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Falklands: Love Penguins, Gypsy Cove and Yorke Bay guidance

Wednesday, August 28th 2024 - 06:39 UTC
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Respect the wardens’ instructions. Wardens have been employed to look after the penguins’ welfare. Photo: Proefdier Respect the wardens’ instructions. Wardens have been employed to look after the penguins’ welfare. Photo: Proefdier

With the upcoming cruise ship season approaching, the Falkland Islands Government Environment Department has been working in partnership with Falkland Islands Tourist Board to create and implement a set of guidelines for operators and tourists visiting the Gypsy Cove and Yorke Bay penguin colonies on cruise ship days.

These guidelines will form part of FITBs license to operate and have been created to minimize disturbance to wildlife at the sites whilst also ensuring a positive experience for visitors. FIG will monitor the adherence to these guidelines over the season.

Further information can be found online by visiting: or please contact the Environment Department on 28449 or

Guidelines for Yorke Bay and Gypsy Cove penguin colonies on cruise ships days

l) Operators, staff and tourists must adhere to the Countryside Code at all times.

2) Stay behind the ropes. Ropes have been put in place to protect penguins from disturbance.

3) Respect the wardens’ instructions. Wardens have been employed to look after the penguins’ welfare.

4) Abide by any bio-security and bird flu protocols that may be in place.

5) Operators should do their best to reduce crowds of people at penguin colonies. Operators can manage this by working together to schedule their transport and visits. FIG will monitor crowds this season and may consider limiting numbers of people at penguin colonies if required.

6) On cruise ship days, all tourists must be accompanied by a guide at penguin colonies:

i) Operators are expected to stay with their customers at the penguin colonies at all times. Guides may either be based at the colonies ready to receive groups or may travel with the customers (i.e., a driver could also be a guide).

ii) The maximum number of tourists per guide is 16 tourists to 1 guide. This is based on the typical number of passengers in one minivan (16 people).

iii) Smaller groups may join together to share the same guide, up to a maximum of 16 tourists to 1 guide.

iv) Guides must keep their group to the marked trails.

v) Guides must be identifiable to wardens either by wearing name tags, company branded clothing, or similar.

7) These rules apply to all tourists accessing the Yorke Bay and Gypsy Cove penguin colonies, whether by vehicle or on foot, including those that walk to Yorke Bay penguin colony via Yorke Bay Beach.

8) Operators are responsible for taking all reasonable steps to ensure that any tourists they bring to the Gypsy Cove/Yorke Bay area adhere to these Guidelines


Categories: Tourism, Falkland Islands.

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