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Lula determined to form Peace Club to end Ukraine conflict

Saturday, February 25th 2023 - 10:58 UTC
Full article 19 comments
Lula is to discuss his initiative with Zelensky shortly, it was reported Lula is to discuss his initiative with Zelensky shortly, it was reported

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva launched Friday through social media a negotiated peace proposal for the one-tear-old war in Ukraine which has consequences the world over.

Lula insisted on his idea to create a group of countries not involved in the conflict to act as a mediator. According to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin, the government of President Vladimir Putin is reviewing the initiative, Tass reported. The official also highlighted the fact that does not supply weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.

Brazil was the only BRICS country to vote at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on Thursday in favor of Russia's withdrawal from Ukrainian soil, a motion endorsed by 140 other nations, rejected by 32, and had seven abstentions.

President Lula plans to propose next month the creation of a Peace Club on Ukraine, during his visit to China, it was also reported in Brasilia. Diplomatic sources said there is still a long way to go before the peace negotiations promoted by Lula begin, according to Folha de Sao Paulo.

Brazil's current non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council adds weight to Lula's efforts, it was also explained. The Workers' Party leader is also said to have discussed his approach with US President Joseph Biden during his recent visit to the White House.

According to Folha, Lula is also to talk about this initiative with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky next week, while other media are less precise about when this conversation might take place. Only after that would Lula raise the issue with his Chinese colleague Xi Jinping. Lula has already reviewed the entire initiative with Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira. Among the countries that could make up Lula's “Peace Club” are China, India, and Indonesia, it was also reported.

Categories: Politics, Brazil, International.

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  • Juan Cervantes

    Shogun, probably because Judge Jose speaks the truth, addressing your waffle.

    Russia fires in 1 day what Nato produces in a week, nonsense, Russia is providing its cannon fodder with outdated rusted up ww2 weapons, many that dont even work, and you are seriously telling me that USA, . Canada, France, Germany, Italy, UK and so on and so on are not producing the weapons to outstrip Russia who are running out of their antiquated stock, and begging Iran and North Korea for weapons, have a day off will you,

    Everything you do quote is based on media lies not reality , we have seen the Russian tank convoys stopped in their tracks, useless logistics unable to get fuel to them, so they are feft abandoned 100s of them in tact,

    Of course Ukraine needs more ammo, they are using a lot, hence the recapture of vast swathes of land that was lost in the first few weeks,
    Big deal the patriot system has not arrived yet, the Russian air force is running scared with huge chopper and plane losses, why havent they over run the Ukraine air force yet ?

    I have no clue you say, i know far more than you about NATOs military and weapon production,
    you should be dam well ashamed of yourself, an apologist and an enabler of an evil power mad dictator, who wants an empire, who has destroyed what democracy their was in Russia, who has killed or arrested anyone who has the courage to stand up to him, who has stolen billions of dollars off the Russian people, who crushed Chechnya who wanted independence, who rushed in to Belarus to prop up another dictator who clearly lost the election and now is nothing but Russian puppet state, who interfered in Georgia to stop them looking westward, who killed thousands of innocent civilians in Syria to prop up another evil dictator,
    so to sum up, NATO is nowhere near running out of weapons, and would easily destroy an outmatched Russia in a conventional war, everyone with the slightest bit of intelligence knows that,
    Putin is desperate.

    Feb 26th, 2023 - 09:29 pm +1
  • Jack Bauer


    “Russia still wants to free Odessa from the Nazi yoke.....”

    BrAsshole, do you even know the origin of the Nazi party ? obviously not. No point in trying to educate you either, you are too f'g stupid to understand.

    “NATO are already in a difficult situation fighting only Russia, imagine when you have to fight the BRICS.......”

    Hey Numbnuts, since when is BRICS a fighting force ?

    May I suggest you stop embarrassing yourself and the Brazilians who aren't ignorant, Marxist idiots like yourself.....

    Shogun, Juan Cervantes, bushpilot...

    Guys, at least 30 % of the Brazilian population is made up of idiots like point in trying to maintain a meaningful dialogue with him, it's way above his brain-grade.

    Feb 26th, 2023 - 10:09 pm +1
  • Juan Cervantes

    Shogun, have never took any interest in MSM ever, were have i indicated that RUS-NK-IR can out produce Nato, read it , i said Russia and Putin are desperate and having to get weapons from Iran and NK, because they can not replenish their losses themselves, but dont let facts get in the way, Turkey is also part of Nato are they short of weapons, NO is Greece. NO. is Poland NO, are soon to join Finland and Sweden NO, is Spain ,NO and neither are the Yanks, Russia cant even get parts to replace their damaged planes, but hey you continue living in that warped world you live in, one day you may wake up and live in the real world, not wasting one more second on you, so go and collect your roubles from your little messiah,

    Feb 26th, 2023 - 11:32 pm +1
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