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Montevideo, July 27th 2024 - 00:34 UTC

Tag: Russia

  • Thursday, June 20th 2024 - 10:30 UTC

    Putin lands in Vietnam to strengthen Russia's alliances in East Asia

    Kim Jong Un called Russia “a true friend” and its President Vladimir Putin “the dearest friend of the Korean people”

    Russian President Vladimir Putin landed in Hanoi Wednesday after signing the “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement” with North Korea which reshaped the world's military preparedness after Moscow pledged to defend Pyongyang in case of attack by a foreign power. In Vietnam, the Russian president was to hold meetings with local leaders further to strengthen his country's allegiances in the region.

  • Friday, June 7th 2024 - 19:45 UTC

    Russian fleet deployed to Caribbean Sea

    Russian propaganda often dubs the Admiral Gorshkov “the invisible frigate”

    A Russian nuclear submarine and three other warships will be participating alongside Cuban forces in a drill in the Caribbean Sea between June 12 and 17 to further deepen the friendly ties between the two countries, according to Havanna's Foreign Ministry.

  • Wednesday, May 29th 2024 - 21:43 UTC

    Canada and Finland okay Ukraine using their weapons to attack Russia

    “Russia is waging an illegal war of aggression in Ukraine and Ukraine has the right to self-defense,” Elina Valtonen explained

    Just one week after the final destination of the war equipment supplied to Ukraine rose tensions between Moscow and London, Canadian and Finnish authorities Wednesday okayed Kyiv's using the weapons supplied by both countries in a potential offensive against Russia

  • Tuesday, May 14th 2024 - 10:26 UTC

    Russia claims to have found huge oil reserves in Antarctica; UK feels it could mean a complete new ball game

    Junior Foreign Minister David Rutley said that Russia has given a commitment to abide by the Antarctic Treaty.

    The House of Commons’ Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) held a special session on Russian oil exploration in the polar region, following on claims that the Rosgeo oil exploration company had reported that its research vessel Alexander Karpinsky has completed a comprehensive subsurface geological survey, mapping very promising oil and gas prospects on the Antarctic oil shelves.

  • Tuesday, March 19th 2024 - 09:00 UTC

    The West can’t ‘solve’ its Russia problem: Here’s how it should handle six more years of Vladimir Putin

    The West can’t ‘solve’ its Russia problem. Here’s how it should handle 6 more years of Putin

    By Peter Tesch - In perhaps the least surprising news of the year, Vladimir Putin has triumphed at the Russian ballot box and been enthroned for the fifth time as president. He will serve for six more years. He will be 77 years old in 2030. According to the constitution, which he re-wrote to his benefit in 2020, he then could stand again for a further six-year term.

  • Friday, February 16th 2024 - 11:50 UTC

    Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalni dies in prison

    Alexei Navalny (Pic FT)

    Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalni died suddenly today in the Arctic prison where he has been held since last December, Russia's prison services said.

  • Friday, January 26th 2024 - 10:10 UTC

    Ecuador gives US useless Russian weapons despite Moscow's warning

    Ecuador has all the legal right to receive the US and other countries' cooperation in security matters, Sommerfeld insisted

    Ecuador's Foreign Minister Gabriela Sommerfeld admitted that his country sold useless Russian-built weaponry to the United States in exchange for operational arms to wage the South American country's war against drug trafficking gangs. The measure was adopted despite Moscow's advice against it, it was explained.

  • Friday, December 22nd 2023 - 10:15 UTC

    Putin and Maduro highlight importance of multipolar world order

    Maduro was invited to visit Putin in Russia next year

    Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela held a telephone conversation Thursday during which they agreed on the need for “a fair multipolar order,” it was reported. They also discussed the territorial dispute with Guyana over the oil-rich Essequibo region.

  • Saturday, December 9th 2023 - 10:26 UTC

    Essequibo: Guyanese president hopes Maduro will not act recklessly

    Ali hopes... but Maduro is said to be planning a trip to Russia. To get military help from Putin?

    Guyanese President Irfaan Ali said that Venezuela's latest actions regarding the dispute over the Guaiana Essequiba were “a regional threat” and hoped Nicolás Maduro's regime would not act “in an adventurous and very irresponsible manner.”

  • Wednesday, October 25th 2023 - 16:22 UTC

    EU calls for immediate repeal of “golden passports” proliferation among Caribbean countries

    The trade of the “golden passports” has proliferated with five Caribbean states revealing they sold citizenship to 88,000 individuals from countries including Iran, Russia, Bielorussia and China

    The European Commission has urged Member States to immediately repeal any existing investor citizenship schemes and to ensure strong checks are in place to address the risks posed by investor residence schemes. The Commission has frequently and consistently raised its serious concerns about investor citizenship and residence schemes and the inherent risks they pose. The latest recommendation forms part of the Commission's broader policy to take determined action on these schemes. The current context of the Russian aggression against Ukraine is once again highlighting these risks.
