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Argentine Foreign Ministry highlights June 10 Malvinas Sovereignty Day

Monday, June 10th 2024 - 19:00 UTC
Full article 4 comments

Argentina's Foreign Ministry issued a statement Monday on the 195th anniversary of the establishment of a garrison known as the Political and Military Command in the Falklands/Malvinas Islands in the name of the Province of Buenos Aires. The settlement remained there until it was displaced in 1833 by a stronger British force. The document reviewed Argentina's claims following that event. Read full article


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  • Little J

    I would think that all the Argentine governments over the last century and especially those in power since the return to democracy, including the present government have far more important matters to look into like inflation, insecurity, and a very long etc. than be concerned by a few islands whose inhabitants don't have the faintest wish of losing their current status and become argentine citizens with all the implications that that move would mean to them.

    Jun 11th, 2024 - 02:15 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Don Alberto

    The statement is a bunch of lies.

    Lie: “Having inherited Spain’s titles” does a robber inherit what has taken at gunpoint?
    In 1816 they stole Spanish lands at gunpoint.

    Lie: “On 6 November 1820, Argentine Navy Colonel David Jewett took possession of the Malvinas Islands on behalf of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata”

    Where in Jewett's report of 1 February 1821 did Jewwtt mention that taking possession of the Falkland Islands?
    Show us: Archivo General de la Nación, Buenos Aires, Marina Corsarios 1820-1831, 10-5-1-3

    The report does not mention of the Falkland Island nor “Malvinas”. The report is in English as Jewett had a very limited knowledge of Spanish. If we are to believe he claimed the islands for the future Argentina, he must have an unusually bad memory as he forgot to mention it.

    In connexion with the signing of the 1825 treaty, Argentine politician and historian Don Ignacio Benito Nuñez issued “Noticias históricas, políticas, y estadísticas de las Provincias Unidas del Río de La Plata, 1825”, a complete list of all territories belonging to Las Provincias Unidas. Nowhere in the document is mentioned Falkland Island nor “Malvinas”

    Lie: “the United Kingdom, which illegally occupied the islands and expelled the legitimate Argentine authorities and the existing settlers.”
    Only the military occupation force and their families were removed. The civilian settlers wanted to stay, except a couple from Brasil and a couple from present day Uruguay, Joaquín Acuña, su mujer Juana and Mateo González, su mujer Marica.

    Documented in: Lista de la tropa, sus familias y peones de la isla de Malvinas - printed in Ernesto J. Fitte: “La agresión Norteamericana”
    Photo of first page of the same

    Why do the official Argentina tell these STUPID lies?
    What is a STUPID lie? a lie which is immediately exposed.

    Jun 11th, 2024 - 05:55 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Juan Cervantes

    The whole Malvinas myth is built on a pack of lies.

    Jun 11th, 2024 - 07:19 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Malvinense 1833

    @Little J
    I agree with you, the country at this moment has other priorities, but the country does not forget that it has its part of its territory occupied by a foreign power. The inhabitants of the islands can live peacefully on the islands with British citizenship under Argentine sovereignty. I think it is not yet time and it may take decades.

    @Don Alberto
    Jewett's Argentine takeover of the islands was published in El Redactor of Cádiz, Spain, La Gazeta of Salem, United States, and The Times of London. I inform you that there was no protest from London.

    “It is worth mentioning that in 1825 the British recognition of Argentine independence crystallized, which implied the establishment of relations between the two States based on international law. This implied respect for sovereign equality, which includes or implies that of territorial integrity. On February 2, 1825, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata concluded a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation. It contains numerous references to the territories and ports of the parties. ”None of them made any reservations or observations in relation to the Malvinas. The difference is that, as we saw, Argentina already exercised acts of authority over the islands and considered them its own, but not Great Britain.”
    Credits Facundo Rodríguez.

    They expelled the military garrison, their families, men, women and children, under threat of entering into combat, they lowered the Argentine flag, in a place where they had never been. Decades of Spanish occupation after the British withdrawal and recognizing sovereignty through a treaty, occupying the islands alone, without a single protest.
    Please!!! Explain how the islands are British!!

    Jun 12th, 2024 - 11:50 am - Link - Report abuse -4

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