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Montevideo, September 17th 2024 - 19:54 UTC



Malvinas, Argentina recalls 60th anniversary of its historic milestone claim over the Falklands before a supportive UN

Thursday, September 12th 2024 - 06:45 UTC
Full article 3 comments
Ambassador Jose Maria Ruda, claimed the Falklands and other South Atlantic Islands before the UN Committee on Decolonization and received full support Ambassador Jose Maria Ruda, claimed the Falklands and other South Atlantic Islands before the UN Committee on Decolonization and received full support

On 9 September, we commemorate the 60th anniversary of Ruda’s Statement, the statement delivered by the then Legal Counselor of the Foreign Ministry, Ambassador José María Ruda, before the UN Special Committee on Decolonization. His address was a historic milestone in the sovereignty dispute over the Malvinas, South Georgias and South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas.

Foreign Minister Mondino highlighted this new anniversary of Ruda’s Statement during her statement of 18 June at the UN Special Committee on Decolonization.

In that context, Mondino recalled that, on 9 September 1964, Ambassador José María Ruda presented to the Committee “Argentina's historical and legal titles in the Malvinas Question and explained its particular and different situation compared to other colonial cases, as it involves the principle of territorial integrity, which was violated through the British occupation of that part of Argentina's territory.”

Mondino further recalled that, “sixty years ago, this very Committee unanimously approved the recommendations that were later adopted by the General Assembly in Resolution 2065 of 16 December 1965. The General Assembly and this Special Committee thus established the path to decolonize the Malvinas Islands: a bilateral negotiation aimed at reaching a peaceful solution to the sovereignty dispute, taking into account the provisions and objectives of the United Nations Charter and resolution 1514, as well as the interests of the inhabitants of the Islands.”

On the occasion of the new anniversary, the Argentine Foreign Ministry reaffirmed its commitment to continue working tirelessly in order to recover the full exercise of Argentina’s sovereignty over the Malvinas, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas.

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  • FitzRoy

    The key word in the original 2065 Resolution was “peaceful”. Most, if not all, of Ruda's deposition has been debunked as false, but Argentina shot herself in the foot when she invaded. Hardly peaceful. And then, to further compound things, she went on to use the local population as human shields, leave thousands of land-mines, abuse her own conscript army and continued, after her surrender, to exacerbate the issue by being belligerent and carry out piracy. When is Mondino going to visit and speak with our government?

    Posted 4 days ago +3
  • Monkeymagic

    Argentine Zit
    The very resolution you masturbate over says any resolution must take into account the interests of the islanders. Your response to an islander is that you have no consideration whatsoever of his interests.

    Perhaps that should show where the bad faith was.

    The islanders choose and they chose the UK

    Posted 6 hours ago +1
  • Argentine_Cityzen

    Fitzroy.. we peaceful for 17 years.. the uk was not negotiating in good faith

    Posted 19 hours ago -2
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