The Organization of American States, OAS, which is holding its annual general assembly in Lima, capital of Peru unanimously supported on Thursday, a “Declaration of solidarity with the Argentine people given the magnicide attempt suffered by the vice-president of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner”
Latin American and Caribbean economies have recovered their pre-pandemic levels and the region recovered certain feeling of normality, although the overall economy must rebuild to avoid a new cycle of low growth, points out the latest from the World Bank under the heading of New approaches to closing the Fiscal Gap.
Argentina's Security Minister Aníbal Fernández claimed there was no repression against the Mapuches in Villa Mascardi as law enforcement officers evicted the usurping indigenist groups at Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu, which resulted in several arrests.
Members of the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) will for the first time submit seasonal fuel consumption data to the Association’s secretariat as part of a unanimous pledge to create a climate change strategy for Antarctic tourism.