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Montevideo, July 3rd 2024 - 09:22 UTC



Delgado's surprising VP choice: Valeria Ripoll, former Communist Party member

Monday, July 1st 2024 - 09:50 UTC
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Ripoll ventured into political militancy by joining the Communist Party, a move that marked her first significant political engagement. Photo: FocoUy Ripoll ventured into political militancy by joining the Communist Party, a move that marked her first significant political engagement. Photo: FocoUy

In a surprising move following the internal elections, Álvaro Delgado of the ruling center-right wing Partido Nacional announced Valeria Ripoll as his vice-presidential candidate. Ripoll, who has a notable background in union activism and a past affiliation with the Uruguayan Communist Party (PCU), is expected to attract votes from outside the traditional party base. Delgado's choice was not universally welcomed within the party, sparking discontent among supporters of other pre-candidates. Nevertheless, Delgado's team believes Ripoll's inclusion will enhance the ticket's appeal and strengthen the party's outreach efforts.

Ripoll's journey to this nomination is intriguing. She began her career at the Municipal Planetarium in 2007 after winning a competition from the Municipality of Montevideo. Her union activism took root during her tenure there, becoming a member of the Association of Municipal Employees and Workers (ADEOM). She later worked at the Botanical Garden of Montevideo, continuing her union activities. In 2010, she ventured into political militancy by joining the PCU, a move that marked her first significant political engagement.

However, her affiliation with the PCU was not permanent. Ripoll eventually distanced herself from the Communist Party and party politics altogether, a decision that led to personal repercussions, including vandalism at her private residence. By 2014, she had moved to the Philharmonic Orchestra Unit as an inspector, continuing her professional and union work but stepping away from direct political involvement.

Delgado's selection of Ripoll as his running mate underscores a strategic effort to broaden the appeal of the Partido Nacional. Her diverse background and former ties to the leftist PCU are seen as assets in attracting a wider voter base. Delgado also revealed that President Luis Lacalle Pou would join the team by integrating their lists to the Senate, emphasizing a commitment to continuity and leveraging Lacalle Pou’s influence to solidify the party's position.

In his speech, Delgado highlighted the importance of development, job creation, and maintaining decentralization and freedom. He called for revitalizing the government coalition and unifying the party to ensure a cohesive and effective campaign strategy leading up to the October elections. “The Partido Nacional is set to change its paradigm,” Delgado declared, highlighting a shift towards a more inclusive and progressive approach. Ripoll's selection is a significant step in that direction, symbolizing a bridging of political divides and a fresh perspective within the party.

Categories: Politics, Uruguay.

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