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Argentina upgrades Petrel Antarctic base air and maritime facilities

Friday, August 9th 2024 - 08:59 UTC
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The new landing strip was first tested last June with a Saab 340 The new landing strip was first tested last June with a Saab 340

The three services of the Argentine Armed Forces, together with private sector companies have finished upgrading landing facilities at the Antarctic base of Petrel in the Antarctic Peninsula. Accordingly during the month of June a first medium sized aircraft, Saab 340 from the Argentine Air Force landed successfully at the new landing strip.

The 1,600 meters strip, with an auxiliary band of 1,200 meters, is made of consolidated gravel, and the Saab pilots said it proved to be a smooth landing with no risks for the engines or wheels. Allegedly three countries, Brazil, Czechia and Uruguay, have already requested authorization from the Argentine base to use the landing facility. However to be completely certain, a trial with a Hercules C130 is in the waiting list.

The Argentine Defense ministry and the Antarctic Office have indicated that Petrel will be a joint base of the three services, and most probably because of its renewal and reforms and privileged geography could become the entrance gate to the ice continent for Argentine interests, both by air and sea.

The Petrel project pretends to improve logistic capacities in line with Argentine Antarctic Policy, with the necessary infrastructure for an autonomous year round functioning, as well as the revamping of the air landing facility and the construction of a 200 meters jetty/wharf for vessels to un load fuel and supplies.

The jetty is planned to host offices for port terminal vessel operations including polar cruisers and icebreakers.

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