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Argos Georgia company regrets tragic loss of lives, and thanks all who helped in rescue operation

Monday, July 29th 2024 - 07:20 UTC
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Argos Froyanes published a long list of organizations and individuals who supported the rescue operations Argos Froyanes published a long list of organizations and individuals who supported the rescue operations

Argos Froyanes, the company that owned the Argos Georgia released a statement in which it underlines that ”the tragic events of Monday the 22nd of July leading to the loss of thirteen of our Officers and Crew have been well documented and communicated by the Falkland Island Government.

Today all bar one of the survivors have left the Falkland Islands on a special flight kindly provided by the Government of Spain. Our remaining colleague will be on his way home shortly. On arrival in Galicia our Spanish nationals will be returned to their families and the non-Spanish nationals will be looked after by us in Madrid and flown to their home countries as quickly as possible.

Our fallen colleagues will soon leave the Falklands in the care of the Coroner and, after formalities in the United Kingdom have been completed, will be returned to their loved ones.

To list all of the organizations and individuals who have supported us would be impossible but we would like to express particular gratitude to:

All departments of the Government of the Falkland Islands

The British Forces South Atlantic

The Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

Polar Seafish Ltd.

MV Puerto Toro

Our colleagues in the wider fishing community and the people of the Falkland Islands and Saint Helena.

Without your combined and strenuous efforts we would not be able to return so many to their families

The fishing industry is traditionally based on families. Argos Froyanes is a family company in all meanings of the word and this week we have lost brothers, fathers and sons.

May The Lord grant them eternal rest.

Categories: Fisheries, Falkland Islands.

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