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Gas supply getting back to normal in Argentina

Thursday, May 30th 2024 - 14:05 UTC
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It was feared that shortages would last indefinitely It was feared that shortages would last indefinitely

Supply of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) to petrol stations nationwide in Argentina was halted for almost a day Wednesday after authorities prioritized the fluid's use for heating purposes amid temperatures falling below May's average, it was reported in Buenos Aires. The situation was returning to normal after gas from Brazil's Petrobras began unloading from a ship. The cuts affected drivers and industries alike.

According to the Energy Secretariat, the measure stemmed from “two independent and simultaneous events:” In addition to technical problems in two gas plants in the provinces of San Luis and Córdoba there was an “administrative setback” regarding the payment to Petrobras for 44 million cubic meters of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

The inconvenience with the gas plants “generated a reduction in the transportation of 3 million cubic meters per day of natural gas in the delivery route in areas of Litoral and Greater Buenos Aires,” the agency also noted.

Regarding Petrobras, “the problem was solved and the vessel is already operating and unloading LNG since the early hours of the morning, to be regasified and injected into the transportation system.”

“The ship of the Brazilian company Petrobras arrived in the country and is unloading the material to replenish the energy supply. It is estimated that the service will return to normal operation late tonight,” Presidential Spokesman Manuel Adorni said.

Earlier this week, it was feared that gas shortages would last much longer after Energy Secretary Eduardo Rodríguez Chirillo insisted that the problem was “not the responsibility of this government.”

“In the previous Government, a reduction of imported gas was negotiated just for this year's winter. In order to solve this situation, we agreed with Brazil's Petrobras on assistance for August and September, and thus cover this reduction of gas volumes,” the official had argued on X.

Rodríguez Chirillo said his country had a US$ 244 million debt with Bolivia for gas purchases, for which US$ 21.8 million interests were charged “to all Argentines.”

Categories: Energy & Oil, Argentina.
Tags: natural gas.

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