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Stories for February 23rd 2024

  • Friday, February 23rd 2024 - 16:43 UTC

    Venezuelan authorities confirm death toll of 16 after illegal mine collapse

    Governor Marcano acknowledged the dangers of illegal mining and announced plans to meet with local communities to “organize” their activity and “create safety conditions for their work”

    Venezuelan authorities confirmed the death toll of 16 miners following the collapse of an illegal gold mine in the southern state of Bolivar on Tuesday. Search efforts concluded Friday with no further casualties reported.

  • Friday, February 23rd 2024 - 11:07 UTC

    Brazil: Dino highlights separation of branches of gov't as he is sworn into the STF

    Dino filled the vacancy left by Rosa Weber, who retired in October last year

    Former Security Minister Flávio Dino said Thursday upon being sworn in as a Justice on the Supreme Federal Court that it was paramount for the country that each branch of government did its bit independently, Agencia Brasil reported. At 55, Dino has 20 years to serve on his bench until reaching the mandatory retirement age.

  • Friday, February 23rd 2024 - 10:50 UTC

    Most G-20 FMs agree on two-state solution to Israeli-Palestine conflict

    Two states is “the only possible solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” Vieira noted

    Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira G20 insisted Thursday in Rio de Janeiro during a summit of G-20 top diplomats that there seemed to be unanimous consensus as to what solution to the Israeli-Palestine conflict should be: Two states. “There was virtual unanimity in support of the two-state solution as the only possible solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” Vieira said.

  • Friday, February 23rd 2024 - 10:46 UTC

    No plans for refugees turned down by UK to end up in Paraguay

    Lord David Cameron and Foreign Minister Rubén Ramirez held a meeting on Tuesday.

    The British Embassy in Asunción Thursday denied press reports circulating in the Paraguayan capital according to which the South American country would be welcoming foreign refugees not accepted in the United Kingdom. The diplomatic mission insisted no negotiations in this regard had even been started and underlined that the sources and motives of Paraguayan outlets for publishing these reports were unknown to the legation.

  • Friday, February 23rd 2024 - 10:19 UTC

    Milei and IMF envoy discuss additional help for Argentina

    Milei said after his gathering with Gopinath that a new agreement with the IMF was to be expected

    President Javier Milei and International Monetary Fund (IMF) Deputy Managing Director Gita Gopinath Thursday discussed Argentina's course of action under the Libertarian's leadership during a meeting at Casa Rosada, it was reported from Buenos Aires. Gopinath said she had an “excellent and substantive meeting with President Milei on the best way to move the country forward.” Also Thursday, she got together with Cabinet Chief Nicolás Posse and Interior Minister Guillermo Francos.

  • Friday, February 23rd 2024 - 10:10 UTC

    Milei closing federal agency against discrimination and racism

    “Politicians have to accept that people despise them,” Milei insisted

    Argentine President Javier Milei's administration Thursday announced it would dissolve the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Racism (Inadi) in a move to cut public spending, it was reported in Buenos Aires. In making his decision, Milei argued that the Inadi, which includes some 400 workers and had dozens of delegations nationwide, was the “Thought Police” of Kirchnerism.

  • Friday, February 23rd 2024 - 10:04 UTC

    Blinken says other issues need to be solved before tackling climate change

    Blinken was to arrive in Buenos Aires later this week for talks with President Javier Milei

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken insisted Thursday in Rio de Janeiro during a press conference at the G-20 convention of Foreign Ministers that multilateral organizations need to solve armed conflicts worldwide before moving on to other agendas such as climate change and social development.

  • Friday, February 23rd 2024 - 06:00 UTC

    Beyond borders: The global impact of Crypto on the future of betting

    Cryptocurrency is rooted in cryptography and decentralization. Photo: Unsplash

    New cryptocurrencies hoping to benefit from the increased hype around Bitcoin launch every day. Most of these coins collapse completely within hours of existence.

  • Friday, February 23rd 2024 - 03:26 UTC

    The art of bluffing in Poker

    Photo: Unsplash

    Anyone who has ever played Poker knows that it’s as much a “game of skill” as it is of luck. That’s because there’s no way to win it without using a good mix of strategy, psychology, and, of course, holding Lady Luck’s hand. Those who are exceptionally great at this game, however, have mastered one thing– the art of bluffing. Mastering this mind game is essential and often separates the amateurs from the veterans.