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Montevideo, September 28th 2024 - 10:23 UTC



The Malvinas Question triggers Ladies in Anger

Saturday, September 28th 2024 - 10:46 UTC
Full article 4 comments
The official picture of last Tuesday meeting between Ms Mondino and David Lammy The official picture of last Tuesday meeting between Ms Mondino and David Lammy
The huge flag displayed at the River Plate/Colo Colo match 
The huge flag displayed at the River Plate/Colo Colo match
Kirchner's party lawmaker Agustina Propato, on crutches with the contentious vest Kirchner's party lawmaker Agustina Propato, on crutches with the contentious vest

The South Atlantic understanding, (and by extension to the Falkland Islands), agreed this week between the Argentine foreign minister and the UK foreign secretary has triggered quite strong reactions, reflecting an atmosphere of disarray in the Argentine political system.

To start with it has been none else that the Argentine vice president and head of the Senate Victoria Villarruel who posted in social media her complete rejection of the above mentioned agreement.

Ms Villarruel is a distinguished outspoken solicitor, daughter of a Malvinas Veteran colonel, --considered a hero in combat and with no apparent charges of human rights abuses or violations committed when the military rules in Argentina--, and has been a close ally of president Milei: they were both elected to Congress as budding lawmakers before becoming four years later the presidential winning ticket last November.

However she is extremely supportive of Argentine claims over the Falklands and repeatedly mentions it, no wonder then her strong stand against the Diana Mondino, David Lammy understanding earlier this week.

She posted an almost aggressive message “do they think we are stupid?” in social media. “Everybody knows what Malvinas represents for me and it is my limit, and forces me to be outspoken. The proposal of an agreement with the UK announced, is contrary to the interest of our Nation.

”It proposes delivering continental logistical support to the occupation and allowing in fact that UK can continue to plunder our seas.

“Why? To be allowed to visit our Islands with a visa and passport? Do they think we are stupid? They obtain material advantages, concrete and immediate, while they offer us crumbs as an emotional consolation and weaken our possibility of negotiations.

”It is unheard of that while the USA is offering us coastguard patrol vessels to protect our Argentine Sea from outer continental pillage, we are proposing to cooperate with the power that has usurped our territory and resources.

“These are not words against our government, nevertheless it is inevitable that I should be outspoken about this agreement since it is an issue that reaches into each fiber of my identity and puts on line the standing interests of our Great Nation. But even as we are friends of everybody, first comes the Motherland.”

It yet has to be seen what the presidential reaction will be, but it is not the first time that president and vice-president disagree. Anyhow another lady of the Milei bunker, foreign minister Diana Mondino who was instrumental in the understanding with UK, and had had to publicly defend it, when it is known she is also an ardent defender of Argentine claims over the Falklands, also found a way of discharging her anger, but against the South American Football association, Conmebol.

In effect this week during a match between Argentine and Chilean clubs, Argentine fans displayed a huge Argentine flag with the Falkland Islands map and the script “Malvinas, Argentine Territory”, plus “We will never forget”.

Conmebol following FIFA instructions said such displays were banned because they are considered “political violence”.

Ms Mondino on social media said “We are surprised at the arbitrary decision of banning the entry of Argentine flags that include the Malvinas it its sport events.

”The Malvinas Islands are an undeniable part of our territory, and the longing and sovereign claim has never been nor will be left aside. It is part of our Constitution. Sports historically have been a space of union and peaceful expression of its peoples' identities. This decision is also an attack on freedom of expression.

”With respect, the symbols which represent any game supporter should be allowed to be exhibited. I call particularly on Mr. Tapia, who as vice-president of Conmebol endorsed this decision. (Mr. Tapia happens to be the Argentine Football Representative in the South American organization board).

“We request an urgent review of this situation. Malvinas are, have been and will be forever Argentine”.

Most probably this message has been tolerated by Milei, since he also claims strongly the Falklands, 'in a long term diplomatic running process'.- Anyhow a Mondino team member, most probably the Argentine ambassador before the UN Ricardo Logorio could be sacked for some unkind comments on the boss Milei and his foreign policy plus the fact his performance in the last C24 meeting was considered disastrous.

Finally there was a contentious incident in the Argentine congress when the formation of an all parties group of lawmakers considered Friends of UK, which included Agustina Propato, a young lawmaker who under her blouse was wearing a vest with the Argentine flag in the background and a map of Falklands, saying “Malvinas are Argentine”.

When the moment of the protocol picture with special guest, UK Ambassador Kirsty Hayes as part of the event, Ms Propato was requested to change the vest, which she refused. This despite the fact ambassador Hayes said she would not be part of any picture while this was the case. Colleagues begged the lawmaker to desist of her unnecessary almost childish situation but to no avail. Ambassador left the chamber.

 The Kirchnerite lawmaker later posted that “they are asking me to take off this vest, when we all Argentines carry one of this next to our hearts, Malvinas are Argentine”


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  • Esteban Domingo Fernandez

    It was nothing more than a childish stunt, meaningless , pointless and irrelevant,

    Posted 1 hour ago 0
  • Argentine citizen

    Villarruel's position, and that of almost the entire Peronist wing, is correct. We have nothing to negotiate with the United Kingdom while we have this dispute open.
    Milei's approach to the United States and trying to fix relations with the United Kingdom to find a conclusion is a waste of time and stupid. The United Kingdom negotiates when they have the rope around their neck, and with de facto governments like in the 70s, or when Argentina forcibly recovered the islands, they do not negotiate when they have an advantageous position.

    Making commercial and logistical agreements with the United Kingdom only favors keeping everything as it is.

    Our ally has to be China, it will be the world's first economy. There is no need to make any agreement, we have to let the United Kingdom wear itself out with internal problems, and hopefully external problems with Russia.
    We should keep quiet, we wait 180 years until 1982, and there will be several more windows of opportunity... in this century.

    Posted 1 hour ago 0
  • FitzRoy

    “... Islands are an undeniable part of our territory” - incorrect. Read some history, and not the made up garbage of Ruda and Kohen.

    Posted 1 hour ago 0
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