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Montevideo, October 4th 2024 - 13:18 UTC



Arrest warrant against Evo Morales issued and repealed

Friday, October 4th 2024 - 09:41 UTC
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Morales is said to have been involved in a rape and human trafficking case with a 15-year-old girl back in 20016 when he was still president Morales is said to have been involved in a rape and human trafficking case with a 15-year-old girl back in 20016 when he was still president

Bolivia's Judiciary issued an arrest warrant against former President Evo Morales in connection with a human trafficking case involving a minor but the measure was halted later, despite which the indigenous leader claimed he felt persecuted and threatened.

“I am not surprised or worried. All the neoliberal governments, including the current one, threatened me, persecuted me, imprisoned me, [and] tried to kill me. I am not afraid! They will not silence me!” Morales wrote on X.

Tarija Prosecutor Sandra Gutiérrez announced she had launched an investigation against Morales based on a complaint filed last week after a police intelligence report. Gutiérrez, who has now been dismissed, had requested Morales' detention on Sept. 26. The Socialist leader was said to have been involved in a rape and human trafficking affair with a 15-year-old girl back in 2016 when he was still Bolivia's head of state. However, a Santa Cruz judge granted an appeal filed by Morales' legal team and turned down the arrest warrant against him.

Gutiérrez claims Attorney General Juan Lanchipa was behind her dismissal. ”I have not resigned, but I received the memorandum of thanks and it is signed (...) by Mr. Lanchipa,“ she told reporters. Lanchipa argued that he dismissed Gutiérrez for ”negligent conduct“ but noted that ”at no time did he give any instruction“ to freeze the inquiry targeting Morales.

In this scenario, President Luis Arce Catacora asked for the probe into Morales' conduct to be kept confidential given that it involved a minor. Arce also expressed his concern that the case could be used for political gain.

”Children are not to be touched, that is our position,“ Arce stressed. He also pointed out that his government's priority was the protection of minors. ”This is a delicate issue. The national government will never use a case as sensitive as this one for political purposes. We are going to request that the case be declared in reserve to guarantee the protection of the minor and her family,” he added.

Categories: Politics, Latin America.

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