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Suspected Hezbollah terrorists arrested in Brazil

Thursday, November 9th 2023 - 22:42 UTC
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Hezbollah and the Iranian regime continue to operate around the world to attack Israeli, Jewish, and Western targets,” the Mossad said Hezbollah and the Iranian regime continue to operate around the world to attack Israeli, Jewish, and Western targets,” the Mossad said

Brazil’s Federal Police (PF) Wednesday arrested two suspects in Sao Paulo in connection with plans to stage “terrorist acts” against the Jewish community in the South American country. Behind the plot was reported to be the terrorist group Hezbollah, according to Israeli secret service Mossad sources quoted by local media.

The PF said the operation also sought to “obtain evidence of the possible recruitment of Brazilians to commit extremist acts in the country“ as other 11 raids were carried out in Sao Paulo, Brasilia, and in the State of Minas Gerais. Investigators believe the detainees had recently traveled to Beirut. An Interpol arrest warrant has also been issued against two other suspects with dual Brazilian-Lebanese nationality.

”The recruiters and those recruited must answer for the crimes of constituting or integrating a terrorist organization and carrying out preparatory acts of terrorism, whose maximum penalties, if added together, reach 15 years and 6 months in prison,“ the PF said in a statement.

Under Brazil’s Terrorism Act, such crimes are treated as heinous and are therefore unbailable. They are not subject to grace, amnesty, or pardon, and the sentence for these crimes is initially served in a closed regime, regardless of whether the conviction has been final and unappealable.

Mossad said in a press release that it had assisted Brazilian security services and international agencies to ”foil a terrorist attack in Brazil“ and underlined that “it was planned by the Hezbollah terrorist organization, directed and financed by the Iranian regime.” The intelligence agency also stressed that the “terrorist cell” planned an attack against “Israeli and Jewish targets in Brazil.”

Hezbollah’s alleged presence in the triple border between Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay has recently been under intelligence scrutiny, it was also reported.

”In the background of the war in Gaza (...) Hezbollah and the Iranian regime continue to operate around the world to attack Israeli, Jewish, and Western targets,” the Mossad said.

“The Mossad thanks the Brazilian security services for the arrest of a terrorist cell that was operated by Hezbollah in order to carry out an attack on Israeli and Jewish targets in Brazil,” the statement said. It said the attack was “planned by the Hezbollah terrorist organization, directed and financed by Iran,” read a posting from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on X.

According to G1, one of the suspects was arrested upon landing in Sao Paulo from Lebanon carrying US$ 5,000 with him.

The Israeli Confederation of Brazil (Conib) expressed its “enormous concern” over the case. “Terrorism, in all its aspects, must be fought and repudiated by Brazilian society,” the entity said in a note. “The tragic conflicts in the Middle East cannot be imported to our country, where different communities coexist peacefully,” it went on. “We congratulate the Federal Police, the public prosecutor’s office, and the justice ministry for their preventive action,” the group elaborated.

Brazil has one of the world’s largest Lebanese populations; most estimates put their total well above that of Lebanon itself. On the other hand, some 107,000 Jews live in Brazil, the second largest community in the region after Argentina.

Categories: Politics, Brazil, International.

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  • Chicureo

    This is a very serious alarm for our region.

    This form of terrorist plan needs to be quickly eliminated.

    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Nov 10th, 2023 - 10:40 am +1
  • Terence Hill

    “what “conspiracy” ? Since when IS IT ILLEGAL for foreign government agencies to cooperate in criminal cases ? NEVER !.”

    “Despite the evidence of Lula’s innocence and illegal persecution, with the cooperation of the US DoJ, that removed him from the 2018 presidential elections”
    https ://

    “A group of House Democrats is demanding answers from Attorney General Merrick Garland about the US Justice Department’s role in Brazil’s wide-ranging anti-corruption probe, known as Operation Car Wash, or Lava Jato in Portugese. In a letter, obtained by The Nation, that was sent to Garland today, 23 House Democrats, led by Georgia Representative Hank Johnson, renewed concerns over the secretive collaboration between the US Justice Department and Brazilian officials in Lava Jato, which led to the wrongful imprisonment of former president Luis Inácio Lula da Silva and paved the way for far-right nationalist Jair Bolsonaro to win the presidency.”
    https ://

    “LEAKED CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN Brazilian officials reveal the inner workings of a secretive collaboration with the U.S. Department of Justice on a sprawling anti-corruption effort known as Operation Car Wash. The chats, analyzed in partnership with the Brazilian investigative news outlet Agência Pública, show that the Brazilians were extremely accommodating to their U.S. partners, going out of their way to facilitate their involvement in ways that may have violated international legal treaties and Brazilian law.”

    Article 2.7 of the Charter of the United Nations provides that - ”Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state.

    Nov 13th, 2023 - 08:56 pm 0
  • Terence Hill

    “..he was never declared innocent by the Court... what “conspiracy” ? Since when IS IT ILLEGAL for foreign government agencies to cooperate in criminal cases ?”

    I never claimed they he was. But, nonetheless, it was was the best possible outcome, for him. As the corrupt magistrate's determination was overturned.

    “No quid pro quo was ever found in any of the evidence in any of the files. So, the cases have all been closed and Lula now stands as an innocent man”
    “We were able to prove in the Supreme Court of Brazil that there was international cooperation outside of official channels between Brazilian and foreign authorities, including some U.S. authorities. This type of situation disrespects the bilateral agreement signed between Brazil and the United States, which provides for specific procedures for international cooperation, and those procedures weren’t followed.”
    https ://

    ”Moro and Moreno-Taxman were key figures in Operation Lava Jato. Publicly presented as a crusading anti-corruption effort heralding a new dawn in Brazil, in which democracy and the rule of law reigned supreme, in reality, it was a fraud directed by the CIA, FBI, and U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ). The objective was to destroy the country’s most profitable companies and prevent the left from retaking power.“
    https ://

    ”Moro’s U.S. Law Firm Received R$40 Million From His Lava Jato Targets, Says Federal Audit Court”
    https ://

    Nov 14th, 2023 - 06:37 pm 0
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