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Child labor in Brazil goes up under Bolsonaro

Saturday, December 23rd 2023 - 09:58 UTC
Full article 4 comments
In Brazil, any form of work is illegal up to the age of 13 In Brazil, any form of work is illegal up to the age of 13

According to a study released this week by the statistics bureau IBGE, child labor went up in Brazil between 2019 and 2022 under then-President Jair Bolsonaro, Agencia Brasil reported.

Last year, 1.881 million people aged 5 to 17 were subjected to it. In 2016, the IBGE identified 2.112 million people in this situation. Until 2019, the number fell to 1.758 million. Due to the pandemic, the study was not published in 2020 and 2021.

To define child labor, IBGE follows the guidelines of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which describes it as “work that is dangerous and harmful to the health and mental, physical, social, or moral development of children, interfering with their schooling.” Informal activities with excessive working hours are also included.

IBGE estimates that 2.1 million people between the ages of five and 17 were engaged in economic or self-consumption activities last year. The difference between this amount and the total of young people classified as facing child labor (1.881 million) stems from the fact that not all activities in this age group are considered child labor.

In Brazil, any form of work is illegal up to the age of 13. From 14 to 15, work is only allowed as an apprenticeship. At 16 and 17, there are restrictions regarding night shifts and unhealthy and dangerous conditions.

The increase in child labor in Brazil was seen not only in absolute terms. A surge is also observed in the proportion of kids engaged in these activities.

From 2019 to 2022, the population aged five to 17 decreased by 1.4%, but the number of people in this age group working increased by 7%.

In 2019, the percentage of people aged five to 17 doing some form of child labor was 4.5%. By 2022, it had risen to 4.9% —nearly one in 20 young people in the age group.

The survey also looked at the number of young people subjected to occupations on the List of the Worst Forms of Child Labor, as per ILO’s Convention 182.

The list includes activities in places such as sawmills, the extractive industry, sewage, slaughterhouses, and mangrove swamps. They involve intense physical effort, heat, unhealthy conditions, and other factors that can cause fractures, mutilation, poisoning, and other harm to minors.

In 2022, 756,000 children and adolescents were involved in such activities —46.2% of all people aged five to 17 who performed economic activities. This percentage has been on the wane since 2016 when it was 51.3%.

(Source: Agencia Brasil)

Categories: Economy, Politics, Brazil.

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  • FortHay

    Statistics don't lie, statisticians do.

    Dec 23rd, 2023 - 06:03 pm 0
  • Terence Hill

    “Where is your proof of bias ? Search all you want, you won't find any, just like you won't find anything in the STF site the crook was declared innocent....
    Moro's “corruption”....corruption ? total BS, he followed the money trail and found damning proof.

    How about these apples!

    The only daming proof is as follows.
    ”The Supreme Federal Court of Brazil (STF) then decided that all decisions made by Moro in the case of the Guarujá triplex, “including the facts practiced in the pre-trial phase” were null because the magistrate “showed partiality in his conduct. ... “
    https ://

    having no legal or binding force; invalid:
    “the court ruled that the contract contained several infringements and therefore declared it null and void”
    invalid · void · annulled · nullified · cancelled · abolished · revoked · rescinded · repealed · null and void

    What a classic under-statement.

    Brazil’s Federal Audit Court has asked the Attorney General to freeze presidential pre-candidate Sergio Moro’s assets. The court (TCU) says that the law firm received more than R$40 million ($8 million USD) from companies he convicted in Operation Lava Jato, and with whom he negotiated `LENIENCY AGREEMENTS` a month from Odebrecht e Ativos (former agro-industrial company), BRL 150,000 from Galvão Engenharia, BRL 97,000 from from OAS and R$ 115 thousand monthly from the Enseada Shipyard.”
    https ://

    Extortion, I rest my case, leniency agreements!

    ”Totally ignoring what you can't explain...such as the R$ 6 billion returned by convicted thieves” such as how he is without evidence, culpable for others acts?

    Dec 24th, 2023 - 04:16 pm 0
  • Jack Bauer

    The headline “Child labor in Brazil goes up under Bolsonaro” sounds kind of biased...just read the 2nd paragraph :

    “Last year, 1.881 million people aged 5 to 17 were subjected to it. In 2016, the IBGE identified 2.112 million people in this situation. Until 2019, the number fell to 1.758 million. Due to the pandemic, the study was not published in 2020 and 2021.”

    It states that in 2016, the IBGE identified 2.11 million peole in this situation ....which was the last of 14 years of PT rule...with Dumbass Dilma as President.

    Then, until 2019, the number fell to 1.78 million.....during Michel Temer's 2 ‘n a 1/2 year's presidency (mid 2016 to end 2018).

    Last year, 2022, Bolsonaro's last year in office, the number went up to 1.88 million...100,000 more than at the end of 2018.

    So, the IBGE claims that the number under Bolsonaro increased – yes, it did, but was still quite a bit lower than at the end of the PT's 14 years.....and after 2 years of Covid-19.

    Presuming that the numbers are correct, the IBGE, under the leadership of Marcio Pochmann, a radical 'petista' and Lula's personal pal, coveniently draws attention to the number at the end of Bolsonaro's term, while ignoring that at the end of Dilma's (230,000 higher ).
    That kind of distortion of the facts is exactly what people said would happen when Pochmann was indicated by the nine-fingered crook.

    Dec 23rd, 2023 - 05:33 pm -1
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