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Falklands democracy, Select Committee on petition for VSAT License fee on August first

Wednesday, July 31st 2024 - 08:59 UTC
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The Falklands Legislative Assembly received a petition calling for the abolition or reduction of the VSAT license fee and the approval of Starlink domestic tariffs The Falklands Legislative Assembly received a petition calling for the abolition or reduction of the VSAT license fee and the approval of Starlink domestic tariffs

On Thursday August first, at 10 AM in the morning, the Select Committee on the Petition to abolish or reduce the VSAT License Fee for using Starlink, or reduce the fee to a reasonable and proportionate level will be held at the Court and Assembly Chambers, Town Hall.

This follows on the reception by the Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly of a petition from members of the community calling for the abolition or reduction of the VSAT license fee and the approval of Starlink domestic tariffs. The petition, signed by 2,416 individuals, and sponsored by MLA Roger Spink to receive the petition, reflects the community's strong desire for improvements in internet and telecommunications services.

MLAs acknowledged the petition and expressed their appreciation for the active participation of the community in the democratic process. The petition highlights the significant interest and concern within the community regarding current internet provisions.

The Agenda for the meeting will be as follows,

1. Terms of Reference for the Select Committee

2. Consideration of letters to relevant stakeholders

3. Guidance for written and oral submissions

4. Date of Next meeting

Public is invited to give your views to the Select Committee on the Petition. The Petition has set out the following asks:

1. Abolish or Reduce the License Fee: We call on the Communications Regulator and MLAs to abolish the VSAT license fee for using Starlink entirely. If a complete abolition is not feasible, we urge you to reduce the fee to a reasonable and proportionate level, not exceeding £180 per year.

2. Approve Starlink Domestic Tariffs: We also call on the Communications Regulator to grant regulatory approval for Starlink to offer domestic tariffs in the Falkland Islands. This would prevent residents from being forced to rely on the more expensive global roaming tariffs, making fast and reliable internet access more affordable for everyone.

You can make a written submission, these should:

• Be in Word or PDF

• Comprise a single document. If there are any annexes or appendices, these should be included in the same document.

• State clearly who the submission is from, i.e. whether from yourself in a personal capacity or sent on behalf of an organisation.

• Be concise – we recommend no more than 3,000 words in length.

• Include any factual information you have to offer from which the committee might be able to draw conclusions, or which could be put to other witnesses for their reactions.

• Include any recommendations for action by the Government or others which you would like the committee to consider.

Your written submission should be received by 21 August 2024 to enable the Select Committee to consider your submission at its meeting of 5 September (the Committee may consider any submission received after this date at the meeting on 21 August, but that cannot be guaranteed).

Please submit your response:

- by emailing it to: (this method is strongly recommended); or

- by sending by post to Gilbert House, Stanley

You can also make an oral submission to the Committee on the morning of 5 September 2024.

You can include a request to make an oral submission when you make your written submission; or

You can make a request to make an oral submission by e-mailing or by calling Gilbert House on 27451.

Your request should be received by 21 August to enable the Clerk to the Committee to schedule all oral submissions to be made at the meeting of 5 September.

Documentation relating to the Select Committee on the Petition can be found here.

Additional Information relating to the Select Committee on the Communication Bill 2016 and the Telecommunication Licence can be found here.

Tags: Starlink.

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