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Milei announces documentary about his path to Casa Rosada

Wednesday, August 28th 2024 - 10:55 UTC
Full article 2 comments
The six-episode production will be broadcast through X The six-episode production will be broadcast through X

Argentine President Javier Milei Tuesday launched a film series on his fast political career to be made available through the social media platform X. The docuseries still has no premiere date and will be directed by Casa Rosada's regisseur Santiago Oría. The production will be titled “From Zero to President. The Phenomenon that Captivates the World.”

“The series is coming,” wrote Milei on X when releasing a trailer of the production under the hashtag #LaSeriedeMilei. Numerous clips of TV interviews and speeches are included. In these passages, Milei portrays himself as a rock star, attacks his opponents, and accuses them of being “impoverishing thieves” or “lefty sons of bitches.” Milei and his acolytes have been unusually active on X since Dec. 10, 2023.

The series will initially feature 6 episodes, approximately 30 minutes long each. An exclusive interview with Presidential Secretary and sister Karina Milei will also be featured, it was explained.

Oria was in charge of the 2021 and 2023 Libertarian campaigns. “It is the most amazing electoral saga in the history of this country, which can serve as an inspiration for freedom warriors all over the world and for generations to come. My contribution to the movement,” the filmmaker said.

In December last year after Milei's victory over Sergio Massa at the runoff, Oria released “Javier Milei, the Liberal Revolution,” a documentary about the 2021 campaign through which the LLA leader was elected a Congressman. In May this year, Oria was appointed Director of Audiovisual Production of the Argentine Presidency by a government claiming to have no money for other purposes such as feeding the needy or subsidizing public transport for workers making roughly AR$ 300,000 a month (less than US$ 300) in a country where the prices of basic needs are above those on average in Europe.

Oria's case was provided for by Decree 444/2024, which explicitly admits it was circumventing Article 14 of the Collective Labor Agreement of the National Public Employment System (SINEP).

Categories: Economy, Politics, Argentina.

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  • jlt

    This should have been put on the back burner until more positive advancements are seen in Argentina. Have we voted in a narcissist?

    Aug 28th, 2024 - 01:47 pm 0
  • imoyaro

    No, just another insane economist. (Note there are many different kinds, Axel Kicillof for example.)

    Aug 29th, 2024 - 08:22 pm 0
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