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Longliner Argos Georgia loss and crew's fate news echoed in European Parliament

Tuesday, July 23rd 2024 - 19:48 UTC
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Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Fisheries MEP Carmen Crespo Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Fisheries MEP Carmen Crespo

Following the incident that forced the Argos Georgia’s crew to abandon the vessel near the Falkland Islands, the chair of the European Parliament Committee on Fisheries Carmen Crespo (EPP, ES) said:

 “On my first day as chair of Parliament's fisheries committee, my thoughts are with the missing fishermen in the Falkland Islands and their families. We sincerely hope their rescue is completed soon.

In these difficult times, the Committee on Fisheries offers its solidarity with the Galician people, so closely linked to the fishing sector and from which several of the missing crew members of the ship Argos Georgia come.

This accident highlights the harshness of fishing activity and the sacrifice and risk that sea professionals experience”.

The European Parliament member Carmen Crespo belongs to the Spanish conservative Popular Party and will hold the chair for the next two and half years. The MEP will also be sitting at the Agriculture and Rural Development Commission.

On taking office MEP Crespo said she will defend fisheries since “it is a key socioeconomic sector” and plays a strategic role for Europe's food security. Originally she was a member of the Agriculture, Water and Rural Development Junta of the Andalucía region in Spain.

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