Model ships built by two young Aberdeenshire brothers have been launched on what is planned to be an epic journey around the South Pole. The mission to circumnavigate Antarctica, started by Harry and Ollie Ferguson, is thought to be a world first.
Brazil is expected to harvest a record 317.5 million tons of grains in the 2022-23 agriculture cycle, which is 44.9 million tons (16.5%) more than the previous year, according to the 10th Grain Harvest Survey by Conab, the country’s food supply and statistics agency.
Uruguayan authorities Monday announced they had placed an order for the purchase of two brand-new Ocean Patrol Vessels (OPV) from the Spanish shipyard Cardama for € 82 million, it was reported in Montevideo.
Argentina's National Institute of Seismic Prevention (Inpres) Monday reported an earthquake at 00:05 local time (03:05 GMT), at a depth of 214 kilometers, with its epicenter 240 kilometers west of the city of Neuquén, and 14 kilometers south of the small town of Loncopué.
The United Kingdom on Sunday formally signed a treaty to join a major Indo/Pacific block, in what is described as the biggest trade deal since the country left the European Union, (Brexit) at the beginning of 2020.
Argentine Economy Minister and presidential contender Sergio Massa might travel to the United States later this week to close an agreement with the International Monetary Fund whereby the global agency would give the South American country some US$ 8.5 billion, it was reported in Buenos Aires.
A mass stranding event caused over 50 pilot whales to die on a remote Scottish island, Isle of Lewis, marine rescuers said on Sunday. The British Divers Marine Life Rescue charity (BDMLR) said 55 of the animals washed up on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides.
As of this Monday, 17 July, European trawlers will no longer be able to fish off the Moroccan coast since the fisheries protocol is over, and renewing the protocol will be complicated since Morocco is seeking to secure a more advantageous deal.
According to a study conducted by the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), micro and small businesses have been behind the creation of seven out of ten formal jobs nationwide, Agencia Brasil reported.
Pablo Ruiz Hiebra, United Nations (UN) Coordinator in Uruguay, Sunday highlighted the efforts of the South American country's government in the face of the water crisis.