MercoPress, en Español

Montevideo, October 18th 2024 - 12:19 UTC



Avian influenza in Falklands, access restrictions at Volunteer Point, Cow Bay and Lively Island

Friday, October 18th 2024 - 09:18 UTC
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As of Tuesday October 15 there were around 20 to 50 dead birds at each location As of Tuesday October 15 there were around 20 to 50 dead birds at each location

The Director of the Falklands Natural Resources Department, Dr. Andrea Clausen has given an update on avian influenza cases registered at Volunteer Point, Cow Bay and Lively Island.

As of Tuesday October 15 there were around 20 to 50 dead birds at each location. Level 2 - 3 restrictions have been put in place and the locations have been declared infected places.

This means that there is increased bio-security in these areas and some restrictions on movements for people and domestic poultry.

For the areas known as Useless Waters/Arch Rocks on Lively Island and at Cow Bay near Volunteer Point there is a restriction on entering the infected place unless you are resident there or have permission from the Director of Natural Resources.

Currently people are still allowed to visit Volunteer Point but at Volunteer Green there is a restriction in place that you must stay 10 meters away from dead or sick bird

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