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Falklands: Motion of Condolence for Her Majesty The Queen on Friday

Friday, September 16th 2022 - 08:28 UTC
Full article 1 comment
The queue to see the Queen Elizabeth lying-in-state stretches from Westminster Hall all the way past Tower Bridge, along the south bank of the River Thames The queue to see the Queen Elizabeth lying-in-state stretches from Westminster Hall all the way past Tower Bridge, along the south bank of the River Thames

The Falklands Legislative Assembly will be holding a Motion of Condolence for Her Majesty the Queen at the Court and Assembly Chambers, Friday 16 September, 09:00 hours.

The Order Paper is as follows,

1. Prayers
2. Two Minute Silence
3. Prayer for His Majesty The King
4. Motion of Condolence for Her Majesty The Queen
5. National Anthem
6. Adjournment

Motion Number 17/2022 by the Honorable John Birmingham
Motion of Condolence for Her Majesty The Queen

That this Legislative Assembly expresses its deepest regret and grief at the death of Her Majesty The Queen; conveys its sincere condolences to His Majesty

The King and other Members of the Royal Family in their bereavement; affirms the great affection and esteem in which Her Majesty was held, and
expresses gratitude for her life of exceptional public service.

Proposed by The Honorable John Birmingham Seconded by The Honorable Peter Biggs

Motion for adjournment,

Mr. Speaker “The House stands adjourned until 9am on Thursday 29 September 2022”.

Mr Speaker then departs.

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  • downunder

    God save the King!

    Sep 16th, 2022 - 11:38 am +1
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