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Falklands in agenda of Fernandez bilateral meeting with Johnson at G7

Monday, June 27th 2022 - 10:57 UTC
Full article 14 comments
President Fernandez arrived this weekend to Munich for the G7 leaders summit meeting President Fernandez arrived this weekend to Munich for the G7 leaders summit meeting

Argentine president Alberto Fernandez confirmed that this Monday afternoon, at the G7 summit in Munich he will be holding a fifteen minutes bilateral talk with UK prime minister Boris Johnson in which he plans to bring up the issue of the Falkland Islands.

The face to face meeting is scheduled for 17:45, German time, and is part of an agenda which includes several other meetings with world leaders, beginning with the president of the European Union, Ursula von del Leyen, followed by the German chancellor and host of the summit, Olaf Scholtz, Italy's Mario Dragui and Japan's Fumio Kishida.

Argentine sources point out to the fact that the Argentine president will be addressing the Falklands/Malvinas question with PM Johnson just a week after the annual United Nations C24, Decolonization Committee, in New York, where Argentina attended with a numerous delegation, and as usual managed a supportive declaration favoring dialogue with the UK for a negotiated and peaceful solution to the dispute in the South Atlantic.

President Fernandez arrived this weekend to Munich for the G7 leaders summit meeting, a special guest of the host, Chancellor Olaf Scholtz, who also invited India, Indonesia, Senegal, South Africa and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who will take part virtually this Monday.

Argentina also represents Latin American countries since it currently holds the chair of CELAC, the Council of Latin America and Caribbean States.

The Argentine president on Sunday held a first bilateral meeting with India's Narendra Modi, during which according to foreign minister Santiago Cafiero, improving trade was the main issue, and technology.

“Bilateral trade is over US$ 5,6 billion, with Argentine main exports sunflower seed oil and soy flour, and we hope to increase the overall volume this year”, pointed out Cafiero.

Fernandez also thanked the Indian leader for his country's support calling for resumption of UK/Argentina talks to find a negotiated and peaceful solution to the sovereignty dispute over the Falklands/Malvinas Islands.

The Group of Seven, founded in 1975 is an inter-governmental political forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. In addition, the European Union is a 'non-enumerated member'. Germany currently holds the annual chair and is entitled to make several invitations.

The Argentine president is scheduled to address the G 7 leaders this Monday and is expected to emphasize on the adverse consequences of the Ukraine conflict following the Russian invasion.

Argentine sources indicate that Fernandez in less than a month has met with the most important world leaders, president Joe Biden at the Americas summit, with Xi Jinping and Russia's Vladimir Putin at the BRICS summit and now with G7 leaders, plus EU representatives and most significant for Argentina's financial recovery, IMF's Krystalina Georgieva .

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  • Judge Jose

    The talks on the Falklands will last about 10 seconds,

    Jun 27th, 2022 - 10:59 am +1
  • Dirk Dikkler

    The Argentine President reminds me of “Oliver Twist ”, the Boy who asked for more and will leave empty handed as usual.

    Jun 27th, 2022 - 02:17 pm 0
  • Chicureo

    Greetings to all — and an update on our current affairs in Chile..
    Unfortunately, Madame is currently fighting a challenging battle with cancer.
    Obviously this has dramatically affected our family.
    I would note also our primary gypsy abode is no longer located in Chicureo… (“Chicureo” was the Santiago neighborhood were we located for the past two decades.)
    Unilaterally, Madame decided to change neighborhoods to La Dehesa, especially for our family convenience.
    Our new encampment is a perfect top floor with an excellent panoramic view.

    Jun 27th, 2022 - 02:21 pm 0
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