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Argentine gov't lifts operational restrictions from BA's Aeroparque

Friday, August 9th 2024 - 10:45 UTC
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Aeroparque is the second-busiest air terminal in Argentina Aeroparque is the second-busiest air terminal in Argentina

The Argentine administration of President Javier Milei adopted new measures to further deepen the open skies policies regarding Buenos Aires' metropolitan Aeroparque Jorge Newbery (AEP/SABE) airfield.

Pursuant to National Civil Aviation Administration (Anac) Resolution 240/2024, Aeroparque will increase its operations by lifting the 200-passenger cap aboard narrow-body aircraft and allowing flights making “previous, intermediate, and subsequent commercial stopovers in countries other than those of the origin of the airline that performs them.”

The Libertarian Government thus seeks to promote ”a better use of the air station, (...) increase international traffic and [achieve] a higher passenger occupancy.“

Following the signing of several open skies agreements in recent months with Paraguay, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Uruguay, and Panama, this expansion seeks to ”increase domestic and regional flights at Aeroparque“, the second busiest airport in the country.

Hence, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires' largest air terminal is expected to receive more domestic and regional flights.

From a Libertarian perspective, the measure rids Aeroparque from its ”historical restrictions to fully develop its operational capacities“ so that an ”increase in the number of passengers arriving at the airport, which handles the largest number of domestic air services, opens up possibilities for the promotion of domestic tourism and the enhancement of regional economies.”

Despite this gesture of freedom, carriers still need to book their operating slots, it was explained.

Categories: Politics, Tourism, Argentina.

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