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Falklands dispute: Solá heads the Argentine mission to the C24 conference

Wednesday, June 16th 2021 - 09:55 UTC
Full article 24 comments

June is a hectic month for the dispute between Argentina and UK regarding the British Overseas Territory Falkland Islands, with a string of remembrance dates referred to the ongoing disagreement. Read full article


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  • FitzRoy

    Which “subsequent ones”? To which resolutions is he referring? I mean, they never took any notice of 502 and they completely ignore the UN Charter...... So which resolutions is he talking about?

    Jun 16th, 2021 - 08:32 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Brit Bob

    Argentina continues to ask the United Nations to call for negotiations on the issue of Falkland’s sovereignty. And as its claim is now in the Argentine Constitution this amounts to calls for a negotiated hand over of the Islands. The United Nations General Assembly has not debated the question of the Falklands since 1988. Meanwhile the C24 Committee has continued to adopt resolutions calling for negotiations between Britain and Argentina. These resolutions are invalid as they make no reference to the Islanders' right to choose their own future. Instead of promoting self-determination the Committee has become a vehicle that is promoting Argentina’s colonial ambitions.

    Jun 16th, 2021 - 10:07 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Islander1

    You would have thought that given the awfull pandemic situation and lack of a coherent vaccination programme etc- Argentinas poor finances would be better spent on controlling the Virus rather than a taxpayer funded trip to NewYork and probably some shopping perks in aid of a fantasy cause tha thas gone nowhere practical for them and no sign of it ever getting what they want?

    Jun 16th, 2021 - 11:37 am - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Liberato

    Brit bob quote :“Argentina continues to ask the United Nations to call for negotiations on the issue of Falkland’s sovereignty.”
    Nonono, the UN treat every year the colonial situation of the Malvinas Islands.

    quote2: “ The United Nations General Assembly has not debated the question of the Falklands since 1988”
    It is due to a decision by Argentina and UK in 1989 not to present the case to the General Assembly by the Madrid talks remember?. Or do you want me to show you the letter to the Assembly?. Anyway by a decision of the General Assembly, the topic of the Malvinas was unilaterally included in their agenda for every year to be called upon by one of its members.

    quote3:“...These resolutions are invalid as they make no reference to the Islanders' right to choose their own future. ”
    The people living in the islands were born in Britain or its bots and are living on Argentine territory. They have no right to choose their own future on somebody elses land.
    From like 6000 sould that lives in the islands. Half are british militaries and its families that were born in the islands.
    From the other half (civilians), more than half of the present population were born in Britain or its bots.
    What right to choose their own future exist for the british people on South America's islands?.

    Argentina's colonial ambitions????. Not once the United Nations or any nation have ever, ever accused Argentina of colonialism. Instead, in the case of the Kingdom.......

    I can even bet that Islander1 who only talks nonsense here was not even born in the Malvinas Islands but in Britain.

    Jun 16th, 2021 - 12:43 pm - Link - Report abuse -7
  • Chicureo

    From a Chilean perspective — Argentina perpetuates the Falklands claims as a way to generate political unity against a false threat in order to draw attention away from its own failures of proper governance and economic management.

    Argentina has invested in propagandizing the issue with their people since 1982 to the point where most Argentines actually think the Falklands rightfully belong to them.

    Chile was forced to acknowledge Argentina’s claims in order to live in peace — although we know that it’s a complete sham.

    Argentina once was one of the wealthiest countries in the world and could again easily regain its position again if they would simply abandon the corrupt system of governance they cling on to.

    I like Argentina and have friends there — but sadly I know In my heart they’ll never change.

    ¡Saludos de Chile!

    Jun 16th, 2021 - 01:43 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Brit Bob


    Argentina’s Misuse of the UN C24 Committee(1 pg):-
    Why should a country like Argentina be allowed to misuse the UN Decolonization Committee?

    Jun 16th, 2021 - 02:35 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Pugol-H

    Well, they have clearly never read UNGA res 2065 and more surprisingly they clearly think no one else has, truly remarkable in the modern internet age.

    30+ years ago, when they used to hide information like this in books, you could say this resolution says this and that treaty says that, reasonably safe from contradiction with evidence.

    Now however when we have computers/phones, internet access and teenagers to work it all for you, ta da, hey presto:

    Even got it in Spanish and don’t forget to look up ‘the provisions and objectives of the Charter of the UN and of the GA resolution 1514 (XV).

    Then GA/SPD/264:

    ‘the inalienable right of the peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories to self-determination’.

    ‘there is no alternative to the principle of self-determination’.

    These people are simply not in the modern world and they wonder why the Falklands are defended.

    Jun 16th, 2021 - 03:31 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Islander1

    Sorry- my family came here in 1847 - I am 5 generations Islands born and have family members 7 generations Islands born.
    How dare you preach human rights and say I have no say in determining the future of the Islands I live in.
    No what you say is real good old 18th and 19th century Colonialism!!

    Jun 16th, 2021 - 03:38 pm - Link - Report abuse +7
  • Jack Bauer

    Pugol-H, Chicureo,

    After a 'short' absence, just dropped in to say hello to my two friends...before you wonder, no, did not catch the virus, am all vacccinated and doing very well, despite our loony president.

    This type of headline always catches my attention, and I shoudn't even bother to open it, because, I know, as always, it's going to contain more Argy whinging and whining....over an issue that only they don't realize that they have no right over whatsoever. But with the younger generations being brainwashed in schools, what can you expect ?

    But back to plesantries, life - and food - has been great, wines are delicious - just ordered some Von Siebenthal carménèr Panquehue - mentioned some months ago by Chicureo ; should take a few days to arrive, but will arive in plenty of time to enjoy it during the cold winter days.
    Hope all is well with you both, and your families.

    Before signing out, a short note to Liberato...

    IF you have balls, and that's a big IF, you should apologize to Islander1.....

    Jun 16th, 2021 - 09:53 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Chicureo

    J A C K

    Good to hear you’re doing fine and surviving this pandemic.

    Fortunately despite the latest restrictions — our entire extended family are doing well and keeping busy while waiting for the upcoming ski season.

    Good to hear your supporting Viña von Siebenthal Carménère from our neighborhood.

    The founder — Mauro von Siebenthal certainly is a great winemaker producing excellent product although their prices must be a fortune in Brazil. (One of his ecologists is engaged to our marvelous Venezuelana assistant on our farm staff.)

    Our evening’s fare is roasted duck — paired with a wonderful mellow ‘08 Viña Santa Rita Casa Real Merlot.

    ¡Saludos con afecto!

    Jun 16th, 2021 - 11:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Liberato

    Chicureo, i dont think that “Argentina perpetuates the Falklands claims as a way to generate political unity” or that “has invested in propagandizing the issue with their people since 1982 ”.
    The Malvinas claim existed since the very moment the islands were invaded by the United Kingdom in 1833, and even before. And its not the only sovereignty claim to the british that is taking or took place, over territories, under british colonialism.
    I dont think Chile was forced, or Mercosur or South America, or Russia or China or the 77+China to support the argentine claim. If you look the UN, they recognize there is a sovereignty dispute and a colonial situation. If you look to the USA, (the british biggest ally) they takes no sides regarding sovereignty and recognize only a “de facto” british administration.
    Going personally i dont need to tell you how much we argentines admire Chile and apreciate their support. It is more than politics, we, as citizens considers Chile as a brother nation. I grew up next to a chilean family and know the kind of great people you are. But being in the islands with a cook uniform or a buttler uniform in a very little town of what 1300 sould?. I dont think they considers you “equal” in their, “nation” (colonial regime). And it doesnt matter how many argentine friends you have or british, that i know they are great and a good team in the world cup. But it wont change the fact there is a colonial regime in Malvinas and it is geopolically very important to them to keep them british and keep the britishness of their population there.

    Brit Bob the Malvinas topic was included permanently in the General Asembly agenda to be called upon by Argentina or the UK at any time. Is it another miss use of Argentina of another body of the UN?.

    Pugol-H, The british side accuse Argentina of fake propaganda for the Ruda “statement” when res 2065. So, i guess it is the british side that did not read res 2065.

    Jack Bauer, no brainwashing. 10 britsNSGT

    Jun 17th, 2021 - 01:37 am - Link - Report abuse -5
  • Chicureo


    With sincere respect, although I appreciate your opinion — I have to disagree with your conclusions.

    As I mentioned, I admire Argentina and consider myself privileged to have Argentine friends. For several ski seasons our family has jointly vacationed at the Las Leñas ski resort with an Argentine family and since as a boy have always enjoyed your country.

    Because your country tried to attack Chile in 1978 — I later enlisted into the Naval Academy as our nation was in threat. At that time your nation seemed invincible with an impressive Armada (including an aircraft carrier) as well as a powerful and well trained air force.

    Frankly we were still certain your country would invade us — but instead your politicians attacked the peaceful Falkland Islands as they mistakenly assumed the woman Prime Minister would not defend them.

    Chile allied with the UK and eventually your own corrupt politicians destroyed your nation’s military.

    With the exception of the indigenous inhabitants — we all are all decedents of immigrant colonists.

    The Falklanders have just as much rights to living on their islands as we do in Chile and you do in Argentina.

    ¡Saludos de Chile!

    Jun 17th, 2021 - 03:28 am - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Islander1

    On the nail re immigrant peoples- if all those bar the indigenous folks left N and S
    America - Europe would be a wee bid overfull today! Some parts of Africa as well - and most of their ancestors were brought over by force sadly.
    Liberato - we are actually very multicultural in the Islands these days- we have days an events promoting our different origins and traditions and todays “Islanders” include a good number of folks and families of UK- St Helenian- Chilean- Philippino and Zimbabwean origen, and others, who have voluntarily become Falklands Status Holders - “Bennies” because these Islands are now their home.
    Don,t forget in 2013 at the internationally monitored Referendum there were plenty who have never had a Br Passport in their lives but are on our electoral role and voted- for the Islands to remain as we are.

    Jun 17th, 2021 - 07:35 am - Link - Report abuse +6
  • FitzRoy

    Liberato: “The people living in the islands were born in Britain or its bots and are living on Argentine territory. They have no right to choose their own future on somebody elses land.” Hahah, don't make me laugh, children are born here all the time! Many families can trace their forebears back through eight or nine generations! And where does it say in the UN Charter that you have be born there? All it says is that people have a right to chose.

    Jun 17th, 2021 - 08:29 am - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Brit Bob


    The C24 has no remit to discuss or determine sovereignty issues - that lies with the UNICJ.

    '10 britsNSGT' - Includes Pitcairn - is Pitcairn with its 60 inhabitants to decolonise?

    In 1970 only small territories remained to be decolonized, so the UN decided that these territories could remain as long as this was their free choice. (UNGA 2625 de 1970).

    Jun 17th, 2021 - 10:18 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Judge Jose

    All the moaning, winging and complaining they do will change nothing, the rest of the civilised world are fed up to the back teeth with them. If they really think they have any rites then they would go to the ICJ, this they will not do as they know their claim is bogus,

    Jun 17th, 2021 - 11:45 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Pugol-H

    Jack Bauer/ Chicureo
    Glad to hear you are well and enjoying life ‘Chicureo style’, enjoy your wine I’m sure it will be excellent and would be wasted on an oik like me.

    I also am 2 jabbed, fortunately as we have increasing numbers of infections again, overwhelmingly in the as yet unvaccinated population. However the vaccine rollout is progressing apace and we have not seen the same increase in hospitalisations that we had before.

    The new (to the UK) Delta variant is now dominant here and is 60% more transmissible than the previous however both the Pfizer and AstraZenica (mostly used here) are 90%+ effective at stopping hospitalisation, after two doses.

    So the vaccines are working and although the lifting of the last restrictions has been delayed a few weeks we have light at the end of the tunnel.

    Booster jabs for variants are planned for the autumn.

    Stay well Compadres.

    Who do you think you are kidding, eh?

    The UN position is that all the peoples of the non-self-governing territories have the inalienable right to self-determination.

    Seems it’s not the UK violating UN resolutions.

    Jun 17th, 2021 - 03:25 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Chicureo


    Thanks for the update and we also believe are finally seeing light at the end of this pandemic darkness.

    One thing I disagree — is certainly you are NOT an “oik”!

    Although the only real farm activity is the pruning of the table grape vineyards — we are spending the majority of our time in Panquehue as there are no restrictions and we are enjoying the freedom of the countryside.

    Our Schwiegertochter and grandchildren are again staying with us — with our son on the weekends.

    Obviously we’re planning to decamp to Valle Nevado when we see significant snowfall which we expect by the end of the month.

    All the best regards!

    Jun 17th, 2021 - 05:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Roger Lorton

    Will the Decolonization Committee recommend its own Falklands resolution for adoption this year?
    Waste of time then.
    See y' all next year ;-)

    Jun 18th, 2021 - 12:32 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Liberato

    Roger Lorton wait!!! dont go!!!. Pugol says that “Ban Ki Moon said that The UN position is that all the peoples of the non-self-governing territories have the inalienable right to self-determination.” And the islands are people right? so this is the year the c24 will delist the islands from the colony list. Congrats!!!!.
    Besides, the UK says the Malvinas are not a colony, so why would they lie?. If the UK says the Malvinas islands self govern themselves, they obviously do. Im sure the UN will delist the islands from the non self governing territories list right away.

    Finally!!!. All these years discussing if they have self determination rights or not....

    Jun 18th, 2021 - 01:11 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Brit Bob

    Roger Lorton

    Critics of the Argentine government’s strategies and rhetoric toward the Falkland islands have coined a new verb – malvinizar – to describe how the claim for and memory of the Malvinas is used simply to divert attention away from more serious domestic socio-economic challenges.

    Jun 18th, 2021 - 10:16 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Liberato

    Brit Bob it makes sense. We are living in economic crisis since 1833.

    Jun 18th, 2021 - 11:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Quebec forever

    They wanted it, fought for it, lost, thats it. Since 1982 they had a million occasion to be gracious towards the Falklands people. They could have proposed to clear the mines off the islands. Nope. Instead they prefer to film cheap commercials of a guy runing and flying their flag at the cemetary like cowards. They dont deserve them.

    Jun 19th, 2021 - 01:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Chicureo, Pugol-H

    The Von Siebenthal wine was specially priced for a pre-sale...will take 2 months to arrive...reckon I'll have to wait.

    Regarding the near conflict between Agentina and Chile in 1978, over the Beagle islands (Chilean territory) I was in Buenos Aires in Jan 1979, and when I went to Aeroparque to return to Brazil, had to pass a military checkpoint in the airport - they checked my passport and told me to sign a document whereby I agreed to return to Argentina to fight against Chile, if needed. One more of their international aggressions, caused by irrational nationalism.....always in need of something to distract the people from crappy government.

    Needless to say, I refused, upon which they detained me and locked me up. They held me for several hours, long enough to miss my flight, which really pissed me off.
    Finally they released me, without further explanation.
    Next problem was to convince the airline why I'd missed my flight, and to put me on another. In the end things worked out, but was I glad to get out.


    An 'oik' ? hadn't heard the word before, but dont worry, no one thinks you are an oaf !

    Our vaccination program carries on, at a snail's pace, thanks to government negation of the pandemic, and sheer incompetence.

    Stay well !!

    Jun 21st, 2021 - 05:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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