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Lula and Biden discuss Venezuelan elections and put pressure on Maduro

Wednesday, July 31st 2024 - 10:55 UTC
Full article 3 comments

Presidents Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil and Joseph Biden of the United States Tuesday discussed the Venezuelan crisis during a telephone conversation, Agencia Brasil reported. The South American leader insisted on the importance of the minutes of each voting station being released and Biden concurred. Read full article


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  • imoyaro

    Cue Brasso to come in and claim Lula is a stinking “Puppet of the US”...

    Jul 31st, 2024 - 01:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer


    Even being the numbnuts he is, don't think Brasso would ever criticize nine-fingers, his idol, publicly.

    Brazilian lefties support nine-fingers no matter how absurd his comments and actions are.

    And, to believe that anything will come from nine-finger's and Biden's “joint-pressure” on Maduro, you've gotta have your head examined.

    The presidents of Latin America that have not yet contested the result of the Venezuelan fraud, never will. They will carry on with these useless declarations that they “hope” Maduro will furnish the breakdown of the results at each polling station. Nothing will change.

    If any are produced, for public scrutiny, you can be sure they have been falsified. That's how Maduro's “democracy” works.

    Aug 01st, 2024 - 03:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • bushpilot

    No matter how broke Venezuela might be,
    China and Russia probably take care of the military, monetarily and otherwise.
    So no mutiny there.

    Aug 01st, 2024 - 08:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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