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Uruguayan Senator speaks against homosexuality

Tuesday, July 23rd 2024 - 19:27 UTC
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“Homosexuals are homosexuals and that's it; It's their problem,” Domenech argued “Homosexuals are homosexuals and that's it; It's their problem,” Domenech argued

Ultra-conservative Uruguayan Senator Guillermo Domenech of Cabildo Abierto made headlines this week in Montevideo after saying in a radio interview that there is no such thing as “trans women.” He described anyone in that condition as “a man who dresses as a woman.”

“I do not know if a man's anus is ready to be penetrated,” he also noted during his appearance on FM Del Sol's show Fácil Desviarse (Easy to divert). “A man's anus is not prepared to be penetrated,” added the Senator known for defending his viewpoints based on his belief in God, and who has openly spoken against homosexuality and LGBT rights.

He also noted that “in Uruguay, from a legal point of view, there are no differences between men and women since 1946” although these variations lived on “at a social level.”

Regarding the currently trendy gender issues, Domenech stressed that there was a distinction between men and women that he considered “very negative” but refused to elaborate on people's practices considered “legitimate” but which in his opinion are “wrong.”

“But from there to generating a confrontation between men and women there is a big stretch. And I don't agree” to it, he explained.

Domenech also pointed out that children needed to be spared all the ongoing “confusion” about “sex roles” because “they need to mature their sexual awareness, psychology has always said so.” The lawmaker also underlined that “children are not aware of their sex at five, six or seven years old.”

He made those remarks in response to “multiple complaints from parents” who consider it “inconvenient” that boys were recommended to attend school “dressed as girls” or vice versa. “We are born male and female,” he insisted.

He also stressed there were no gray shades in between although “there may be behaviors that do not fit the pattern.” But “I don't have to promote those things when the child is five, six, or seven years old. I have to let the child mature,” he went on.

“One is either a man or a woman. I can think I'm a woman or I can think I'm Batman. What is, is; what is not, is not. What happens is that we start from different logical principles,” he elaborated. “For me, there is no trans woman. It is a man who dresses as a woman. If they do an autopsy 5,000 years from now or do a genetic study, it will emerge that he is a man or a woman. One thing is the behavior I have and another thing is what I am. I am what I am. Now, I can imagine a thousand different things: I can believe I am Einstein. Why do I have to call someone who disguises himself as a woman a woman?”

When he was suggested by the interviewers that he should out of politeness, he replied that “Maybe I have to treat him because that person is having a psychiatric problem”.

“Homosexuals are homosexuals and that's it; It's their problem,” Domenech also noted. “It is a personal conduct with which I dissent and it is condemned from Leviticus to Romans I. Those of us who have a Christian background can say it is wrong behavior. This is not to say that we don't respect the person because even the commandments call for loving your neighbor as yourself,” he added.

Categories: Politics, Uruguay.

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