MercoPress, en Español

Montevideo, September 25th 2024 - 15:21 UTC



Argentina to no longer remain neutral, Milei tells UN

Wednesday, September 25th 2024 - 11:56 UTC
Full article 1 comment

Argentine President Javier Milei Tuesday told the United Nations General Assembly in New York that his country would be dropping its traditional neutrality and taking sides in ongoing conflicts. He also said the global organization was seeking to “impose an ideological agenda” instead of “pursuing peace” in the world by allowing “bloody dictatorships” in. Read full article


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  • Falklands-Free

    Does this mean that Argentina will also stop it's own aggression towards a people such as those living on the Falkland Islands. Does it mean removing the sovereignty claim and the current embargo.
    If not than hls pledge is worthless.

    Posted 1 hour ago - Link - Report abuse 0

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