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Maduro disagrees with Lula's idea of repeating elections

Friday, August 16th 2024 - 10:55 UTC
Full article 3 comments
Venezuela's sovereignty must be respected, Maduro insisted Venezuela's sovereignty must be respected, Maduro insisted

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro Thursday rejected his Brazilian colleague Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's suggestion that fresh elections could be held as a way out of the current crisis stemming from the July 28 polls when the National Electoral Council (CNE) announced his victory but the opposition cried “fraud” since no documents were produced to back up that result.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro endorsed Lula's proposal while Mexico's Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he would rather wait for Caracas authorities to find a solution as the three Latin American countries tried to play the role of mediators.

During a press conference, Maduro insisted Lula and the international community should respect Venezuela's sovereignty because Venezuela's problems, “of any kind, are solved by Venezuelans, with their institutions, laws, and Constitution.”

Maduro also recalled former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro also cried “fraud” after losing to Lula and likened Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado's stance to that of the retired Army captain.

Given Petro's position on the matter, Maduro also pointed out that “I will never say 'Colombia, your government should do this' and publish on social networks my advice. No! Every president knows, every state, every country knows what it should do with its internal affairs,” Maduro also argued.

“In the case of Colombia, we have been rebuilding relations with great dedication. I talk to President Petro, we call each other on the phone, in private we talk about many issues as well, but never with Colombia would I practice microphone diplomacy,” Maduro also said in a statement.

“I do not practice microphone diplomacy, I never practice it,” he went on. “If not, one then becomes an advisor to other countries,” he also mentioned.

Petro had asked on X for “new free elections” with “total guarantees to political action” while urging the United States to lift “all economic sanctions” against Venezuela.

In addition, the White House later denied President Joseph Biden had also spoken in favor of fresh elections. The United States “has stunned the world because they are denying the president,” Maduro said. ”President Biden declared in an interventionist manner, on the internal affairs of Venezuela (...) he gives an opinion and half an hour later the State Department spokespersons deny it,“ Maduro said in disbelief. ”I reject, fully and absolutely, that the government of the United States pretends to become the electoral authority of Venezuela!,” he stressed.

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  • bushpilot

    They refuse to release the results because they show Maduro losing.

    If Maduro won, the results would be released.

    If another election were held, Maduro would lose for a second time.

    And it would be even harder in a second election for Maduro and his Chief of Thugs, Diosdado Cabello, to lie about it.

    That is why Maduro is against a second election.

    It is Maduro the dictator and especially his Chief of Thugs, Diosdado Cabello, that are interfering in the internal affairs of Venezuela.

    Aug 16th, 2024 - 01:38 pm +2
  • MarkWhelan

    It's amazing how everyone else is willing to condemn Maduro.
    The election was held.
    Maduro won.
    The eleitoral body in charge has confirmed the result.
    If you have any doubt all you have to do is “Ask the President”.
    What could be simpler?
    Why should he lie?

    Aug 16th, 2024 - 02:15 pm 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Truth is that Nine-fingers loves and supports Maduro...but his reluctance to announce that he believes the election was a fraud, instead of declaring Gonzales the winner of the election, is driving him into a corner, harder and harder to get out of.....he and Celso Amorim are diplomatic dwarfs and clowns on the international political stage.

    He is just looking for excuses, such as new elections, demanding the results of each polling station, postponing his commitment to democracy etc...they are weak and convince no one.

    Despite being a declared communist - months ago, at a political rally attended only by his ignorant followers, he said, “tenho orgulho de ser chamado de comunista” [ “I am proud to be labelled a communist” ] - Nine-fingers can't resist blowing his mouth off about democracy and the rule of law, but his actions show he loathes them, preferring to attempt to pass laws through Congress that curb free-speech, gag the press, that restrict social networks, because they usually (or sometimes) spread something he despises - the truth.

    It's well known that Nine-fingers envies Maduro's hold on the Venezuelan people and wishes he could do the same in Brazil.

    Wouldn't be surprised if Nine-fingers has part of his stolen cash stashed in VZ, reason why he goes easy on his dictator pal.

    Aug 16th, 2024 - 04:56 pm -1
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