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Falklands: Chinese ambassador in Buenos Aires iterates support for Argentina's claim

Monday, August 7th 2023 - 10:43 UTC
Full article 9 comments
Ambassador Zou Xiaoli said that China values Argentina´s friendship and “as always” will support Argentina in the recovery of sovereignty over Malvinas Ambassador Zou Xiaoli said that China values Argentina´s friendship and “as always” will support Argentina in the recovery of sovereignty over Malvinas
The publication coincides with Argentine negotiations with Washington to acquire F16s for its Air Force, to replace the fighters lost during the Falklands conflict The publication coincides with Argentine negotiations with Washington to acquire F16s for its Air Force, to replace the fighters lost during the Falklands conflict

Outgoing Chinese ambassador in Argentina, Zou Xiaoli again expressed support for the Argentine government's position regarding its sovereignty claim over the Falkland Islands.

 During the celebration of the 96th anniversary of the People's Liberation Army, held in Buenos Aires, the ambassador was accompanied by Argentine Defense minister, Jorge Taiana, other members of the cabinet and congress, as well as representatives from the Chinese community in Argentina.

In a brief message ambassador Zou Xiaoli said that China values Argentina´s friendship and collaboration, as “as always” will support Argentina in the recovery of sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands, in keeping financial coherence, economic growth and well being of its people, and helping her join the BRICS group to perform a more important and positive role in the South/South collaboration, among other international issues.“

Ambassador Xiaoli also thanked Argentina for supporting Beijing's unwavering ”One China“ policy regarding the island of Taiwan.

Argentine defense minister Taiana underlined the growing and close military bonds between Argentina and China, adding ”cooperation in the area of defense will continue to increase in the context of global changes in power relations and in a multi-polar world.“

The Argentine foreign ministry said that the Chinese ambassador's statement in support of the so-called Malvinas Question, ”adds a new element to the complex dynamics of international relations in the region and is a milestone in China/Argentina bilateral relations.

Meanwhile in Britain the UK defense Journal has generated controversy for having published a simulated scenario in which there is a hypothetic attack of Argentine Air Force F16s in the Falklands. The publication coincides with Argentine negotiations with Washington to acquire F16s for its Air Force, to replace most of its fighters lost during the Falklands conflict.

The UK Defense Journal and its simulated combat theatre with the F16s describes the situation as not a significant challenge for the Islands, but yes, it has generated concern and reactions among its readers. But this situation, “the rearmament rumors and hostile rhetoric from Argentina in the simulation,” is contained by a Royal Air Force squadron of Typhoon fighter jets.

Finally it is important of point out that the published simulation by UK Defense Journal is purely hypothetical and does not represent a real situation. But it has increased the ongoing tension and high sensitivity on the Falklands Argentine sovereignty claim, as well as the impact in the region of the possible acquisition by Argentina of the F16s.

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  • Steve Potts

    Argentina's sovereignty claim based on what?

    Aug 07th, 2023 - 09:17 am +2
  • Juan Cervantes

    Nothing more than lip service. China has its own issues with Taiwan,

    Aug 07th, 2023 - 10:09 am +2
  • Terence Hill

    This disturbed lying pussy-whipped individual pops up from time to time from his usual function of growing a fruit. Whose name is a literal translation of native word for testicles. Perfect, you can`t make this up he suffers from the following.

    ”Diagnostic Terms for Defining Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse

    Malignant Narcissist. A special sub-type of narcissist that has also some traits of ASPD, such as aggressiveness, deceitfulness, and remorselessness. They are often sadistic and gain pleasure from hurting others.

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). A type of personality disorder in which a person has grandiose fantasies of success and power with few or no achievements behind the fantasies. People with the disorder are constantly comparing themselves to others and feeling envious. They may also feel others are envious of them. They believe they are unique and entitled to special treatment, admiration, and obedience. In addition, they lack emotional empathy and have a willingness to exploit others for their own benefit.

    Aug 08th, 2023 - 08:53 am 0
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