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Putin and Maduro highlight importance of multipolar world order

Friday, December 22nd 2023 - 10:15 UTC
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Maduro was invited to visit Putin in Russia next year Maduro was invited to visit Putin in Russia next year

Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela held a telephone conversation Thursday during which they agreed on the need for “a fair multipolar order,” it was reported. They also discussed the territorial dispute with Guyana over the oil-rich Essequibo region.

“Maduro and Putin reviewed the excellent state of the bilateral relationship, as well as the deep brotherhood that characterizes the strategic partnership between the two countries,” a Venezuelan government statement read.

Both leaders also agreed on the importance “of building a multicentric, inclusive, fair and democratic world order, respectful of the universally recognized norms of international law,” the document went on.

They also “discussed current issues of Russian-Venezuelan cooperation in the areas of energy, trade, and investment, as well as in the cultural and humanitarian spheres,” according to Moscow. “Russia will continue to support the efforts of the Venezuelan leadership to strengthen the national economy and sovereignty.”

“During the exchange of views on the international agenda, the coincidence of approaches to the formation of a fair multipolar order and the rejection of illegal sanctions and interference in the internal affairs of states were highlighted,” it added.

Regarding the Esseqquibo crisis, “Putin pronounced himself in favor of resolving the territorial dispute through political and diplomatic channels.”

Russia and Venezuela also ”agreed on the importance of the High-Level Intergovernmental Commission (CIAN, for its acronym in Spanish)“, in addition to accompanying each other in multilateral spaces through the Group of Friends in Defense of the United Nations Charter while Putin ”reiterated the importance of the signing of the Strategic Partnership and Cooperation Treaty, which defines the political will to strengthen multifaceted cooperation at all levels.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry also confirmed that an invitation for Maduro to visit Moscow in 2024 was extended.

According to the XVII Russia-Venezuela Intergovernmental Commission, trade cooperation grew by 70% in the first seven months of 2023 yoy.

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  • imoyaro

    Heck yeah! Pootie needs Nick the Mad to rattle the Yankees in their back yard to draw attention from Ukraine. If it works...

    Dec 24th, 2023 - 01:31 am 0
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