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US says González Urrutia won the Venezuelan elections

Friday, August 2nd 2024 - 10:55 UTC
Full article 6 comments

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted Thursday that opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia had won Sunday's elections in Venezuela despite the National Electoral Council (CNE) announcing that the incumbent Nicolás Maduro had prevailed with 51.2% of the vote to 44.2%. Read full article


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  • MarkWhelan

    This comment is in my opinion very dangerous to the residents of Venezuela.
    So the USA has overwhelming evidence of voter fraud.
    What physical evidence do they actually have?
    The rapid announcement of the results? Many countries, even those using the paper votes, are able to announce the results on the eve of the election.
    The exit polls predicted a different result? Exit polls only show the replies of those interviewed.
    The slow reply to requests for the results from each polling booth to be released? From memory the results of the last US Presidential election were being disputed at the state level for months.
    The defeated party claim that they actually won the election? No that can't be it. Both Trump and Bolsonaro both claimed that they actuallly won in their respected countries.

    Where is the the overwhelming evidence. that the USA has?
    They have, so far, been unable to prove any evidence of the claim that Edmundo González Urrutia won the majority of votes in Venezuela's presidential election on July 28. He may have done so but without the evidence to back up the claim the USA should not have made such a claim.
    Lula did the right thing in asking for the results from each polling booth. Let's not make any decision until these results have been checked.

    Aug 02nd, 2024 - 11:33 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Brasileiro

    I agree with MarkWhelan.

    Aug 02nd, 2024 - 12:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • FortHay

    Ditto. MW is correct. Indirect and extrapolated data is not the same as actual evidence. The Carter center ( ) apparently did have observers in country and so far they have merely complained of government lack of transparency. Suspicious, but not conclusive.

    Aug 02nd, 2024 - 12:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • bushpilot

    quotes from:


    Congratulations to the Venezuelan people for choosing the side of sovereignty and holding clean and fair elections!

    Congratulations Nicolas Maduro for yet another mandate granted by the people!

    Brazil sent observers to monitor the Venezuelan elections. Nothing was found to discredit the election. Therefore, for me and for Brazil, the elections are valid, clean and fair.


    We should wait and see.

    Maduro, and Putin, are lying dictators. It was not found with time Putin was legitimately elected. It will not be found that Maduro is no longer a dictator, but now a legitimate leader.

    Maduro puts his political opposition in jail, or disqualifies them, or rigs things.

    They have been non-democratic, autocracy liars for 11 years.

    They decided to be fair this time?

    Maduro is not legitimate. Maduro should be in jail.

    He should be in jail because he put everyone else in jail.

    That electoral committee has also committed a huge transgression against Venezuela.

    However, after the Maduro dictatorship presents their election findings, which are certain to be a huge pile of bullshit, you all will hear this again from Brasileiro, the Robot:

    “Congratulations to the Venezuelan people for choosing the side of sovereignty and holding clean and fair elections!”

    “Congratulations Nicolas Maduro for yet another mandate granted by the people!”

    Gents, a snake is a snake is a snake. And loves fair-minded people.

    “Yes! You must wait for the evidence! You must be fair!” (that will give us time to lie better).

    Agreed that evidence will make it harder for leftist governments like Brazil, Mexico, and Columbia to sit on the fence and to support an illegitimate dictatorship. But in the end, they will. That evidence might let the rest of the world see them more clearly for what they are.

    The provided evidence might be the truth, it might be a lie. But Maduro providing evidence that supports the opposition, you will not see.

    Aug 02nd, 2024 - 03:26 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Jeff12

    The citizens of Venezuela have correctly voted to keep their oil rather than give it to he US oligarchy.

    Aug 03rd, 2024 - 10:35 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • bushpilot

    China and Russia are the reason Maduro can keep his dictatorship.

    China and Russia are the countries that have created such a disaster in Venezuela.

    China and Russia have ruined Venezuela and caused huge harm to so many Venezuelans.

    The citizens of Venezuela have voted to end the destruction of their country and their lives by China and Russia.

    Aug 04th, 2024 - 04:01 am - Link - Report abuse +1

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