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Milei launches LLA nationwide with 2025 elections in sight

Monday, September 30th 2024 - 09:58 UTC
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“We are the best government in Argentine history,” Milei also claimed “We are the best government in Argentine history,” Milei also claimed

Argentine President Javier Milei launched his political party La Libertad Avanza (LLA) as a nationwide force ahead of next year's mid-term elections during an event at the Parque Lezama amphitheater in Buenos Aires before scores of would-be followers bussed to the site, Kirchnerism style.

Also speaking at the event was Presidential Secretary and sister Karina Milei, who is expected to run for Parliament. “Javier needs us today more than ever,” Karina Milei underlined as she launched her quest to “fill Congress with deputies and senators and vote the laws that the country needs.”

Also supporting Milei were Cabinet Chief Guillermo Francos and Ministers Luis Toto Caputo (Economy), Patricia Bullrich (Security), and Luis Petri (Defense), as well as Lower House Speaker Martín Menem.

Skipping the event, though, was Vice President Victoria Villarruel, who argued that she remains affiliated with the Democratic Party (Partido Demócrata). She has also voiced her discrepancies with Milei's policies in various regards, particularly the Falklands/Malvinas question.

The head of state once again chose to criticize journalists and opposition leaders while highlighting what he believed to be his administration's achievements.

Milei thanked his followers “in flesh and blood” who were not paid for their support as “corrupt journalists” who “show you reality” through “the monopoly of the microphones” are.

The president also praised Caputo, “who made the biggest adjustment in the history of mankind, cheered by the whole crowd. Long live freedom, damn it! Long live Toto!.”

In addition, ”the kukas (pejorative for Kirchnerites) never cared about the truth; they always cared about the story, that is why they said that poverty was stigmatizing and stopped measuring it. And then they come to talk about poverty, a bunch of delinquents, thieves, liars!“ Milei insisted before praising the work of Bullrich and Petri, who would thus drift away from Mauricio Macri's political umbrella to stand by Milei.

While pledging that ”the new traitors will also be swallowed by the earth,“ Milei particularly underscored Bullrich's anti-picket protocol through which ”no more street blockades“ were recorded during protests. The president also highlighted the Congressional approval of ”the DNA registry for rapists, against the Kirchnerists and all the left.“

According to Milei, current government allowances for the needy cover 100% of their basic food basket ”when the government that loved the poor so much, only covered 50%... They love the poor so much that the only thing they do is multiply them.“

”I want to tell something to all these impoverishing hypocritical sappy people: poverty in the second quarter of the year was 51%; therefore, poverty has started to fall in Argentina,“ Milei also argued while claiming that it has been four months in a row where ”wages have been clearly beating inflation“ and therefore ”poverty will continue to fall.“

”When they left, the minimum retirement pension was 80 dollars; today it is 240 dollars. It tripled in hard currency, not in painted paper pesos issued by a government of thieves,“ went on the head of state who failed to admit that fewer goods can be purchased now than back then.

In short, ”we are the best government in Argentine history,“ Milei also claimed.

Regarding LLA's future as a political force, Milei explained that he had entrusted ”my sister, the true Chief, to raise and carry the torch of freedom, creating La Libertad Avanza throughout the country“ so that ”in 2025 we are going to have an electoral blast.”


Categories: Politics, Argentina.

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