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China's downturn and youth unemployment, cutting down marriages and new families

Tuesday, July 4th 2023 - 08:37 UTC
Full article 1 comment
The latest China Census Yearbook, shows the average age of first marriages in the country in 2020 was 28.6, nearly four years older than in 2010. The latest China Census Yearbook, shows the average age of first marriages in the country in 2020 was 28.6, nearly four years older than in 2010.

A report published by China's Ministry of Civil Affairs in June shows the number of marriage registrations across the country was the lowest in 37 years, following eight years of decline. Only 6.83 million couples tied the knot in the Asian nation last year.

In China, an increasing number of young people, especially women born in the 1990s and 2000s, have become indifferent to the societal expectation of marrying early.

According to the latest China Census Yearbook, the average age of first marriages in the country in 2020 was 28.6, nearly four years older than in 2010.

Ye Liu, a senior lecturer at the Lau China Institute at King's College London, said that gender inequality remains deeply ingrained in Chinese workplaces. This includes discriminatory gender quotas and the evaluation of female candidates based on the likelihood of pregnancy and the need for maternity leave.

This has forced many young women to choose between their careers and starting a family. “When women spent a longer time in education, naturally they delay the age of entering marriage and parenthood,” said Ye.

China's recent economic downturn has also contributed to the lack of interest in marriage among young people. In 2023, China's youth unemployment — which represents those aged between 16 and 24 years — reached a record-high 20.8%.

As young Chinese become increasingly reluctant to marry, the country's birth rate continues to drop. According to Human Rights Watch, the total fertility rate in China has decreased from 2.6 births per woman in the late 1980s to 1.15 in 2021.

Furthermore, last year marked China's first population decline in nearly six decades, excluding 2003 when a devastating respiratory epidemic resulted in more deaths than births.

“China is entering a severe demographic crisis… becoming more and more so a demographically old country,” said Dudley Poston, an emeritus professor of sociology at Texas A&M University.

He added that the median age of the Chinese population is now 38-years-old. In India, which earlier this year was projected by the UN to overtake China as the world's most populous country, the average age is 28.

In May, China's Family Planning Association launched pilot projects in over 20 cities to provide housing, tax and education benefits to families with two or more children.

But the government's efforts have been met with widespread cynicism on social media, with few young adults viewing the schemes as helpful.

“I think it is ridiculous. A lot of young people like me are facing a difficult time getting a job,” project manager for a manufacturing firm, Christa said, adding that why would people want to start a family when they can barely take care of themselves financially.

Categories: International.

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  • Brasileiro

    It's not a crisis! It is a symptom of the current labor market equilibrium.

    China, like Brazil, needs more and more female labor in the labor market, and this naturally causes marriages to take place later and later in society. What already happens in Europe, for example.

    The Western media's negative bias towards China, Russia and Brazil is deplorable.

    Jul 04th, 2023 - 12:16 pm +1
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