Hurricane Fiona has left unprecedented damage after making landfall throughout five provinces in eastern Canada, it was reported.
Peruvian health authorities began vaccinating children under five years of age Sunday against COVID-19 with pediatric doses available in Lima and Callao.
The Argentine laboratory manufacturing Russia's Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine has announced it would halt the line to target other types of diseases, it was reported in Buenos Aires.
The Government of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands has announced that the latest version of the Bio-security Handbook is now available. The Handbook details the procedures which are in place to help reduce the risk of harmful non-native species and disease entering the Territory and steps in place to detect them and limit their spread should they arrive.
In 2011, Frozen Planet gave BBC viewers an unprecedented insight into life in the Poles. The final episode featured British Antarctic Survey (BAS) glaciologist Dr Andy Smith using explosives to see how the ice interacts with the bed beneath to monitor how it behaves and is changing.
Chile's Defense Minister Maya Fernández is to appear before Congress Tuesday to brief lawmakers on the scandal involving the leak of confidential emails among high-ranking military officers.
Brazil's Health Ministry has launched a new nationwide vaccination campaign against poliomyelitis and other maladies, it was reported. Attending Saturday's ceremony marking the beginning of the new effort was Minister Marcelo Queiroga.
Switzerland is known as a country of direct democracy since voting on referendums is practiced quite often, as happened on Sunday when voters accepted the government's pension reform albeit by a narrow margin.