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Venezuelan prosecution launches probe into opposition's declaration

Tuesday, August 6th 2024 - 10:55 UTC
Full article 4 comments
The opposition's statement would constitute various crimes, Saab argued The opposition's statement would constitute various crimes, Saab argued

Venezuela's Attorney General Tarek William Saab Monday issued a communiqué in response to the one released earlier in the day by opposition leaders Edmundo González Urrutia and María Corina Machado urging law enforcement and military officers to recognize the former as winner of the July 28 presidential elections.

Saab argued that the move sought to alter the rule of law by announcing a victor other than the one proclaimed by the National Electoral Council (CNE) - the incumbent Nicolás Maduro. Hence, a probe needed to be launched into the probable commission of several crimes.

Here is the full text:


The Public Ministry of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela informs the country that as a consequence of the dissemination of a Communiqué by the former candidate Edmundo González and the citizen María Corina Machado where, outside the Constitution and the Law, they falsely announced a winner of the presidential elections other than that proclaimed by the National Electoral Council, the only body qualified to do so, and in which an open incitement is made to police and military officers to disobey the laws; has decided to open a criminal investigation into both signatories of the invalid document.

The aforementioned statement shows the alleged commission of the crimes of Usurpation of Functions, Dissemination of False Information to Cause Distress, Instigation to Disobedience of Laws, Instigation to Insurrection, Association to Commit a Crime, and Conspiracy.

The Public Ministry as head of criminal action, in its duty to be a guarantor of peace and stability in the country, will remain vigilant against any act that implies the generation of violence or anxiety in the population and that seeks to repeat events that have left painful wounds on the entire Venezuelan family.

Caracas, August 5, 2024.”

Categories: Politics, Venezuela.

Top Comments

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  • bushpilot

    People are allowed to disagree. People are allowed to speak.

    Can we put you in jail for speaking? Didn't think so.

    You are the fascist.

    Aug 06th, 2024 - 05:39 pm 0
  • imoyaro

    Brasso supports torture and extrajudicial killing. Simple as...

    Aug 06th, 2024 - 06:39 pm 0
  • bushpilot


    If Maduro won the election, he would have released the election numbers.

    His government won't release the information because, “they have been hacked”.

    That is a convenient lie. That is a blatant lie.

    His government did not release the election numbers because they did not win.

    They want to keep power, they don't want to let the people decide.

    I am sorry for you Brasileiro, but Maduro lost the election.

    The Electoral Council is lying, and should certainly be put in jail for rigging an election.

    Nicolas Maduro is a dictator and a traitor.

    For treason he should be put in jail for the rest of his life.

    I am glad Maduro lost, and will be more glad when he is put in jail for life.

    Maduro and his illegitimate thug government have turned Venezuela into a ruin.

    There is terrible inflation and a third of the Venezuelan people have fled their homeland.

    Nicolas Maduro and his thugs should be in jail for this too, and for a long time.

    The United States of America is a force for good in this world. China, and Russia, and North Korea, and Venezuela are very bad for the world. Their dictators put everybody in jail!! Nobody wants to live in these countries, they all want to run away from these countries. They want to runaway to the United States of America, because the USA is a good place to live.

    May Freedom come to the oppressed people of Venezuela. May their dictator Nicolas Maduro be brought to justice.

    Aug 06th, 2024 - 09:20 pm 0
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