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Argos Georgia: Spanish air force A-330 is waiting in Falklands for survivors

Saturday, July 27th 2024 - 08:26 UTC
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The Spanish air force Airbus A 330 transport waiting to fly back with mariners, alive and deceased.  The Spanish air force Airbus A 330 transport waiting to fly back with mariners, alive and deceased.

As anticipated a Spanish air force aircraft landed at Mount Pleasant international airport on Friday evening, close to 19:30 hours following a brief stopover in Montevideo, specially sent to return with the Spanish mariners from the Argos Georgia, alive and deceased.

The Airbus A-330-200, dispatched in coordination by the Spanish foreign affairs and defense ministries, is expected to take back the six survivors of the ten Spanish crew members in the longliner and two recovered deceased.

However since the Falklands government will be making the first inquiry into the reasons for the magnitude of the tragedy, testimonies of survivors are crucial, meaning Spaniards might have to remain longer than expected in the Falklands.

Likewise the Coroner will proceed with autopsies and try to identify names of the deceased.

Out of ten Spanish mariners on board the Argos Georgia, six survived, (four from Galicia, a lady fisheries observer from Albacete and a second observer from Barcelona), plus the two deceased and two disappeared.

Speculation as to the possible causes for the incident that ended in tragedy have resurfaced but experience indicates prudence.

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