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Montevideo, September 18th 2024 - 14:16 UTC

Stories for September 2024

  • Friday, September 6th 2024 - 10:29 UTC

    Falklands to attend Lib-Dem, Labour and Conservative parties conventions

    The FIG delegation includes MLAs Leona Roberts and Mark Pollard, alongside FIGO London Representative, Richard Hyslop and Deputy Michael Betts.

    A delegation from the Falkland Islands Government will be attending the Labour and Conservative Party Conferences this year, while it will also be holding the first ever fringe meeting at the Liberal Democrat Conference in Brighton with a conference titled, “Falkland Islands: Self determination in the 21st century”.

  • Friday, September 6th 2024 - 10:22 UTC

    Machado urges US to recognize González Urrutia as as President-elect of Venezuela

    “We need to move forward,” Machado argued

    Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado insisted Thursday that the United States should recognize Edmundo González Urrutia as the legitimate winner of the July 28 elections at which the incumbent Nicolás Maduro claims to have prevailed despite producing no evidence to support these allegations other than a declaration from the pro-Government National Electoral Council (CNE) and a ruling validating it from the subservient electoral branch of the Supreme Court (TSJ).

  • Friday, September 6th 2024 - 10:18 UTC

    Increasing number of Covid-19 cases reported in Brazil

    Cases of respiratory virus account for over half the casualties under epidemiological study, Fiocruz's bulletin found

    A health report issued Thursday by the Rio de Janeiro-based Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) noted that the number of Covid-19 infections in South America's largest country was on the rise, Agencia Brasil reported.

  • Friday, September 6th 2024 - 09:36 UTC

    Falklands plans to create a consultation Maritime Committee seeking advice from the sector

    MLA Ford said stakeholders might consist of...“the Falkland Islands Fisheries Committee, South American Atlantic Service Ltd,

    The Falkland Islands Government Committee system will have a new addition and that is the Maritime committee, and is forecasted to function broadly along the lines of the fisheries committee has been confirmed.

  • Thursday, September 5th 2024 - 14:35 UTC

    Uruguay welcomes Argentina's support to Mercosur countries negotiating solo if necessary

    “It is always better to go all together,” said Paganini. But if that is not possible, negotiations should be undertaken “individually or with the countries that can,” he added

    The Uruguayan Government of President Luis Lacalle Pou has found in Javier Milei's Argentina the partner it longed for within the Southern Common Market to clear the way for individual members of the bloc to seek unilateral trade alliances with other countries or regional alliances. In this scenario, Foreign Minister Omar Paganini Wednesday welcomed Buenos Aires' endorsement to make Mercosur more flexible.

  • Thursday, September 5th 2024 - 13:48 UTC

    French rugby players involved in rape case in Mendoza fly back home

    Araudou and Jégou boarded an Air France flight from Buenos Aires' Ezeiza Airport to Paris Charles De Gaulle

    French international rugbiers Hugo Araudou and Oscar Jégou boarded an Air France regular flight to Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport Wednesday after facing the consequences of a criminal complaint against both of them filed by a 39-year-old woman in the Argentine city of Mendoza, who claimed she had been sexually abused during an encounter at their hotel following a match between La Bleu and The Pumas.

  • Thursday, September 5th 2024 - 10:45 UTC

    Argentina, only country in the region with a contracting economy

    More and more Argentines keep falling daily into poverty or indigence

    Less than a year into the government of Libertarian President Javier Milei, Argentina will be the only country in the region with negative growth in 2024, according to projections by the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), ECLAC, and BBVA, which forecast a 3.2% contraction of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in South America's second-largest economy.

  • Thursday, September 5th 2024 - 09:59 UTC

    Brazilian police and IDB sign cooperation agreement

    Rodrigues highlighted the importance of cooperation among police forces in the Americas

    Brazil's Federal Police Director General Andrei Rodrigues and the Inter-American Development Bank's (IDB) representative in South America's largest country Morgan Doyle Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding to join forces in the fight against organized crime as well as actions against the environment in the Amazon Basin. The ceremony took place during the XIV Ordinary Ameripol Summit in Foz do Iguaçu, bordering Paraguay and Argentina.

  • Thursday, September 5th 2024 - 09:09 UTC

    Santiago de Chile to expand fleet of electric buses

    Santiago de Chile continues to position itself at the forefront of urban public transport mobility, said Minister Muñoz

    Chilean authorities are leading the region's transition towards environmentally friendly public transport networks by planning to replace some 214 diesel buses serving the Santiago Metropolitan area with electricity-powered ones in the short run, it was announced.

  • Thursday, September 5th 2024 - 08:05 UTC

    Brazil posts GDP growth above expectations in 2Q of 2024

    The IBGE also reported a 1.4% increase in exports of goods and services in the second quarter of 2024

    According to a report from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released this week, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in South America's largest country grew 1.4% in the second quarter of 2024 from the year's first trimester, far exceeding expectations, Agencia Brasil reported. The country’s total wealth amounts to R$ 2.9 trillion (nearly US$ 514 billion). The GDP represents the sum of all wealth produced in the country.