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Montevideo, October 18th 2024 - 02:06 UTC

Stories for October 2023

  • Friday, October 20th 2023 - 10:34 UTC

    Drought hitting Chaco region concerns Paraguayan authorities

    Peña said on social media that action would be taken “so that the long-awaited aqueduct becomes a reality”

    Paraguayan authorities expressed their concern Thursday given the dramatic drought causing social, economic, and environmental devastation in the region of Chaco, which is also affecting parts of neighboring Bolivia, it was reported.

  • Friday, October 20th 2023 - 09:55 UTC

    Massa says future of Mercosur lies in Argentina's north

    Massa proposed “changing the educational system” because “kids get bored at school” when they should “feel part of and integrated into the country”

    Argentina's Economy Minister and presidential candidate Sergio Massa said Thursday that the heart of Mercosur lies in the country's north and urged his supporters to “go for our flag” in Sunday's elections. Massa's remarks came during a campaign closing event at a factory in the city of Pilar, some 50 kilometers northwest of the capital. He also promised to improve salaries “and the purchasing power of the people” if Unión por la Patria (UP) wins.

  • Friday, October 20th 2023 - 09:09 UTC

    Brazil: Bolsonaro fined for abusing reporters verbally

    The journalists' union recorded 175 attacks by Bolsonaro against the press in 2020 alone

    Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was sentenced Thursday by a Sao Paulo court to pay journalists R$ 50,000 (US$ 9,900) for collective moral damages which will go to the State Fund for the Defense of Diffuse Rights.

  • Thursday, October 19th 2023 - 10:53 UTC

    Investigators believe Argentine Senator found dead committed suicide

    Rodríguez was 41 and had three children

    Tierra del Fuego National Senator Matías Rodríguez was found dead in his home in Ushuaia on Wednesday under circumstances that have yet to be determined but suggest a suicide, it was reported.

  • Thursday, October 19th 2023 - 10:49 UTC

    Argentine-made Covid-19 vaccine approved

    The ARVAC Cecilia Grierson represents “a safe, effective and quality tool,” according to Vizzotti

    Argentine health authorities Tuesday approved a booster Covid-19 vaccine fully developed in the South American country, it was announced Wednesday in Buenos Aires. The “ARVAC Cecilia Grierson” drug is said to be effective against the latest versions of the disease for patients over 18 years of age.

  • Thursday, October 19th 2023 - 10:41 UTC

    Blue dollar plummets in Argentina

    Massa said the swap with China meant “great news”

    The “blue” (a euphemism for “black market”) dollar plunged on Wednesday, closing at AR$ 885/905 (buy/sell), down from AR$ 985 the previous day, after the extension of the swap with China was announced and raids on illegal exchange parlors known as “cuevas” (caves) intensified, leading to new arrests, it was reported in Buenos Aires.

  • Thursday, October 19th 2023 - 10:34 UTC

    Parliamentary commission votes to prosecute Bolsonaro

    Democracy has been attacked and the masses have been manipulated with hate speech, argued Senator Eliziane Gama

    A Brazilian Joint Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPMI) investigating the Jan. 8 riots in Brasilia approved Wednesday, with 20 votes in favor and one abstention, a motion by case rapporteur Senator Eliziane Gama (PSD-MA) to indict former President Jair Bolsonaro and 60 other people, including five former ministers and eight generals, for attempting a coup d'état during the invasion of the headquarters of the three branches of government, Agencia Brasil reported.

  • Thursday, October 19th 2023 - 09:35 UTC

    Security Council rejects Brazil’s proposal regarding Israel-Hamas conflict

    US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield was disappointed Brazil's initiative did not mention Israel's right to self defense

    The United Nations (UN) Security Council Wednesday rejected by 12 votes to one and two abstentions Brazil's proposal of humanitarian pauses in the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian extremist group Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, Agencia Brasil reported.

  • Thursday, October 19th 2023 - 09:21 UTC

    The impact of Israel/Hamas conflict on global grain and fertilizer prices

    In search of safer assets during geopolitical tensions, market players often shift to investments such as the U.S. dollar

    The war between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas may have repercussions on global grain prices and could also increase fertilizer prices, as indicated by analyses from Hedgepoint Global Markets and Itaú BBA, reports Globo Rural.

  • Thursday, October 19th 2023 - 09:16 UTC

    FIG have appointed a new Financial Secretary with Falklands' knowledge and experience

    In August 2020 Pat came to the Islands to work as the Finance Director for FIC, in February 2023 Pat took up the position of Head of Finance for the Falkland Islands Government.

    The Falkland Islands Government has announced the appointment of Pat Clunie as the new Financial Secretary and will take up this post in January 2024.