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Lula sacks Human Rights Minister accused of sexual misconduct

Saturday, September 7th 2024 - 09:59 UTC
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Almeida will be replaced on an interim basis by Public Services Minister Esther Dweck Almeida will be replaced on an interim basis by Public Services Minister Esther Dweck

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Friday sacked Human Rights Minister Silvio Almeida, who was accused of sexual harassment against several women. The PT leader said that no official would remain active in his administration under those circumstances, given the “seriousness of the accusations.”

“The case is being handled with the rigor and speed required in situations of possible violence against women,” a statement from the Planalto Palace read. The document also pointed out that Almeida had been summoned by the Comptroller General of the Union after the case against him was brought forward.

Almeida's alleged crimes took place last year, Me too Brasil said without specifying the names of the victims and any other circumstances citing confidentiality reasons. The organization also admitted that the victims had been facing the usual difficulties in cases involving perpetators “in positions of power”.

The departing official claimed that these allegations sought to taint his reputation and that the case needed to “be investigated with all the rigor of the law, but for that, it is necessary that the facts are exposed to be investigated and processed and not just based on lies without evidence.”

According to local media, Racial Equality Minister Anielle Franco could be among the women targeted by the 48-year-old lawyer and university professor. Me Too Brazil argued that many incidents, including inappropriate physical contact and offensive comments of a sexual tone, had been reported over the last year.

In a posting in Instagram, Almeida also said he had asked Lula to remove him from office. “I asked him to dismiss me in order to grant freedom and impartiality to the investigations, which must be carried out with the necessary rigor and which can support and welcome any and all victims of violence. It will be an opportunity for me to prove my innocence and rebuild myself,” he wrote.

“I absolutely repudiate the lies that are being leveled against me. I repudiate these accusations with the strength of the love and respect I have for my wife and my beloved 1-year-old daughter, in the midst of the struggle I wage on a daily basis in favor of human rights and citizenship in this country,” he added.

Almeida will be replaced on an interim basis by Public Services Minister Esther Dweck, who will handle both offices until a permanent replacement is found.

Categories: Politics, Brazil.

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