
    Stay safe !

    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 06:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    J A C K⭐️ B A U E R — P U G O L⚡️TTWH

    I will attest to your dining appreciation of the stellar steak houses of New York City — but there are marvelous steakhouses everywhere in the world.

    Just watching the T-bone steak being presented in Florence, Italy is astounding!

    Meanwhile the filthy cockroach makes a bold boast: “I have my ”fuck you money”, and “I don't have to wait for my 'crop rotation”.

    Unfortunately that statement is true as we poor campesinos don’t have any free capital available — as it’s all currently tied up in financing our exports to the UK and USA.

    We won’t see the full proceeds of our grapes and avocados — from our customers until September. (Our poor family is forced to live in destitution until we receive the sales liquidations.)

    We continue to waste our earnings into growing grapes and avocados.

    Again I remind everyone that the filthy pathetic ignorant cockroach still cannot decipher Morse.

    -.-- --- ..- -..-. / .- .-. . -..-. / .-.. -.-- .. -. --.

    ¡Saludos de Chicureo!

    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 07:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Jack Bauer Proof less & Truth less
    “I see that Terry is back to lying” If that where true, then you should be able to prove it. No proof no truth. Where as your lack of truth isn't in question
    JB “Your insistence that I'm a fascist”
    Brazil's corruption scandals reach Lula da Silva: ...
    12 Jack Bauer; “..'Military dictatorship', ..history is showing,.. that it was good for Brazil
    50 Jack Bauer; “Military taking over again, ….. they did it to prevent Brazil from being handed over to the communists. ... the Military , I hope, would be there again to save Brazil”

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, misogynist, and oral fixation.

    Again I remind everyone, I don't do hoops.
    So you know what you can do with your 'hoop', stick it up your hoo hoo.

    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 09:31 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Alright — it’s time to unmask Terence Hill is SKIPPY the Virgin.

    The undeniable truth is the cockroach is actually the pathetic Skippy Jessop.

    As today is a religious day and I’ll not elaborate my complete opinion of the transgendering mendacious idiot.

    -.-- --- ..- -..-. / .- .-. . -..-. / .-.. -.-- .. -. --.

    ¡Saludos de Chicureo!

    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 09:35 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, misogynist, and oral fixation.

    It’s time to time to face the facts, you're the worst writer of fiction on the planet.
    No proof, no truth.

    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 10:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    J A C K⭐️ B A U E R — P U G O L⚡️TTWH

    The pathetic Skippy Jessop (aka Terence) has a website:

    FACT: ⚧Terence Hill is SKIPPY the VIRGIN!

    SKIPPY the Virgin also has YouTube videos all easily searchable.

    I watched a few videos and saw an undeniable parallel to ⚧Terence’s unusual fetish about Brazilian filthy-toilet-paper. (Skippy also resides in his/her/its mother’s basement.)

    One thing that did not coincide was Skippy was residing in Utah whereas ⚧Terence originally claimed to be living in Canada — but I was successful in getting Terence to admit not living in Canada!

    The final convincing factual observation by Pugol was ⚧Terence was gender-transitioning just like Skippy. (That’s why “Teresa” was used to respectfully address Fuckwitt.

    Lastly — Pugol identified the same alcohol dependence problem of ⚧Terence that Skippy documents also — expressing a preference for Popov ™ vodka.

    If you remember — ⚧Terence boasted about imbibing urine for self health in 2015.

    (I do admit that my allegation of Terence vodka urine cocktails was pure speculation.)

    -.-- --- ..- -..-. / .- .-. . -..-. / .-.. -.-- .. -. --.

    ¡Saludos de Chicureo!

    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 11:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, misogynist, and oral fixation.

    It’s time to time to face the facts, you're the worst writer of fiction on the planet.
    No proof, no truth.

    “I watched a few videos” burden of proof“
    If that were true you'd be able meet your required burden of proof and cite a URL.
    No proof, no truth.
    You are so desperate you dig yourself in even deeper. Imagine you being so angry, and unable to refute even the smallest scintilla of what I have proved. That you waste your time on Youtube videos, that have nothing to do with me at all, you are absolutely pathetic.
    ”He who truly knows has no occasion to shout.“ Leonardo da Vinci
    ”Bragging: The patter of tiny feats.” Anonymous
    “If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.”
    Virginia Woolf
    “It is an occupational hazard that anyone who has spent their life learning how to lie eventually becomes bad at telling the truth.” Ally Carter

    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 11:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    J A C K⭐️ B A U E R — P U G O L⚡️TTWH

    Oh I have all the PROOF that Terence Hill is SKIPPY!

    The pathetic Skippy Jessop (aka Terence) has a website:

    FACT: ⚧Terence Hill is SKIPPY the VIRGIN!

    SKIPPY the Virgin also has YouTube videos all easily searchable.

    The following logical PROOFSare the following:

    I watched a few videos and saw an undeniable parallel to ⚧Terence’s unusual fetish about Brazilian filthy-toilet-paper. (Skippy also resides in his/her/its mother’s basement.)

    One thing that did not coincide was Skippy was residing in Utah whereas ⚧Terence originally claimed to be living in Canada — but I was successful in getting Terence to admit not living in Canada!

    The final convincing factual observation by Pugol was ⚧Terence was gender-transitioning just like Skippy. (That’s why “Teresa” was used to respectfully address Fuckwitt.

    Lastly — Pugol identified the same alcohol dependence problem of ⚧Terence that Skippy documents also — expressing a preference for Popov ™ vodka.

    If you remember — ⚧Terence boasted about imbibing urine for self health in 2015.

    (I do admit that my allegation of Terence vodka urine cocktails was pure speculation.)

    -.-- --- ..- -..-. / .- .-. . -..-. / .-.. -.-- .. -. --.

    ¡Saludos de Chicureo!

    Apr 02nd, 2021 - 11:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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