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Passenger misses doomed Voepass flight for drinking coffee

Saturday, August 10th 2024 - 10:55 UTC
Full article 5 comments
“He was doing his job and he saved my life,” the survivor told a local TV crew )TV snapshot) “He was doing his job and he saved my life,” the survivor told a local TV crew )TV snapshot)

Passenger Adriano Assis got delayed drinking coffee and missed the boarding call for the Voepass Linhas Aereas flight that plunged to the ground some 89 kilometers from its final destination at Sao Paulo's Guarulhos International Airport. Hence, the total number of casualties was corrected to 61 (57 passengers and 4 crew members) instead of 62.

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva decreed three days of nationwide mourning “in memory of the 61 victims of the tragic plane crash” after it was confirmed there were no survivors.

The ATR-72 twin turboprop had left Cascavel in the State of Parana but went into a downward spiral in a densely populated area in the city of Vinhedo in the State of Sao Paulo. It could have easily hit one of the houses a few yards from the fall site.

The survivor got into an argument with airline staff for being denied boarding after closing time. He was still at the airport waiting to catch another flight when he heard the news and ended up hugging the man with whom he had engaged in a bitter argument an hour earlier. “He was doing his job and he saved my life,” the survivor told a local TV crew.

Meanwhile, Nathalie Cicari, a neighbor of where the plane went down, said she only had time to duck and pray. “It was terrifying. I was having lunch, I heard a very loud noise and very close to me, I thought it was a drone, but much higher.”

“I went out to the balcony and saw the drone swirling around. Within seconds I realized it was not a normal movement for an airplane. It only gave time to duck down and like they do in the movies, pray. That's when I heard the huge noise of the fall,” she added.

Categories: Brazil.

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  • Brasileiro

    They claim the accident occurred due to severe ice. I confess I don't understand.

    Aug 10th, 2024 - 08:26 am 0
  • FortHay

    Not too hard to determine. What were the weather conditions in Cascavel and en route? If it was icing up on the ground, does Cascavel have de-icing equipment. Failure to de-ice, however, would likely cause a crash on takeoff and this flight was well underway and close to its destination. We simply have to wait for results from a competent investigation.
    Meanwhile, may God have mercy on the 61 souls, comfort their families and friends and someone give Mr Assis a lifetime pass for free coffee.

    Aug 10th, 2024 - 11:18 am 0
  • MarkWhelan

    Pilot Pedro Santos, who flew from São Paulo to Ribeirão Preto also on Friday afternoon, said that, after taking off, ice was forecast when they reached heights of 15,000 feet to 25,000 feet and, when he reached these levels, he began to come across an ice formation on the wing. “Depending on the amount of ice that forms on the wing, we need to make an emergency descent to find a positive temperature and generate the melting of that ice. In our case, we managed to free these levels of ice quickly,” the commander told journalist Rodrigo Bocardi on Globonews

    source : g1 Campinas Metropolitan Area

    as an aside the number of dead has increased to 62 I am not sure how one passenger was missed on the list released.
    VOEPASS Linhas Aéreas informs the occurrence of an accident involving flight 2283 - plane PS - VPB, this Tuesday, August 9, in the region of Vinhedo/SP. The aircraft took off from Cascavel/PR bound for Guarulhos Airport, with 58 passengers and 4 crew members on board.

    :same source

    Aug 10th, 2024 - 02:05 pm 0
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