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Argentina to no longer remain neutral, Milei tells UN

Wednesday, September 25th 2024 - 11:56 UTC
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The UN lost “credibility with the citizens of the free world,” Milei said in New York The UN lost “credibility with the citizens of the free world,” Milei said in New York

Argentine President Javier Milei Tuesday told the United Nations General Assembly in New York that his country would be dropping its traditional neutrality and taking sides in ongoing conflicts. He also said the global organization was seeking to “impose an ideological agenda” instead of “pursuing peace” in the world by allowing “bloody dictatorships” in.

“I want to be clear: the 2030 agenda, although well-intentioned in its goals, is nothing more than a supranational government program of a socialist nature that aims to solve the problems of modernity with solutions that attempt to against the sovereignty of nation-states and violate the people's right to life, liberty, and property,” Milei stressed.

“It has been the adoption of this agenda, which obeys privileged interests, the abandonment of the principles outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which distorted the role of this institution and put it on a wrong path,” he added.

“Thus, we have seen how an organization that was born to defend human rights has been one of the main promoters of the violation of freedom, such as with the quarantines during 2020, which should be considered a crime against humanity,” the Libertarian leader went on.

“In this same house, which claims to defend human rights, they have allowed in bloody dictatorships like those of Cuba and Venezuela without the slightest reproach,” Milei also pointed out while criticizing the UN's repeated animosity towards Israel, the only democratic State in the Middle East.

Hence, the UN lost “credibility with the citizens of the free world,” by turning “into a Leviathan with many tentacles that seeks to decide not only what each Nation State should do but also how all citizens of the world should live.”

Milei also warned the UNGA's 79th edition about “what is going to happen” should the organization further promote “the collectivist policies of the 2030 agenda.” In addition, he recalled that he was not a politician but a “libertarian liberal economist ”who ended up as president “in the face of the resounding failure of more than a century of collectivist policies that destroyed our country.”


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