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US says González Urrutia won the Venezuelan elections

Friday, August 2nd 2024 - 10:55 UTC
Full article 6 comments
The State Secretary recalled that the results announced by the opposition would corroborate the exit polls and the conclusions of independent observers The State Secretary recalled that the results announced by the opposition would corroborate the exit polls and the conclusions of independent observers

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted Thursday that opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia had won Sunday's elections in Venezuela despite the National Electoral Council (CNE) announcing that the incumbent Nicolás Maduro had prevailed with 51.2% of the vote to 44.2%.

Blinken issued a statement on Thursday assuring that based on “overwhelming evidence,” Washington concluded González Urrutia was the winner of the July 28 presidential elections in Venezuela.

Caracas is still to release the minutes of each polling table backing up the CNE's bulletin. In lack thereof, suspicion of fraud keeps mounting.

“Given the overwhelming evidence, it is clear to the United States, and especially to the Venezuelan people, that Edmundo González Urrutia won the majority of votes in Venezuela's presidential election on July 28,” Bliken noted.

The United States called on the parties involved in the Venezuelan crisis to address a transition process that respects the wishes of the electoral outcome and said it will support a process of “reestablishing democratic norms” in Venezuela.

Blinken took for valid the results released by disenfranchised opposition leader María Corina Machado representing 80% of the polling stations and showing that González Urrutia “received the majority of votes with an insurmountable margin.” The State Secretary recalled that those minutes had been “received directly from the polling stations all over Venezuela” and would corroborate the exit polls and the conclusions of independent observers and quick counts.

“Since Election Day, we have consulted intensively with partners and allies around the world and, despite the fact that each country has taken different paths to respond, none has concluded that Nicolás Maduro has received the majority of votes,” Blinken underlined.

He also argued that the CNE's “quick” statement Sunday “came without any evidence to support it” and the body “has not published disaggregated data and any minutes yet”, despite international calls to do so. In addition, the Carter Center found that the “elections did not conform to ”international parameters and standards for electoral processes.“

”As reported by the Carter Center's independent observation mission, the failure of the CNE to provide official results at the district level, as well as irregularities throughout the process, have stripped the result announced by the CNE of any credibility,“ Blinken noted.

The Venezuelan opposition believed that González Urrutia obtained close to 70% of the vote, against Maduro's 30%.

The Chavist leader told the United States to ”get its nose out of Venezuela because the sovereign people are the ones in charge.”

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  • MarkWhelan

    This comment is in my opinion very dangerous to the residents of Venezuela.
    So the USA has overwhelming evidence of voter fraud.
    What physical evidence do they actually have?
    The rapid announcement of the results? Many countries, even those using the paper votes, are able to announce the results on the eve of the election.
    The exit polls predicted a different result? Exit polls only show the replies of those interviewed.
    The slow reply to requests for the results from each polling booth to be released? From memory the results of the last US Presidential election were being disputed at the state level for months.
    The defeated party claim that they actually won the election? No that can't be it. Both Trump and Bolsonaro both claimed that they actuallly won in their respected countries.

    Where is the the overwhelming evidence. that the USA has?
    They have, so far, been unable to prove any evidence of the claim that Edmundo González Urrutia won the majority of votes in Venezuela's presidential election on July 28. He may have done so but without the evidence to back up the claim the USA should not have made such a claim.
    Lula did the right thing in asking for the results from each polling booth. Let's not make any decision until these results have been checked.

    Aug 02nd, 2024 - 11:33 am +1
  • bushpilot

    China and Russia are the reason Maduro can keep his dictatorship.

    China and Russia are the countries that have created such a disaster in Venezuela.

    China and Russia have ruined Venezuela and caused huge harm to so many Venezuelans.

    The citizens of Venezuela have voted to end the destruction of their country and their lives by China and Russia.

    Aug 04th, 2024 - 04:01 am +1
  • Brasileiro

    I agree with MarkWhelan.

    Aug 02nd, 2024 - 12:01 pm 0
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