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Montevideo, September 28th 2024 - 12:11 UTC



The Malvinas Question triggers Ladies in Anger

Saturday, September 28th 2024 - 10:46 UTC
Full article 6 comments

The South Atlantic understanding, (and by extension to the Falkland Islands), agreed this week between the Argentine foreign minister and the UK foreign secretary has triggered quite strong reactions, reflecting an atmosphere of disarray in the Argentine political system. Read full article


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  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    It was nothing more than a childish stunt, meaningless , pointless and irrelevant,

    Posted 3 hours ago - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Argentine citizen

    Villarruel's position, and that of almost the entire Peronist wing, is correct. We have nothing to negotiate with the United Kingdom while we have this dispute open.
    Milei's approach to the United States and trying to fix relations with the United Kingdom to find a conclusion is a waste of time and stupid. The United Kingdom negotiates when they have the rope around their neck, and with de facto governments like in the 70s, or when Argentina forcibly recovered the islands, they do not negotiate when they have an advantageous position.

    Making commercial and logistical agreements with the United Kingdom only favors keeping everything as it is.

    Our ally has to be China, it will be the world's first economy. There is no need to make any agreement, we have to let the United Kingdom wear itself out with internal problems, and hopefully external problems with Russia.
    We should keep quiet, we wait 180 years until 1982, and there will be several more windows of opportunity... in this century.

    Posted 3 hours ago - Link - Report abuse 0
  • FitzRoy

    “... Islands are an undeniable part of our territory” - incorrect. Read some history, and not the made up garbage of Ruda and Kohen.

    Posted 3 hours ago - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Juan Cervantes

    Argie Zit, here we go again with your pathetic fantasy of windows of opportunity garbage, if the world is still around in 180 years and mankind hasnt destroyed it with stupidity and greed, the Falklands will be a fully fledged independent nation, technology will have made huge leaps especially the military, you live in an alternate universe, the islands have never been yours and never will be, you have been give the true historical facts time and time again, you say you dont need to negotiate, neither does the Falklanders or the UK, but you do, we can stop all of you from ever visiting the island war graves ever again, that would really pee you off, grow up get an education and get a life. you bore the pants off people.

    Posted 2 hours ago - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Steve Potts

    Only the Falkland Islanders can determine who governs.

    Irrelevant what the Argentinian government says, self-determination applies and is compelling law, as evidenced: (1 pg):

    Posted 1 hour ago - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    Citizen should join the circus, a good place for clowns,

    Posted 1 hour ago - Link - Report abuse 0

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