Argentine Health Minister Carla Vizzotti Tuesday announced the first 580,000 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine were slated to arrive in the country next month. These chemicals will be allocated chiefly to adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age, Vizzotti explained.
Brazil's Senate Tuesday approved by 55 votes against 10 and one abstention in a secret ballot to extend Augusto Aras' tenure as Attorney General for two more years.
“Please be careful with the management of public monies”, Uruguayan president Luis Lacalle Pou advised the newly appointed Tourism minister, lawmaker Tabare Viera, who on Monday replaced German Cardoso, also elected lawmaker but extremely pragmatic in his political alliances, and audaciously close on occasions to redlines.
About 140 passengers who should have already landed at Montevideo's Carrasco international airport were stranded in Miami after Eastern Airlines canceled its August 23 service due to a crew problem.
Argentina's Prosecution office considered that the Tierra del Fuego province bill establishing limits, and rulings for the breeding and production of salmon species in provincial jurisdictional waters do not exceed limits of the reasonable and besides were approved by the Legislative in the full exercise of its environmental competence, which privilege the conservation of natural resources above considerations of other nature.
Royal Navy aviators are helping to survey the devastation in Haiti as they fly dawn-to-dusk flights over the earthquake-hit Caribbean country. A helicopter from support ship RFA Wave Knight has been in the air since Friday, flying over parts of the Tiburon Peninsula – epicenter of the quake which struck on August 14 – to locate villages, towns and infrastructure urgently in need of help.
Colombia's President Ivan Duque has landed in Seoul to start his South Korean investment-seeking tour to try to reactivate the South American country's economy after setbacks from the coronavirus pandemic.
The biding conditions and process for the construction the International Antarctic Center in Punta Arenas, should be ready before the end of the current government of president Sebastián Piñera, according to Magallanes governor Jorge Flies and Jennifer Rogers, presidential delegate for the region.
Argentine prosecutors Monday decided to indict top-ranking officials from the administration of former President Mauricio Macri for their alleged involvement in the supplying of weapons to Bolivian armed forces who helped overthrow Evo Morales in 2019.
The Government of Uruguay has appointed Colorado Senator Tabaré Viera and the nation's new Minister of Tourism following the resignation of Germán Cardoso amid a corruption scandal.